New Film Release! The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs EPISODE 3 The New Age of the Sorcerers: UFOs, MK Ultra and the Cold War Matthew Ehret Oct 09, 2024

In this third episode of 'The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs' we reveal the architects behind a new world religion premised around alien deities, psychoactive drugs and psychological warfare. The human-made origins of UFOs are examined with a look towards German and Italian flying saucer programs absorbed into the Anglo-American 'secret science' program after World War 2. Additionally, the work of Allan Dulles, Carl Jung, Laurence Rockefeller and other leading sorcerers of this war on the minds of the world population will be exposed in ways that will shock and surprise you.




509,640 views May 27, 2024 #freemovies #FilmIsNow For centuries, humans worldwide have been subjected to mysterious biological examinations, surgical implantation, and genetic manipulation by unknown entities. Unveil the centuries-old mystery of alien abduction. Hear firsthand accounts from abductees, as experts delve into this baffling phenomenon [ AND MORE ABOUT DEALS MADE BY US GOVERNMENT AND SO CALLED ALIENS, AND THE COVERUP OF ALIEN TECHNOLOGY.]

IMPORTANT/SOURCES - Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology [RE: lab shopkeepers notebook] Computer company chief Jack Shulman argues that the transistor could never have been invented so suddenly at AT&T in late 1947 without input from top secret Government projects, that some have identified to him as being from alien spacecraft. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 4 (June-July 1999). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 From our web page at: Edited from a lecture given by Jack Shulman President American Computer Company at the Global Sciences Congress Florida, USA, 11&endash;17 March 1999 (Audiotape transcribed by Ruth Parnell)

Additional sources:

Twentieth Century Patented Tech The Result Of The Roswell Crash?

Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology Jack Shulman, Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 4 (June-July 1999) Summary: Computer company chief Jack Shulman argues that the transistor could never have been invented so suddenly at AT&T in late 1947 without input from top secret Government projects, that some have identified to him as being from alien spacecraft. Edited from a lecture given by Jack Shulman, President American Computer Company at the Global Sciences Congress Florida, USA, 11-17 March 1999

Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology-pdf 14 pgs

From Bell Labs to Silicon Valley: A Saga of Semiconductor Technology Transfer, 1955-61*-pdf-6 pgs



Human Cattle Mutilation: The Grim And Chilling Claims with videos


Cattle and Animal Mutilations

Wales A Recent Hot-Spot For Animal Mutilations

“Human Cattle” Mutilations

The Guarapiranga Reservoir Man And Abel Boro

Secret Thatcher/Reagan “Cover-Up” Program?


First Published: March 1, 2017 Last updated: February 7th, 2019 Written by: Marcus Lowth Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes Posted in: Aliens 2 comments

Most of us have heard of cattle mutilations – perhaps even seen disturbing pictures of such incidents. While most can put these incidents out of their minds as simply “something strange that happens”, if it came to the discovery of a person with such precise mutilations, surely the response would be very different.

There are numerous discoveries of people who bear remarkably similar injuries to those found on cattle. All horrific in their own right, they are largely treated as single cases. What’s more, despite the seemingly overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest purposeful medical-type procedures, many still insist that these injuries are merely the result of decomposition and natural decay.s

Some researchers claim that these types of mutilations happen all the time. And furthermore, governments around the world actively cover them up. Before we look at some of those apparently sinister cases, what of cattle mutilation itself? Incidents occur around the world and the vast majority of cases are still unanswered.

As a background to this, however, check out the short video below, an interview with John Leer. He makes quite some remarkable statements. Some of which mirror what we mention in our article on Eisenhower’s apparent meeting with aliens back in the 1950s.

[*Cavet- Lear, according to many credible researchers is a disinformation agent. There are not 18 species of aliens. There is only one and they are all fallen angels, some are disguised as reptillians, humans etc., although the greys may be some biological rots creations by said fallen agenls.Sol-war]



Cattle and Animal Mutilations

Cattle mutilations have happened for years. Even as far back as late the nineteenth century. In the 1970s however, a surge in reported incidents occurred – particularly in America. Over the decades that followed, regular reports of such mutilations come in from all over the world.

While the phenomenon has never completely vanished from the news, it appeared that they had slowed somewhat. Over the last quarter of a century, however, this has not been the case. In fact, if anything, they seem to be happening more and more often.

In 1990 in Vancouver, Canada, residents were subject to an entire summer of strange events. Strange noises dominated the skies throughout the area – machine-like, but not what the residents would usually hear. One resident even reported seeing a “little man” running in a field at the side of the road. In his hand, he carried a strange device similar to a torch.

Even more disturbing were the animals and cattle discovered with eyes, ears, and tongue cleanly removed. One particular ranger, Richard Fazio, had five of his dead cattle analyzed by Oregon State University. Their results indicated the injuries were the result of exposure to an intense heat source. The wounds bore similarities to electrosurgical procedures.

In perhaps one of the strangest reports, Alex Peterson discovered one cow with its head “wedged” in the ground. Indications were that it had fallen from a great height. Tom Miller’s ranch in Colorado claims their cattle and livestock are regularly victims of mutilation and have been since 1999. Kit Metzger, of the Flying M Ranch in Arizona, has similar claims and states finding mutilated cattle since the 1970s.

Wales A Recent Hot-Spot For Animal Mutilations

These types of mutilations are not at all limited to the North American continent, however. And what’s more, some investigators in the United Kingdom believe their research reveals what is responsible.

According to the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU), there is no doubt whatsoever, that extra-terrestrials are responsible for the mutilations. This is particularly the case for the ones that have plagued Wales for some time. In our article on the Broad Haven School UFO incident, we looked at the increased UFO activity in the area. This is also true of cattle mutilation in the region, which is a “hot-spot” for such grim finds.

Investigator Phil Hoyle, who has spent decades on such claims, dismisses theories that these mutilations are part of satanic rituals. He asserts that the injuries are so sophisticated that it suggests alien or military involvement or both.

During a six-month period between 2011 and 2012, several prominent show horses suffered severe mutilations. surfaced from all around the United Kingdom. Theories ranging from satanic rituals to top secret government testing arose.

In Shrewsbury, a year previously in 2010, farmers even reported that they were witness to the attacks on their sheep. Strange objects would hover over their animals, sending a laser down to them below. In a particularly active period of mutilations, many reports of “strange orange lights” in the sky surfaced. One of these incidents took place in front of a team of investigators, whose report described the encounter as something akin to a “Star Wars battle!”

“Human Cattle” Mutilations

The already chilling and bizarre episode known as The Dyatlov Pass incident even had elements of precise mutilations on several of the victims. Samples of the mouth, cheek, and tongue were cleanly taken, while their bodies appeared in a strange mode of preservation.

The Jonathan Lovette Incident Jonathan Lovette&pg=PA49#v=onepage&q&f=false is one of the most bizarre on record. While on a “search and retrieve” mission in New Mexico in March 1956, Sergeant Jonathan Lovette and Major William Cunningham seemingly ran into something other than the missile debris they were searching for.

Cunningham had returned to the US Army base wild with fright and with a tale even wilder. Lovette was dead. He had gone to investigate a sand dune in the New Mexico desert, vanishing for a moment from his sight. It was then he heard the screams.

Rushing over to the dune, Cunningham stated a huge silver disc hovered over Lovette. Now caught in the grip of a “snake-like” creature, it dragged the young sergeant on board the airborne vehicle. Before Cunningham could act, the creature had achieved its aim, and both Lovette and the craft vanished.

Most fully expected Cunningham to face murder charges, and he most probably would have. If it hadn’t have been for the eventual discovery of Lovette’s body that is. It contained a vast array of injuries and wounds, including the removal of the eyes, ears, and tongue. Every drop of blood had also been removed from the carcass.

The short video below looks at The Dyatlov Pass incident, perhaps one of the first human mutilation cases on record.

VIDEO: Unsolved Mysteries – The Dyatlov Pass Incident


The Guarapiranga Reservoir Man And Abel Boro

In 1988 at the Guarapiranga Reservoir in Brazil, came the grim discovery of an unknown man. He had injuries that were almost identical in nature to those found on mutilated cattle. Initial autopsy results indicated that he had been dead for several days. However, there were little, if any, signs of decomposition to the body.

The Guarapiranga Reservoir Man photo.

The injuries were horrific as they were precise. His corpse was completely drained of blood, while his entire body bore purposeful removal of skin samples. On top of this, his tongue was neatly removed, as were his eyes and ears.

Still, to this day the man’s identity is unknown, and the case is one of the most brutal on record.

Seven years earlier in 1981, also in Brazil in the area of Panorama, a similar incident occurred. On this occasion, there was no doubt, at least according to the witness, of a connection to strange UFO sightings. The whole area was awash with reports of strange objects in the skies. Locals would refer to these strange aerial sightings as “Chupas” – Boro UFO death&f=false who would search the ground below with strange searchlights.

Abel Boro would witness one of these crafts close up. Unfortunately for him, it was the last thing he would see. Along with his friend, Rivamar Ferreira, they noticed a spinning circular object above them. In a matter of seconds, it zeroed in on Boro and ejected a bright light that washed over his body. By the time Ferreira had returned with help, Boro was dead. His body was devoid of every last drop of blood.

The short video below features Butch Witkowski speaking about just some of the other suspected human mutilation cases on record.

VIDEO: Butch Witkowski Lectures on UFO related Human Mutilation…


Secret Thatcher/Reagan “Cover-Up” Program?

While the aforementioned cases are all horrific in equal measure, they are generally regarded as “one-off” and very strange encounters. Some, however, claim that these are just the tip of the iceberg. And that this is happening all over the planet with everyday people.

Rumors of a human mutilation cover-up have swirled in the UFO community for some time. In the mid-1990s, reporter Derrick Gough came in possession of documents and information via an anonymous UK military source who worked on secret projects for NATO and the US military.

Essentially, governments were covering up these human mutilation cases. The source was part of a top-secret unit alert to UFO visitations. They would ensure that the area was “protected” during their brief stay. It was then their job, wherever possible, to recover any human corpses, and hand them over to the US military. Officially, the dead people “recovered” would remain on record as missing.

This response team, according to the source, came into being through Thatcher’s government in response to Ronald Reagan’s request. They were on constant “call” and reachable at all times. Helicopters were always on stand-by to take the unit wherever required. What’s more, the people that gave the unit their orders, not only had ahead knowledge of UFO activity, but of such activity that would result in animal or human mutilations.


Gough attempted to pass this information on to the police – including several photographs of such mutilated corpses. They removed the pictures from his possession although for his own safety had made copies of them.

Shortly after, he received several threatening phone calls regarding the claims he was making. He also suffered a strange fire to the office at his property. Now frightened for his safety, Gough passed what he had left of the documents and information on to retired police officer and UFO researcher, Tony Dodd.

Dodd made contact with the source. Their conversations resulted in the book “Alien Investigations” in 1999.

Another researcher, Richard Hall, has also conducted extensive research into this subject. During this, he has verified that Gough, and in turn, Dodd’s source was very real. In short, as strange and chilling as the claims are, they appear to have more truth in them than most would want to believe.

As well as regular activity at the Brecon Beacons in Wales, regular grim discoveries occur in Dalby Forest in Yorkshire. We have written before about how the Yorkshire Moors are a UFO hotspot of sorts. However these mutilations, according to the research so far, are happening everywhere.

The two videos below look at these allegations in more detail. The first video is an in-depth look at Richard Hall’s investigations into human mutilations. The second is a talk given by Hall on the subject. Make of them what you will.

VIDEO: UFOs and NATO The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014 Richard D Hall


VIDEO: Animal Mutilation & The Government Cover Up


To read all:

10 Reasons Why Aliens Are Actually Fallen Angels or Demons- Spiritual Warfare – Revelation of a New Age Deception- The Fallen Angels/Aliens Have ARRIVED (2018) and more

* Spiritual Warfare – Revelation of a New Age Deception ************

20- ET-UFO-Aliens are Fallen Angels

Today, we see a massive proliferation of UFO sightings, images of little grey aliens, mysterious crop circles, cattle mutilations, alien abductions and shape shifting reptilians stories. Hollywood movies, television, radio, the internet and the printed media are full of stories of paranormal occurrences. The UFO- Aliens disclosure is a mass conditioning and a great deception at work designed to usher the end time plan. This is designed to prepare humanity to accept the anti-christ as god and savior and rally behind him into a brave new world order.

The deception is twofold and there is a purposeful growing confusion between the good aliens and the bad aliens. On one hand a fake invasion of aliens or an artificial threat of some kind from outer space may be staged to bring nations together to repel the invaders and promote the new world order, a tyrannical one-world government and a one world religion.

On the other hand we are led to believe these “extraterrestrials” are “benevolent space brothers” coming from a more highly-evolved civilization, another world, another star system to save and enlighten mankind. The message given is one of impending disaster and a need for all of humanity to unite and help us realize that all are One and all part of God. The “aliens” claim to be preparing the earth for a massive evolutionary leap of consciousness, a paradigm shift. Many even claim these aliens to be the ancient progenitors of the human race. They are supposed to be our “creator gods” our forefathers who created us and are returning to help us restore peace and goodwill on earth.

A shift is coming indeed but the reality of what is being prepared is a massive collective delusion that will further enslave and darken the Spirit of mankind.

These aliens beings are not from another galaxy nor are they from the inner core of the earth but they are inter dimensional. They are fallen angels living in a parallel non-physical dimension belonging to the earth. They have the same extraordinary abilities as do all angels created by God.

This invisible realm call Second Heaven or the 4th dimension controls everyone and everything in the physical realm unless of course you are a believer and follower of the Most High. If you belong to Jesus you do not fall under this jurisdiction for in the name of Jesus we have power over Satan and all his armies of the demonic and fallen realm.

The book of Genesis tells the story of God casting out 1/3 of his angels from heaven to earth for following Lucifer in his rebellion. Lucifer is the Prince of the power of the air as written in Ephesians 2:2. The air is the dwelling of the second Heaven, a dimension parallel invisible to the earth. The fallen hosts of Heaven are living on a dimension that is intimately connected with the earth.

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon;(Lucifer) and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:7

“he was cast out into the earth” this passage of the verse is revealing that the “air” is indeed part of the earth. It is like in a way the “suburb of the planet” inhabited by Lucifer and his legions of fallen angels. It is a dark spiritual realm used as “ control command headquarters” from which humanity is being deceived and manipulated.

The qualities of God’s angels of light are shared by their rebellious counterparts. Since God’s angels manifest in miraculous ways, it is no surprise that the angels who “do their own thing” manifest in miraculous ways as well. Most people fail to realize the distinction between God’s angelic messengers and the deceptive manifestations of fallen angels. The new age portray all angels as light beings.

Angels of God and fallen angels alike are supernatural beings, more intelligent and powerful than mere humans. Genesis relates how angels were made on the first day of creation, and are called the hosts of heaven. God has made man lower than the angels. Psalms 8:5 says;” You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

These rebel angels can take on any form they please and can physically imitate anything , appearing as angels of light, horrifying monster, grey aliens beings, pleidians, reptilians, men in black, flying saucers, light orbs moving across the sky at great speed, the virgin Mary, ascended masters, Jesus/Sananda, enlightened alien space brothers, ghosts, spirit guides and yes humans as well.

Fallen angels and demons are different spiritual entities although they have some similarities, both are evil entities that work to deceive people. Demons are disembodied human spirits, they do not have the ability to manifest in human form. Because of their desire to experience physical reality, they have the need to possess a physical body.

Demons do not have the freedom of movement and the power of manipulation of the physical realm. They cannot manifest and appear as ET-aliens-UFO or maintain a human forms as fallen angels do. Jesus gave us the power to cast out demons in His name but the spiritual warfare against fallen angels is not the same. We see in Jude 1:8-9 even Michael the archangel did not cast Lucifer the devil out but ask the Lord to rebuke him. Also in 2 Peter 2:10-11 we are told : Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.”

And Jesus himself gave us an example of resisting Satan, a fallen angel, by using scripture in Matt 4 and Luke 4.

It is easy to see how these deceptive rebellious angels are being worshipped as gods. These apparitions are by our human standard miraculous occurrences. The only way these dark beings may have power over us is because of our ignorance of God’s Word. We have been given dominion over the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

The Luciferian philosophy teaches that man through the use of the intellect, technology and science will become God. Lucifer in his attempt to raise himself as the godhead of this world has corrupted the knowledge of the physical science of God’s creation for the purpose of being worshiped as Christ Messiah. Because of the angel’s higher order in creation, they know the blue print of material creation which they use to manipulate matter and thereby create advance technologies.

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thes 2:9

These fallen beings are indeed technological advanced far beyond humankind. They have infiltrated and perverted the soul of our leadership in the world governments. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

The technology we use today is stone age technology for the elite. For example there are evidence that back in 1930 the military industrial complex was already using cell phone. These advanced technologies includes anti-gravity space craft and generators, electromagnetic propulsion systems and weapons as well as secret space program, teleportation, time travel, mind control methods, microwave weapons including ELF (extreme low frequency) just to name a few. These advanced technologies are revealed to the elite to be used to control and enslave humans and force them to accept the United Nations agenda of a New World Messiah.

The antichrist will appear on the world scene using sophisticated devises and thereby appear to have supernatural powers displaying mighty signs and lying wonders.

The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate insiders is revealing that UFOs are indeed real physical space crafts , and they are built by the elite in secret underground bases. The technology behind the anti-gravity space crafts as revealed by the fallen angels is highly advance and unknown to the public. It will be used to simulate a hoax ET appearing events to sow fear, panic and chaos that will usher the NWO.

Our militaries have had the technology to build UFOs for the past 60 years and these space crafts are being seen in the sky, videotaped and witnessed by an ever increasing number of people. Other sightings of “flying saucers” are holographic images of space crafts, they are not real. NASA has developed a series of three stationary satellites with advanced laser technology that enable them to project holographic images onto the earth’s surface from outer space.

This holographic technology is also able to make use of the skies as a movie screen as space-based laser-generating satellites project images on the sodium layer of the atmosphere at about 60 miles above the earth. Chemtrails serve many nefarious purposes, one of which is to prepare the screen in the upper atmosphere using crystals composed of barium and strontium so that 3D holograms images are projected including light and sound onto the sky or the earth.

Project Blue Beam is a top secret weapons project undertaken by the D.O.D. (Department of Defence) to project and display a laser created holographic image of a deity, prophet, messiah, enlightened teacher, alien spacecraft, or even a devil over a population or enemy soldiers on the battle field and dazzle or strike fear in them and psychologically force them into submission.

Also a V.L.F. (very low frequency) radio signal can be broadcast simultaneously projecting a 3D (three dimensional) audible wave to the air surrounding the people in the signal broadcast area. This signal would vibrate the air molecules around a person allowing them to hear the voice all around them outside and inside. It is so powerful you could be in a building or a vehicle moving and still hear the broadcast because the air will be vibrating with the signal wave.

If this submission technique does not work, they also have the technological ability to project a EMF (electromagnetic frequency) wave to cause psychological and physical effects on the troops or a population creating disorientation, fatigue, loss of bowel control, nausea, hallucinations, insomnia, and deep depression.

They are able to project an overwhelming attack to force people into submission using illusory holograms of massive alien armies fleets or legions of devils and angels. Microwave emitters on drone aircraft can inflict non-lethal physically painful blows to troops and people. There is even evidence that HAARP (High Auroral Atmospheric Research Project) in Alaska could be implemented using powerful highly directed microwave radio signals to upset geological fault lines and create earthquakes in the warfare zone.

The technology displayed in science fiction movies is an indication of the extraordinary warfare abilities the elite is capable of unleashing on human population. There is also available to them beneficial technologies hidden to the mass such as cures for cancer and many other so call “ incurable diseases”, devises to harness free energy out of thin air, car that run on compressed air or water using hydrogen and oxygen. All of these non violent, non polluting beneficial technologies have been systematically suppress from public knowledge and use. It is obvious their agenda is not the welfare of mankind but its destruction.

Of course many skeptics will dismiss all of this as “conspiracy theory” but everyday we see in the news confirmation of what use to be a “conspiracy theory” becoming reality and proven facts.

Fallen angels created chemtrails, GMO foods, aid virus, deadly vaccines, human microchip implant, weather modification weapons (HAARP), etc. Their technology led to the splitting of the atom with the creation of nuclear energy and aberrations such as the Philadelphia Experiment.

They are the rulers and they live by exploiting humans and feeding off the energy of fear they are generating. Their goals is to reduce as much as possible the human population of the planet. Their whole purpose is to keep people away from the truth and to keep them chasing after false idols, prophets, and religions so they aren’t worshipping the One True God or accepting His Redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ.

They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish. Jeremiah 10:11-15

Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. Jeremiah 10:11

Fallen angels and their human puppet servants are cruel liars thieves and murderers. Unlike most humans who have scruples, they think they will get away with their iniquities forever, for they believe they are gods. They steal the wealth out of people via taxes and by printing money and charging interest which is usury. This unlawful corrupted banking system allows them to carry on their business which is endless invasion, war, imposing pain suffering and misery as history so clearly demonstrates. The IMF and World Bank destroy poorer nations, making the few rich people richer and the poor people more desperately poor. Even the middle class of the wealthy nations now are being impoverished and are loosing their relative financial security rapidly becoming citizen of the third world. The money extracted from the mass is used to finance the development of secret weapons and technologies, vast complex underground military bases and underground cities all over the world.

Our victory is in the Lord. God will squash Lucifer’s second rebellion and end his global reign on earth. Lucifer’s facade of playing God on earth will be over and all those who followed him will be destroyed. “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”2 Peter 2:4:

behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. Isaiah 26:21

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high [ the rebel angelic hosts] , and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. Isaiah 24:21

If rebel angels can imitate Godly miracles and take on supernatural forms, how can one tell if angels are of God or rebellious?

Angels of the Most High do not manifest themselves as aliens posing as benefactors that come to help mankind. They have no personal agenda. They are Holy and carry the presence of God. They declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the Messiah.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8-9:

Every angel, no matter how beautiful and grandiose he may look, has to be able to pass the test of Holiness. It requires great discernment to be able to separate what is Holy and true from fake egotistical spirituality. If the message given is in conflict with Biblical truth, it is indeed promoting the pagan doctrines of the New age/ New world order/One world government.

The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of the earth, refined 7 times.” — Psalm 12:6

God’s messengers always act within the confines of God’s Word, that is, their actions and the results of their actions are always biblically, lawfully, consistent. The results of interaction with an angel of God should leave you with no doubts about the nature of God and His revealed Word. In contrast, contact with fallen angels or demons entities casts doubt on the validity of the Bible and leaves confusion concerning God’s identity. Confusion is the mark of the beast for everything is orderly, clear and simple with God. His pure love is lifting us into a state of Grace and worship to Him. Like children we feel cradle and safe in His presence and we know without the shadow of a doubt who our Father is.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

To read all:

* Ancient Aliens Are Simply Fallen Angels

* The Fallen Angels/Aliens Have ARRIVED (2018)

Documenting the histories of these beings, the Biblical connections, and multiple bizarre sightings that are increasing in 2018.


* Aliens, Angels, or Adopted? Who Are the Sons of God?

* Aliens & Fallen Angels

Journey through new worlds of ideas and discovery with Steve Quayle.

* The Difference between Fallen Angels and Demons

By Wayne Croley /

* The Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, & Ancient Aliens: Dr. Michael Heiser Interview

* Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order-Video

* Portals for the Watchers


  • Special Fundraising Broadcast: Tom Horn & Steve Quayle - The Imminent Alien Disclosure & Deception
    * The Imminent Alien Disclosure & Deception *[Very interesting info by Steve Quayle (SQ). Some notes paraphrasing SQ: Admiral Byrd after returning from Antarctica had to report to one OSS and one CIA agent. They asked him who he met in Antarctica. Byrd said he met Lord Lucifer in his throne room under the continent. Lucifer told him he would sent entities to the USA government with instructions as to what Lucifer wants them to do. The agents old Byrd to never talk to anyone about this. *The Pope also met with Lord Lucifer and pledged to obey Lucifer.

    * When Buzz Aldrin, former astronaut saw the Antarctica pyramid (s) he also saw cigar shaped UFOs trying to hide behind them, He felt and later said this was pure evil and something interfered with his breathing. He was evacuated from Antarctica but his breathing also stopped at the hospital later. Yet he survived. He was told by the NSA agents to never speak about what he saw or felt.

    * Many more new and interesting pieces of info regarding UFOS and evil entities see by US government agents on the Skinwalker ranch over some years.

  • Dr. Steven Greer is a Rockefeller funded, government and new age major Disinformation agent

    Dr. Greer is a dangerous disinformation agent condioning people to believe aliens are benevolent good guys. First. the only so called aliens out there are multidimensional beings called fallen angels, their demonic demon sons,. There are also good holy angels and God in the same dimension. These fallen angels can and do transform themselves into lizard beings which may be what God made them to be (ugly) after their fall, and can also become like us white, blond hair, blue eyes human looking. among other type they shapeshift into. They hate us and want us dead and to go to hell with them since they can never go to heaven. They have huge undersea and underground bases in the earth but can and do travel in space. The US government and probably other major governments work with them to gain technology while allowed them to abduct humans, experiment on, harvest organs from while alive, and sometimes eat humans. In the book of Enoch, he was told by angels that God created over 100 million angels. If one third fell following lucifer (satan) fall to earth then there are.over 33 million fallen angels plus millions of demons, the sons of them. But the holy angels outnumber them having over 66 million. They have been battling each other for thousands of years. God's plan is not to let the fallen angels kill us all. Satan and them will lose in the end game. Dr. Greer and all those who have sold their souls to satan in government, hollywood. amd many others will all burn in an everlasting fire. Don't be one of those.

    Get off the bench and fight on the side og God and his son Jesus Christ. Sol-war

    Below is the latest disinformation video by Dr. Greer. Don't fall for his lies.


    What the Bible says about Alien Abductions A new one on all of us!

    .. The Bible warns us there are 200 million disembodied spirits (demon sons of fallen angels) waiting for a new earth suit. Is part of mankind unwittingly helping create a satanic resurrection? This is what abductions are all about!As we have discussed, they have become the dis-embodied spirits called demons today. They will be resurrected back into a physical form. The seed will mingle with humanity in the last beast empire, this revived Babylon. This empire will be divided, part scattered and part united as stated in Daniel 2:43. The mixing of human/fallen angel will be clinical without a relationship. Cloning will probably be the technology to produce this desired end.

    To Read More:

    *** Human Cattle Mutilation: The Grim And Chilling Claims with videos (The TRUTH)

    [DISINFORMATION and] Admiral Wilson Leak: Evidence of SAPs (Special Access Programs) & Reverse Engineering - and other disinformation

    * The reason I am showing the cover of M. Salla's book is to show that the military is working with fallen angels. I certainly am not promoting his book as I have long ago pointed out he is either a disinformation agent or very ignorant..See:MASS CONTACTS-Fallen Angel's Base Destroyed By Good Warrior Angels-

    [There is much disinformation being spread here. And there are numerous disinformation agents involved. I have exposed some of these more than once such as Dr. Greer who is funded by Rockefeller, Edgar Mitchell was also a disinformation agent who has no room to talk about UFOs since he never had any sightings or contacts as I have had numerous times. Michael Salla, all those involved in the AATIP program. "Alternatively, was the leaking part of a limited hangout promoting Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy through the involvement of figures such as Dr. Eric Davis as contended by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot?"

    Every person who fails to admit that aliens are really multi dimensional beings (Fallen angels) either do not know or they don't want the public to know that the governments have made deals with these fallen angels for their technology while they let these demonic beings abduct, and sometimes torture and kill humans. Human Cattle Mutilation: The Grim And Chilling Claims with videos-

    So there is no need to reverse engineer anything since they have received all, probably a little at a time from these beings.

    As far as why top pentagon generals and admirals who do not have the need to know about UFOS, reverse engineering, etc., it is either they are not part of the cabal of dark forces of the deep state (shadow government] or it is all disinformation to lead the public astray.

    There are NO aliens from other planets. They are fallen angels with bases under our oceans and inside the earth in deep underground cities. Yes they can fly their crafts around the solar system. In The book of Enoch

    Enoch wrote that he was told by those angels God had attending to him to educate him about all that God made over 100 million angels. Therefore if 1/3rd fell following satan it means there are about 33 million fallen angels. Those plus millions of demons who are the unclean spirits of the offspring of fallen angels and earth women known as the giants. The good news is there are about 66 million good, holy angels fighting against these fallen demonic angels. And according to the holy Bible we know that God wins in the end. So the demonic fallen angels, the demons and all humans who took the side of these dark forces will be tortured in the lake of fire then destroyed.

    Do not believe the US government and be cautious about believing any other governments, and do not believe any spokespersons of the military industrial complex. Be careful about believing those giving lectures and writing books about aliens and UFOs who fail to tell you, or are ignorant of the fact that so called aliens are really fallen angels. Ask God for guidance and wisdom as to who to trust. He can speak to you and/or send angels to you with information that is accurate. All UFOS in our skies are not all fallen angels or humans in secret crafts,. There are also many good holy angels flying about us involved in spiritual warfare with the fallen ones. This has been going on for thousands of years.

    *What the Bible says about Alien Abductions A new one on all of us!-

    * Aliens Exist! World Leader Slips Up On "People From Other Planets" & More! 7/9/16-

    The Biggest Secret: Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World?-


    I don't know how anyone can attempt to speak/ write authoritatively that there are numerous alien races and the US military created little greys, others are so called good aliens who are big greys, talk with so called super soldiers and much more disinformation. There are no good aliens, there are only good holy angels who I am fairly sure are not helping the government's militaries. If there is a war between so called good and bad aliens I assure you that they are all the bad, fallen angels who are pretending that some are good aliens while others are bad aliens. There are able to appear in many forms, any form that you want to see. Any internet or radio host to puts on their show Dr. Greer the new age Rockefeller funded, government disinformation agent, as well as many more has no credibility even if half the other guest are probably credible. This is no different that Art bell and other radio host gate keepers. Randy Cramer is another government disinformation agent. I have specialized in finding and exposing all types of disinformation agents for over 35 years. I am not on facespook or twitter or other social media so you may not have heard of me. Those meant to wake up will be brought to my web site by God.

    I am not going to waste my time to address the remaining disinformation and it is just too fantastic, and too much even for government disinformation agents to feed to their hosts.

    *Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge,


    The Admiral Wilson Leaked UFO Document & Corporate Reverse Engineering of Alien Technology

    UFO Leak of the Century: Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Leak

    By Richard Dolan | June 9, 2019

    It’s out.

    The most significant leak of UFO-related documents in many years is out, and people are beginning to talk about it. Some have even called this the most significant UFO leak ever. What’s clear is that this is very important. The public conversation we will be having about these documents is only beginning, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will continue through the remainder of this year and for years to come. Or until it is surpassed by something even bigger.

    I’m talking about the Admiral Wilson documents. These are in relation to Thomas Ray Wilson, a man with a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Navy. Wilson was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 1999 until 2002, and prior to that served as Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Deputy Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs. This position is known as J-2, and Wilson held that from 1997 to 1999.


    I did a very well-received talk in response to the above pointing out how under cover of a fake alien invasion would be battles with the real ones. There are several alien races who as many know, have been invading, kidnapping humans and taking them as slaves and more for eons. The problem the military has is that the collateral damage and access to the Earth by various races is increasing and they want to control the narrative surrounding disclosure. In part because they want to take attention away from the very real danger that the public, once they know the truth will see the military not as our saviors but as our oppressors who have kept technology in the dark and the truth from us for over 70 years. Putting us into a fight or flight mode with the military at the helm (winning in agreed-upon battles with “fake” aliens would presumably make them heroes in desperate times).

    Needless to say with relationships with both the negative and positive ETs staging such an audacious (and ludicrous) plan seems absurd. There is also the question as to what race of fake aliens they would engineer. Greys (bioengineered robots) have been created not only by our military but also by the Reptilians and even Pleiadians who use them as worker slaves. The problem with using Greys in this scenario is that there are multiple races of Greys and they are artificially intelligent and the rogues will not stand aside in any case once an open war has been declared no matter how many fake aliens are being utilized. There are also supposedly multiple races of real grays some of which are positively oriented towards humans.

    To read all:

    Army test, UFO or deadly blizzard? Russia reopens 60yo probe of mysterious Soviet hiker deaths

    [This is no mystery. First: 'Four hikers sustained massive internal injuries, skull fractures and chest damage. One woman had her eyes, tongue and part of her lips missing.' Many people around the world are aware of the hundreds, if not thousands of cattle and horse mutilations over the last decades. This should include at least two cases of human mutilations I know about which doctors stated one man was mutilated while alive. One victim was a US soldier, the other a man in Brazil. Both cases are on in the UFO section. Additionaly the late William Cooper, former US Navy intelligence stated in a video that the US government found a crashed saucer with human body parts in it indicating that the saucer occupants either experimented on humans and/or ate them. This is the real reason they don't want to admit anything about so called aliens. The reason why some of these hikers were found with massive skull fracture and chest damage tells me that the creatures had abducted them and probably experimented on them and then tossed them out from a great heigth. These so called aliens ara probably the ones known as grays which are probably humanoids created by fallen angels and who follow the instructions of said fallen demonic angels.Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired]

    Russian investigators are set to re-examine the chilling mystery of a deadly hiking trip made by group of Soviet students in 1959. The story spurred more than 70 theories and even inspired Hollywood thriller, ‘The Devil’s Pass’.

    Known as the Dyatlov Pass incident the deaths of a Soviet student hiking group in a remote area in the Urals six decades ago remains one of Russia’s most chilling unsolved mysteries. It shocked and bewildered investigators right from the start. After the original probe failed to produce any results, the case was shelved and, by some accounts, even classified.

    The eerie story inspired Hollywood director Renny Harlin to make the thriller Devil’s Pass in 2013. Now the authorities are determined to finally uncover what happened.

    Investigators are officially reopening the probe, spokesperson for the Prosecutor General’s Office, Aleksandr Kurennoy, announced on Friday. The victims’ “relatives, media and the public want to know the truth,” he said.


    (A MUST SEE) The Most DISTURBING Case Of Alien Abduction Exposed 12/19/2015 - Video [ Warning Graphic photos of Mutilated Human & Animals ]

    Read more:

    UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014 - video [Revisited with expanded info]

    Read more:

    "A Strange Harvest: UFO Cattle Mutilation [And HUMAN Mutilation Deaths] 1980 Documentary by Linda Moulton Howe" - video

    Read more:

    Aliens Or Demons? Pentagon And MoD Officials Feared UFOs Were Works Of The Devil

    Read more:

    Global Wave of Animal Mutilations Defies Explanation-videos

    [This part is BS. In fact many experts know these are caused by multidimensional beings, known as fallen angels. I know it. top officials in US and other governments know it. They don't want to tell you that these beings are also mutilating and eating humans and governments think they can not stop it. Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired]

    Declassified files from the Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed the FBI has investigated THOUSANDS of instances of Cattle mutilation across the United States since at least the 1970’s but with no avail. But despite this fact, leading experts aren’t sure either and the more we look into this the less we seem to understand.Furthermore, FBI documents clearly state that the US’ best investigative minds cannot answer the most asked question of them all: Who is doing this? An otherworldly explanation seems very likely according to many authors.

    To read all:

    The Nimitz Encounters [UFO,S--Aerial craft would appear that forever changed all those that encountered them. The answers to the question of 'what are they?' remains unanswered by the sailors and the US Gov.-A must watch] video

    November 2004, 90 miles of the coast of Mexico near San Diego, California, the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises when unexplained events occurred. No one could have predicted what would soon confront the world's most advanced naval war ships and fighter jets. Aerial craft would appear that forever changed all those that encountered them. The answers to the question of “what are they?” remains unanswered by the sailors and the US Gov. After years of cloaked secrecy the true story can finally be told. With multiple witnesses from the ships, their first hand testimony is impossible to deny.

    Our film features CGI re-creations as told by the sailors and naval aviators that witnessed them. Aside from the historical fictionalized dialog (no one recorded the radio conversations), the story itself is based on the facts of the case, including official US government docs, witness statements, news reports and official timelines. See for links to the official documents.

    Contact us at

    Some military personnel have requested their names be removed or remain anonymous, out of respect for their privacy we have changed names and details to protect their identity. All similarities to persons living or dead is unintentional. The producers have made every attempt to verify details and deny any liability for errors or omissions.

    [Maybe US Navy seamen and pilots don't know what they are or where they are from, but the high levels of US government do, according to two navy investigators on PROJECT BLUE BOOK who are angry the government did not tell the truth. They (the government) believe the so called aliens are "demonic.' I believe many big governments know this also. Demonic really means entities from another dimension, meaning fallen angels who want us dead. Meanwhile they abduct humans to conduct experiments on them in which they sometimes kill and eat humans, to build up their hybrid army to fight Jesus when he returns to earth. Sol-war]


    CIA Document Shows What Happened After The KGB Shot Down A UFO

    The KGB Incident

    Which brings us to a document, stored in the CIA archives, that describes how Mikhail Gorbachev — who, by the way, once publicly stated that “the phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously” — was “dissolved.”

    It’s a document keeping tabs on a report a media outlet put out, which again, clearly shows a high level of interest from them.

    It states that “U.S. intelligence obtained a 250-page file on the attack by a UFO on a military unit in Siberia,” and it goes on to describe something extraordinary:

    The file contains not only many documentary photographs and drawings, but also testimonies by actual participants in the events. One of the CIA representatives referred to this case as “a horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures, a picture that makes one’s blood freeze.”

    According to the KGB materials, a quite low-flying spaceship in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO. It fell to Earth not far away, and five short humanoids with “large heads and large black eyes” emerged from it.

    It is stated in the testimonies by the two soldiers who remained alive that, after freeing themselves from the debris, the aliens came close together and then “merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape.” That object began to buzz and hiss sharply, and then became a brilliant white. In a few seconds, the spheres grew much bigger and exploded by flaring up with an extrememly bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomenon turned into… stone poles. Only two soldiers who stood in the shade and were less exposed to the luminous explosion survived.

    The document then goes on to state:

    The KGB report goes on to say that the remains of the UFO and the “Petrified Soldiers” were transferred to a secret scientific research institution near Moscow. Specialists assume that a source of energy that is still unknown to Earthlings instantly changed the structure of the soldiers’ living organisms, having transformed it into a substance whose molecular composition is no different from that of limestone.

    The document ends with a comment from a CIA representative, who said, “If the KGB file corresponds to reality, this is an extremely menacing case. The aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions. They can stand up for themselves if attacked.”

    The Takeaway

    Quite remarkable, isn’t it? This isn’t the only story of retaliation with regards to what happens when our agencies encounter a UFO. Yet, in every instance, we are the instigators it seems. Today, UFOs are no longer taboo, most people are well aware of their existence and all of the evidence that’s gone towards verifying that. The new question is whether some of them are extraterrestrial and some of them are not. Stories like this one, and countless others, are the reason why the extraterrestrial hypothesis has so much validity.

    [The Governments know that the so called aliens are demonic dangerous fallen angels. For those who claim governments are instigators you are ignorant of the true facts. Sol-war]

    To read all:

    What the Bible says about Alien Abductions A new one on all of us!

    .. the Bible warns us there are 200 million disembodied spirits waiting for a new earth suit. Is part of mankind unwittingly helping create a satanic resurrection? This is what abductions are all about!As we have discussed, they have become the dis-embodied spirits called demons today. They will be resurrected back into a physical form. The seed will mingle with humanity in the last beast empire, this revived Babylon. This empire will be divided, part scattered and part united as stated in Daniel 2:43. The mixing of human/fallen angel will be clinical without a relationship. Cloning will probably be the technology to produce this desired end.

    It makes me wonder why after World War II did our Defense department changed from within from Operation PaperClip and the Gehln organization. The outward show was a new building, The Pentagon. The Philistines held their power by a five city fortification called the “Pentapolos”. Both are reminiscent of Satan’s Pentagram and his five “I willed plan”. Coincidental symbolism? Or real signs and wonders to give us a clue? Are we simply carrying over and continuing on with the technology gleaned from Nazi Germany in cloning technology as we did with the space program?

    “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE


    The above text of scripture is describing the woman riding the beast. The woman is the false religious system and the beast is the last empire . The inscription describes the spiritual and physical activity that takes place within this place. Harlots would be the false message and religion, in our case Theosophy as the opposite to the church described as as the "bride of Christ". Theosophy was the message of ancient Babylon, The Nazi Empire and the New Agers of today. It is also the constant message of any and all types of "aliens" that mankind has had contact with today. The Abominations of the earth is this genetic mix of Angel/Human called by the Bible as the image of the beast. This image is looked upon by God as an abomination. We knew them as Blavatsky and Hitler's Master Race the Aryans. The UFO community today sees them as the friendly Nordic type aliens often compared by them as the Angels mentioned in the Bible.

    The end of the Genetic Rainbow: The Nordic, a shell to for the serpent to hide in.

    General Description:

    Nordics are said to be 6' to 8' tall. They are also called the "Blonds" and "Talls". An unusual consistency is that they are always reported as very handsome or beautiful men and women, in perfect physical shape. No one has ever seen old, plain, chubby or blemished Nordics. They all are said to look like a perfect specimen. Just what one would expect if you were a selected, genetically engineered product. They usually wear a tight fitted body suit. Many have been seen with a symbol of a serpent with wings, a triangle or a stylized swastika. In the 50's many were reported speaking German or English with a Germanic accent. Their spaceships resembled captured Nazi prints found at the end of WWII.!

    What they say about themselves:

    The normal 6 to 61/2' tall Nordics were the only recorded "aliens" sighted by "Contactees in the 50's. During this time the Nordics gave a variety of origins, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter being the most popular. Their message of warning to mankind was to stop nuclear testing. They warned of a possible World War III. The "spiritual" emphasis seems to have developed slowly over time. It is interesting to note that as voyager and explorer missions gave us a better understanding of the conditions of the other planets and their hostile environments, the Nordic’s suddenly came from farther out in space, no longer in our own solar system. You should realize that these guys seem to change their story just as often as the Grays. They say they have a non-interference policy and only intervene when actions here may disrupt other areas in the cosmos.

    The more recent contacts with "Nordics" have stated that they are now from the Pleiades. There messages are much more metaphysical with a Theosophical philosophy. They warn of a coming pole shift, earth changes and catastrophes. They talk about being in "harmony" with the earth to minimize physical effects on the earth. Conforming our thoughts and ideas to these changes will create this harmony. A rethinking of our concepts of the cosmos, God, and life is necessary to create this "harmony". They tell some that they are related, being incarnate souls from their world. They encourage the individuals to learn and study truths from all sources and help to unite mankind.

    Historical Interventions?

    It is more than just a coincidence that throughout history many cultures have had encounters with a "White Spirit" or "White gods" from the skies. Their visits have coincided with a sudden acceleration of knowledge in their societies. The following is a list of just a few of the historical and or mythological events of inter-reaction with man and "heavenly white guys". There seems to be quite a lot of involvement for a policy of non-intervention? Much of this intervention would appear to have little to do with the rest of the cosmos. What about the prime directive Captain!

    1. Ancient Sumeria - The Anunnaki, meaning, "Those who from heaven to earth came". Described as white gods from the skies. They were attributed to giving the written languages, sciences and building technology. Word etymology is shared with the Biblical Annakim. (Num13:33). These were the sons of Anak. They are same giants and genetic link to the "fallen ones" of Genesis 6 who were big, bad guys with a bad attitude. The Anunnaki in Sumerian Mythology are said to have come from the heavens, but now live in a subterranean domain.

    2. Mesopotamia - Ahura Mazda meaning spirts of knowledge. These were "white spirits that flew in a shiny disk." Ahura Mazda appeared to Zoroaster who was told that he was the one true God. Part of their religious beliefs included ritualistic human sacrifice.

    3. India - Asura meaning, white gods of the wind. Gave understanding of ancient knowledge. Vishinu the third diety of the top godhead is to come back on a white horse. Ancient Vedas describe a pre-flood world filled with aircraft called Vimnas, which are engaged in aerial combat. A description of missile launches, and nuclear war, fallout and radioactivity are described in the Vedas also.

    4. South America - Viracochas meaning, "white masters". Legends describe a bearded white god who came from the skies and promised to return. Gave astronomy, building skills and culture to the Incas. They are said to have lived in the ancient ruins of Taihuanacu, Bolivia. Legends say the Viracochas constructed the city in one night by floating the giant blocks together with the sound of a "trumpet". Ritualistic human sacrifices accompanied their religious beliefs.

    5. Mexcio - Quetzalotal meaning, white-feathered serpent. Another bearded white god who came from a seven star system. (The Pleaides is a seven star system). He left by sea to their earthly home Tulla. (This is a variation of Thule, Aryan capital of an inner earth of Nazi myth). Tulla was located (according to Aztec legends) in a place of the sun, which now is frozen over and the sun has disappeared. (Antarctica?) He promised to return. Cortez was mistaken for this deity. The result of this contact was an increased knowledge of Astronomy and their calendar, which is as accurate as our atomic clock. Human sacrifice was also an important part of daily life for the Aztecs.

    6. North America - Hopi Indians believed in the Bahana. He was said to be a "white brother" from the skies. The Bahana gave them spiritual understandings and a cosmology of Theosophy!

    7. A future intervention? – George Washington had a three-part vision presented to him by an Angelic visitor. In this, the victory of the revolutionary war was given, the civil war with victory for the union was also prophesied. The third part mentions a multi-national invasion of America. At a time when defeat seems imminent, "white spirits" from the heavens come down and secure victory. This account was first printed in the National Tribune in December of 1880. Can the story be validated? I am not sure it can. It was considered valid enough to be quoted by the well-known book, None dare call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham. It has been widely published in much patriotic literature since. Although this vision cannot be confirmed, it is widely published and accepted by the public. This creates the illusion of reality, and seed planted in the minds to anticipate its fulfillment.

    Nordics defined by the Bible as "Angels of Light"

    If you consider yourself a Christian, then there is a standard contained in the Bible for us to measure any message or creature by. If you are not a Christian this will seem preachy and I cannot apologize for it. This is what God’s word says to everyone about any encounter with ETs, Angels or any other entity.

    By their own words they currently have finally decided that they are from the Pleiades. This celestial origin is a seven star system symbolic of Baalam or Lucifer. They consistently proclaim Theosophy as their world-view , both spiritual and natural. Sometimes they spoke German. They don’t always tell the truth (i.e. their origin) their symbols if any, have been winged serpents or stylized swastikas. Their actions of non-involvement include the creation of myths and legends throughout history in all societies by the "planting" of thoughts, knowledge and traces of technology. In word, appearance, and actions, it is not so hard to surmise just who the Nordics are. The Nordics come preaching another gospel. Their message does not contain anything, even remotely in harmony to the simple Gospel message of the Bible.

    The Bible gives us total discernment, if we chose to believe it.

    "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." Gal 1:8

    In order to understand this scriptural waning; we must know just what the gospel is. Gospel means good news. This is the good news.

    Gospel in a nutshell

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but has everlasting life." John 3:16

    "For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23

    "For by GRACE are you saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast." Eph 2:8,9

    "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."1Tim 2:5

    We are to accept nothing else, from anyone else. What makes true Christianity different from any other Philosophy or religion is the inability for man to accomplish redemption by his own merits and efforts. You cannot earn it or learn it. You accept the finished work of one-man that took your place and did the impossible for you. It is relationship, not religion or philosophy that places you into a family of God’s creation.

    Why are these Aliens subject to a the Name Jesus?

    Another amazing finding from the Alien Abduction Conference at MIT was the effective means, which stopped abductions in the process. This is found on page 235-36. Reciting the Lord’s Prayer and singing Christian hymns stopped abductions. Florida State director of Mutual UFO Network, Joe Jordan worked on several cases where abductions were stopped by using the name Jesus. This constant was so profound that it led to his conversion as a Born-Again Christian. Joe is still a MUFON director but in addition he now heads a Christian counseling center for abductees also! Again, these incidents concur with what the Bible says.

    "Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Phil 2:9-11 (KJV)

    The simple and seemingly illogical and unscientific use of the name Jesus, or identification and recognition of His deity as an effective resistance to abduction, says many things to us. Although Abductions are very real, involving very real physical beings, (fallen angels not Aliens) it is a spiritual problem. A spiritual problem will only be combated effectively, using spiritual means.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12 (KJV)

    These spiritual weapons are age-old tools to apply that have been misrepresented and ignored. Unfortunately much of the misrepresentation is from the so-called church. This has turned a deaf ear for many to anything "Christian" as being outdated, non-progressive and ineffective. Regardless of your own personal background and mis-conceptions, there is a risen, powerful, and loving creator who has the answers and means to rid your personal life from anything, from anywhere. A very unusual promise is one of my favorite scriptures. I do not think it is mere coincidence how Paul wrote this comforting promise, for it speaks of alien abductions and many unexplained problems.

    "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, NOR ANY OTHER CREATURE, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". (KJV) Rom 8:38-39(Emphasis mine)

    At Echoes of Enoch Ministries, we can humbly say we have all the answers to help you out with the unexplainable paranormal problems. Our weapons are not technology or intellect; it is Faith in our creator to use His methods of Spiritual combat to engage a real enemy. We win! we always win because we are his children. Let us help you further in any way we can.

    One suggestion, as a first step, is to give your life over to your creator and savior Jesus Christ. Receive these promises for yourself as one of his children. If you are to a point in your life where you have tried everything else and are still looking, then take this first step. It doesn’t matter what bad experiences you might have had with "churches" in your past. You are confronting God, not people. In a simple short prayer, invite him into your life. Pray:

    "Jesus I know I have fallen short of being perfect, forgive me of my shortcomings, come into my life and my heart and lead me and guide me. Help me live for you. Thank you for saving me. Amen."

    That is the first step. If you prayed this prayer, that was the starting point to eternal life and a promised abundant life for now. Please contact us and let us help you further in your new life in Him.

    In this booklet we have only touched the tip of the ice-burg to a much larger story.

    In my book series I will show you the rest of this multifaceted story with all of its intricacies. In closing I have added the standard questions asked to assist in determining if you have ever had this experience of abductions.

    To read all:

    Something Is Happening Underground.. (2018-2019) video


    These are not aliens but demons that live underground. The Anunaki did not put them here, God did. He threw 1/3 of the angels out of heaven because of their rebellion against Him. As a child of God, I can tell you that this is all true.

    A child of God filled with the Holy Spirit of God, can send these demon/fallen angels a.k.a. “Aliens” into the “Abyss” by commanding them IN THE NAME OF JESUS THE LORD! These are spiritual beings not extra terrestrials. They have been living underground for thousands of years. THEY ARE ALL MALEVOLENT! They are not to be trusted. They hate the human race!

    Soon, God’s children will be taken off of this earth and then after 7 years we will come back with Jesus/GOD to completely annihilate all of these demons and all who follow them. This earth will be destroyed by fire but not before many many of God’s judgements come to this evil world.

    See the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible to find out what is to come

    The True History and Purpose of NASA! Lying Signs And Wonders-video

    [Although the Government may fake an alien invasion there are multi dimensional beings also known as fallen angels who are our enemy. They have been in our skies, under the ground and undersea for thousands of years. Sol-war]


    Unfathomable Event Just Happened Over Long Beach CA! 12/20/17 [100s of flying orbs] VIDEOS


    Ophanim ~ Known as 'Thrones'. ANGEL Transporter delivering angels***

    Read more:

    * VIDEO The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs


    * VIDEO - NASA Video Montage of Various Sightings of Ophanim & Merkabahs (angelic chariots)


    *‘Living Alien UFO Spaceships’ Are Proliferating On Saturn’s Ring, Warns NASA Scientist Norman Bergrun [Video]

    A NASA scientist, Normal Bergrun, claims that massive “living alien UFO spaceships” are “proliferating” on Saturn’s rings. The NASA Scientist, a distinguished engineer who has worked with NASA’s Ames Research Center, has stated during several interviews in recent years that the situation in our solar system concerning “living alien UFO spaceships” has become “critical” as there is evidence that they are proliferating faster than ever.

    Bergrun, who has served on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and worked with Lockheed Martin on some of the country’s most high-profile and top-secret aerospace projects, has been drawing attention with his pet theory that extraterrestrial intelligence is present in our solar system, but scientists have not recognized it.

    Bergrun claims to have first spotted evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence in our solar system on Saturn’s rings.

    He claims there is evidence that ETs are “proliferating” to other ringed planets, such as Uranus and Jupiter.

    It was in his controversial 1986 book, Ringmakers of Saturn, that he first proposed the radical theory that alien spacecraft exist in our solar system and that he has spotted them on Saturn’s rings.

    But since the publication of the book, he has elaborated further on his theory, saying that the “living alien spaceships” are proliferating faster with time and suggested they could be a threat, according to Collective Evolution.

    “What I found out is, these things inhabit Saturn, that’s where I first discovered them, and they’re proliferating.”

    To read all:

    * Seraphic Transports, Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs - videos

    Seraphic Transports

    Reports of celestial cylindrical objects are manifold in our planetary record, going back to the time of Moses, and beyond. Although their presence is well known since World War II, we do not have significant photographic evidence to clearly demonstrate their activity. Here I offer some of the little that is available.

    Please note that I differentiate between hard (or fixed) cylindrical objects, which may approach close to, or even land on, the earth, and flexible "worm like" objects that are universally observed high in the atmosphere. From the Urantia Papers and assorted descriptions we know the former are the transport vehicles used across the Universe. They derive from headquarter worlds and now service our planet. The latter seem to be dedicated platforms for hosting the observational objects (disks) seen everywhere. From our understanding, these latter platforms must be carried on board Seraphic Transports for interplanetary travel.

    The cause of the confusion between spherical objects and disks may be seen by examining the video taken by Arturo Robles Gil. When they change energy state they may be seen as spheres or as disks. See:

    While some Transport Seraphim are relatively small, and may host a small number of disk craft, what I refer to as Seraphic Craft, (see George Adamski's description), others may be of tremendous size and may host many "worm like" objects and thousands of Seraphic Craft. Our observations have made this much deduction possible of Celestial Operations. We believe that the Mother Carriers are used as platforms that may be coiled into a ball, still containing hundreds of Seraphic Craft, which are then carried on the very large Transport Seraphim. These Mother Carriers are designed to fit compactly within the larger space transports. They are not biological in our understanding of the word. They appear as "worms" because they are designed as flexible tube-like structures. Also, they may possess independent cognitive and operational abilities that reach beyond our perception.

    Passages exist within the Urantia Papers that discuss these abilities of Seraphic Transports and associated entities. For example:

    Page 147 - §1 The secrets of Seraphington involve a threefold mystery, only one of which I may mention--the mystery of seraphic transport. The ability of various orders of seraphim and allied spirit beings to envelop within their spirit forms all orders of nonmaterial personalities and to carry them away on lengthy interplanetary journeys, is a secret locked up in the sacred sectors of Seraphington. The transport seraphim comprehend this mystery, but they do not communicate it to the rest of us, or perhaps they cannot. The other mysteries of Seraphington pertain to the personal experiences of types of spirit servers as yet not revealed to mortals. And we refrain from discussing the secrets of such closely related beings because you can almost comprehend such near orders of existence, and it would be akin to betrayal of trust to present even our partial knowledge of such phenomena.

    Note that a multiplicity of operational entities are described. The words "various orders" and "allied spirit beings" envelop within their spirit forms all orders of nonmaterial personalities. Again, I emphasize that the entities we observe may be personalities even though they are nonmaterial. They may behave as though they are intelligent even though they are not classified as organized material beings as we understand that word. The clue is in the fact that they are morontia beings who can operate near to and in contact with the material world. BEST

    Read more:

    Read more:

    Altered Reality: Holograms And Fake News - Videos

    And this is the ultimate in holograms, actually feeling what you see. Listen carefully to what goes on with the Blue Beam technology project and how to know if you are interacting with reality.


    By Catherine J. Frompovich

    The more I do research into the realms of high tech, electromagnetic frequencies and artificial intelligence, the more I wonder if the control freaks who run those domains really know what they are doing. I say that because I feel it’s becoming patently obvious daily as to what’s going on within the spheres of control, money and power, e.g., ordinary citizens finally are waking up and catching on to the ‘games’ being played upon us and to which we are experiments or research projects.

    One of the more outrageous ‘games’ to be perpetrated upon the public is the recent media coverage of the unfortunate Las Vegas massacre, which changes almost daily [1, 2], but for which there are too many concert goers who experienced and actually photographed details of the events as they unfolded.

    The telltale event that some sort of game is being played regarding the Las Vegas tragic and possible “false flag event” occurred, in my opinion, happened when concert goers collected their recording equipment (cell phones in most cases), which were confiscated by FBI agents. Upon return of their cell phones, concert goers found all of their cell phones videos and memory boards wiped clean—deleted [3]! What?! How can that happen IF there is not an ulterior agenda being presented to the world via a controlled media and press. However, the alt press reports things much differently along with videos as proof.

    One has to feel extremely sorry and, perhaps, even embarrassed, for the Las Vegas Police Department and its top brass, who physically look to be anxious about not detailing the facts of what really happened, i.e., several shooters, not just one lone nut on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort, per the apparent fake news propaganda. Sanitizing everyone’s cell phone of the event certainly is proof; wouldn’t you say? Why can’t those who filmed the tragedy keep video of the event, if the videos don’t tell a different story from the ‘official’ reports?

    Furthermore, it seems authorities are creating ‘back stories’ about the lone shooter, e.g., carting all those suitcases [4] in to his room(s) and yet no videos are provided as proof indicating Stephen Paddock actually did that! Why not, as supporting evidence?

    There seems to be an altered reality being created around the Las Vegas tragedy that may have to have been invented, especially if Paddock entered his room to find others there poised to perpetrate the crime, so he had to be killed and the crime scene staged rather quickly, which confirms why there are many technical inconsistencies, IF Paddock actually committed the shooting.

    Dead men don’t talk; can’t defend themselves; nor tell their side of the story as to what really happened. Why is it in recent mass shootings, the perpetrators always wind up dead? One would think authorities would want to question them as to what went on in their minds to make them do such things and, therefore, take them alive.

    These and other abnormalities lead me into a high tech area that can be used to play with humans’ minds tricking us into believing in an altered reality, in my opinion. There are holograms, which are the ‘up-and-coming tech thing’ to make us believe in controllers’ future scripts of accounts of what we will be programmed to see and experience like it truly happened, I offer.

    Here’s an example of a hologram; see how real it looks.

    incredible 7D hologram - Funny Vine - Whale 7D image - Vines 2016



    This is an amazing hologram show in Dubai.

    7D Hologram Technology Amazing Show in Dubai !!


    And this is the ultimate in holograms, actually feeling what you see. Listen carefully to what goes on with the Blue Beam technology project and how to know if you are interacting with reality.

    UFO Alien Blue Beam Project: Army Fires At Extraterrestrial, Crowd Stunned By 7D Hologram Creature VIDEO


    Can social and artificial intelligence engineers make us believe anything?

    Will they make alien craft and extraterrestrials appear? How about making a try at producing the Second Coming of the Christ in the sky? That surely would play into a lot of people’s belief systems, now wouldn’t it? But then, it wouldn’t be the REAL Christ presence, would it? These holograms can become confusing and possibly dangerous since many folks won’t know how to deal with the visual and mind games being played upon us. And you thought Monopoly was a great game!

    However, we have to ask if the current social unrest, violence and abnormal ‘natural disasters’ the world’s people are witnessing and experiencing are products of mind control projects, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and altered reality. Check out weather geoengineering for starters.

    So, are holograms the entertaining meme to introduce us to—and accept—artificial intelligence and altered reality?

    New UltraBeam Tactical Laser (Ad)






    Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

    Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

    Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

    Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

    Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

    To read all:

    The Evil Acts Of The Fallen Entities-video


    Secret Space Secret Past.- video

    The discoveries presented here will shock you.. There's a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that's been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it. This conspiracy is about UFO's , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past.......

    There’s a scandal going on in the scientific world today involving the suppression of information: Information deliberately held back from public view.

    It's a scandal that is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of many serious benefits.

    Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean... Certain discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing questions... an archaeologist ordered to deny a major Find:

    There’s a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that’s been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it.This conspiracy is about UFO’s , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past.......


    (A MUST SEE) The Most DISTURBING Case Of Alien Abduction Exposed 12/19/2015 - Video [ Warning Graphic photos of Mutilated Human & Animals ]


    [It is not just animals being mutilated and killed. Humans are being mutilated while alive & being murdered

    by so called aliens. This includes a USAF sergeant in N. Mexico at White Sands Missile Base, a human in Idaho, a human in Brazil in which the lead police detective provided photos and autopsy report. These are NOT aliens from some other planet.There are no friendly or otherwise aliens. They are DEMONIC FALLEN ANGELS WHO HATE HUMANS. The US and other major governments all know this fact!.


    Reptilians Butcher&Eat Humans Underground Worldwide-video


    [ They are in fact fallen angels with ther human hybrid army of helpers in Governments and elsewhere. Sol-war]

    We are not at the top of the food chain. There are deep underground bases all over the planet. All of them ultimately run by hostile aliens. In these bases abducted humans are subjected to horrific scientific experiments, recreational saddistic torture and processed as food.

    Reptilians, Insectoids and Greys and their hybrids consume humans. Meat, Blood, Plasma, Brain Fluids.

    Humans have to be alive at the time of the killing. And before the killing humans (preferably children arround the age of 5) are brutally tortured for weeks with electro-shocks and breaking bones, etc. to enrich their blood with fear-hormones and adrenaline.

    Reptilians/Greys then drill holes into the brain of the child to, with a straw, suck out the brain-fluids that are enriched with these hormones.

    Tens of thousands of people go missing every year without ever being seen again. Yes, some of them get kidnapped by human criminals, some fall into rivers, a very few get attacked by wild animals, some want to start a new life and disappear.

    But these cases make a very small percentage. In many cases people vanish mysteriously without a trace into thin air while going arround the corner, or out of the room, or within minutes from their workplaces, etc.

    They are abducted with the help of alien technology, either by UFOs or portal-technology.

    They get abducted and then transported to secret underground alien bases where they are used either in experiments or as food.


    NASA Caught HIDING Something At North Pole! Hollow Earth? 5/20/16


    Nephilim TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls - video


    The Omega Conspiracy - Full Documentary- [UFOS, demonic multidimenionsional beings] - video

    [One of the best UFO documentaries ever made. You will understand all. Edward Schooling, LAPD,]

    To Read More:

    Dr. I.D.E Thomas [and many other well respected UFO researchers and scientists] reveal startling similarities between the past and today; between ancient peoples and modern peoples, signs that point to a return of mysterious beings known in the Bible as "Nephilim". The Omega Conspiracy could well be their final battle.


    Bill Cooper - Alien Agenda - Are Aliens Real? Nephilim, Mars, Moon, Pyramids-video

    William Bill Cooper Alien Agenda Brodacast. Originally Aired August 22, 1997. He starts out by talking about, 1000 points of light and Lucifer - the bright and The morning star. He answers the question, what does the illuminati (mystery schools) have to do with what is happening in the world today. The people in these mystery schools follow the religion of the cosmos. They have a goal to present an external threat to this earth (like they did to the US with Saddam Husein & Osama Bin Laden, a fake external threat that was made to be believed was real), a superior race from another planet. This will be used to get rid of all nation states and religion to form a one world government. Nasa is one of the main instruments of this deception. Also, the Vatican is behind this and heavily involved.

    Apollo space program is a reference to the ancient god, Apollo.

    Apollo space program crest carries symbolism of Apollo the sun (aka osiris)(isis the moon), constellation of orion, in the center, the 3 pyramids in egypt, and they earth represents the full body of initiates known as horus.

    Nasa's photos have been proven to be faked, so none of them can ever be trusted.

    John Dewey said that someone told him that the best way to end all wars forever and unite all humanity on this earth in a world government would be if we were attacked by some other species from some other planet. He said this in 1917.

    It was tested in 1938 with Orsen Wells Radio program to see if people would believe this story.

    They will say that mars was populated by an ancient race who destroyed their planet in warfare.

    At some point in history, they came to earth and populated it with the survivors. When they came here, they had relations with early man and the human race was the result of that mixed group.

    This will be the thrust of all that we will hear and it will be used to destroy Christianity. This is the story that the illuminati will push.

    They will point to Genesis in the Bible to say that the sons of G-d had relations with the daughters of men and that the sons of G-d are aliens. The nephilim will be said to be the children of humans and aliens.


    Humans Vs Reptilians - The Final Battle For Earth [No Fiction] video


    The name of the as fictional movie disguised real life documentary in this video is "V - The Series" 2009 and 1984.

    It's us Vs them.

    This is NOT a fictional work! This video shows reality for what it is. Our reality. What happens outside of your window at this present moment on this very planet. Right NOW!

    We are being infiltrated. We are being taken over by a collective of interdimensional entities, mainly reptilians. It's a slow-motion invasion over many centuries. And we are in the final stage of this invasion.

    If you are alive at this present moment you are part of the most important generation in human history regarding human destiny.

    It's all or nothing, the reptilians want to annihilate humanity and colonize earth with their own reptilian/grey hybrid.

    You HAVE to fight! Not with weapons (for now - but store ammo for later) but you must engage in the information war. Our great advantage at this point is that we greatly outnumber the enemy. The only reason why they are able to manipulate and consequently control us is because the majority of humans is not informed about their presence.

    There is one power greater than all nuclear bombs, and that is the WILL of the people! Once people find out that reptilians are running the show it's OVER for them and they will have to retreat.

    Inform as many people as possible. If you don't want to tell your relatives or close friends that reptilians are running the show - i understand that, but do it at least anonymously in the internet or on the street.

    Don't just visit conspiracy forums, people there already know. Visit mainstream forums, about gardening, cars, antique furniture, fishing, sports, and so on. All forums have 'off-topic' sections. We must inform everyone.

    Go to concerts, festivals, (have a drink if you need to) and then shout out loud that reptilians are taking over, and tell people to look up shapeshifting videos on youtube/elsewhere.

    Don't think of all people as "sheeple", some simply never had the required impulse in their lifes to develop interest in these topics. Human nature is curiosity. Generally people are very open for new ideas and interesting topics.

    Never preach! If truth isn't given with love, both the information and the messanger will be rejected. Don't expect immediate results. Truth is an energetic seed, it's seed that first is planted before it grows. This takes some time for most people.

    Simply inform people and then let things develop naturally.

    They KNOW that we are waking up! This is why they are so desperate to start world war 3. As a giant distraction. They and their agenda must be radically opposed! Forget about your daily life dramas, none of it matters. What is your relationship or career good for if you lose your whole planet?


    [Sol-war does not support or promote Alex Jones]

    Seraphic Transports, Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs - videos

    Seraphic Transports

    Reports of celestial cylindrical objects are manifold in our planetary record, going back to the time of Moses, and beyond. Although their presence is well known since World War II, we do not have significant photographic evidence to clearly demonstrate their activity. Here I offer some of the little that is available.

    Please note that I differentiate between hard (or fixed) cylindrical objects, which may approach close to, or even land on, the earth, and flexible "worm like" objects that are universally observed high in the atmosphere. From the Urantia Papers and assorted descriptions we know the former are the transport vehicles used across the Universe. They derive from headquarter worlds and now service our planet. The latter seem to be dedicated platforms for hosting the observational objects (disks) seen everywhere. From our understanding, these latter platforms must be carried on board Seraphic Transports for interplanetary travel.

    The cause of the confusion between spherical objects and disks may be seen by examining the video taken by Arturo Robles Gil. When they change energy state they may be seen as spheres or as disks. See:

    While some Transport Seraphim are relatively small, and may host a small number of disk craft, what I refer to as Seraphic Craft, (see George Adamski's description), others may be of tremendous size and may host many "worm like" objects and thousands of Seraphic Craft. Our observations have made this much deduction possible of Celestial Operations. We believe that the Mother Carriers are used as platforms that may be coiled into a ball, still containing hundreds of Seraphic Craft, which are then carried on the very large Transport Seraphim. These Mother Carriers are designed to fit compactly within the larger space transports. They are not biological in our understanding of the word. They appear as "worms" because they are designed as flexible tube-like structures. Also, they may possess independent cognitive and operational abilities that reach beyond our perception.

    Passages exist within the Urantia Papers that discuss these abilities of Seraphic Transports and associated entities. For example:

    Page 147 - §1 The secrets of Seraphington involve a threefold mystery, only one of which I may mention--the mystery of seraphic transport. The ability of various orders of seraphim and allied spirit beings to envelop within their spirit forms all orders of nonmaterial personalities and to carry them away on lengthy interplanetary journeys, is a secret locked up in the sacred sectors of Seraphington. The transport seraphim comprehend this mystery, but they do not communicate it to the rest of us, or perhaps they cannot. The other mysteries of Seraphington pertain to the personal experiences of types of spirit servers as yet not revealed to mortals. And we refrain from discussing the secrets of such closely related beings because you can almost comprehend such near orders of existence, and it would be akin to betrayal of trust to present even our partial knowledge of such phenomena.

    Note that a multiplicity of operational entities are described. The words "various orders" and "allied spirit beings" envelop within their spirit forms all orders of nonmaterial personalities. Again, I emphasize that the entities we observe may be personalities even though they are nonmaterial. They may behave as though they are intelligent even though they are not classified as organized material beings as we understand that word. The clue is in the fact that they are morontia beings who can operate near to and in contact with the material world. BEST

    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs video


    NASA Footage of Merkabahs & Ophanim Video


    Ophanim ~ Known as 'Thrones'. (1 of 2.) ***+*** Video ANGEL Transporter delivering angels****


    Warring Angels (Known as Powers) exiting a chariot transport ***+*** Video


    ‘Living Alien UFO Spaceships’ Are Proliferating On Saturn’s Ring, Warns NASA Scientist Norman Bergrun [Video]

    About the claim that the “living alien spaceships” were proliferating very fast in our solar system, Bergrun may have been referring to a theory proposed by some theoreticians, such as Arwen Nicholson and Duncan Forgan at the University of Edinburgh

    “We can assume that he knows and has worked with other intelligent and powerful people and that he has had access to extremely sensitive data, which he himself makes clear… in his book,” the website said.

    But Bergrun is not the first distinguished scientist and NASA employee to have come forward with controversial claims about aliens or extraterrestrial life. Several highly distinguished and respected professionals, including scientists, engineers, senior military personnel and intelligence officials, have also come forward to share their insight based on their professional experience.

    Outstanding examples include the NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the Moon, and Princeton Professor Brian O’Leary.

    Norman Bergrun - Ringmakers of Saturn - CLIP/NOTES - Video


    Norman Bergrun - The Ringmakers Of Saturn - Video


    Norman Bergrun Speaking About The Ringmakers Of Saturn - Video


    UFOs - Brian OLeary - Video


    To read all:

    To Read More:

    "A Strange Harvest: UFO Cattle Mutilation [And HUMAN Mutilation Deaths] 1980 Documentary by Linda Moulton Howe" - video

    [2nd hour is Human mutlation deaths. At least some humans and animals were mutilated while alive! - Sol-war ]


    Body found at Dyatlov Pass where 9 hikers mysteriously died in 1959 - & more- 3 videos

    Some of the hikers were wearing only underwear and their bodies showed signs of struggle such as fractured skulls and broken ribs. One of the women had her tongue missing. The search for the remaining four travelers who were located further into the woods took more than two months.The Soviet criminal investigation in 1959 failed to establish the causes of the incident. The final report said that an "unknown compelling force" killed the people.

    A body has been discovered by tourists at the infamous Dyatlov Pass in Russia’s Ural Mountains where nine hikers mysteriously died in 1959. Emergency services have reportedly momentarily lost contact with the group.

    An unidentified body has been discovered by tourist-hikers at the infamous Dyatlov pass in Sverdlovskaya region, according to local security officials. A group of nine tourists reportedly from Perm contacted emergency services overnight on Friday.

    Following a message from the group via satellite phone officials lost contact with the hikers, reported Due to bad weather conditions emergency groups are unable to reach the barely-accessible site where the body was found. Some reports suggest that it is a male of about 50 years old.

    The travelers began their journey on January 1 trekking along one of the most difficult paths starting from North Ural to the town of Ivdel, according to the emergency services.

    The site where body was reportedly located is infamous for the tragic and mysterious deaths of nine hikers in 1959. The causes of their deaths are still unknown while the case is surrounded with controversy.

    Read more

    A cloud of snow and debris triggered by an earthquake flies towards Everest Base Camp on April 25, 2015. (AFP Photo/Roberto Schmidt)Shocking moment: Avalanche ripping through Everest camp captured by climbers (VIDEO)

    The Dyatlov pass was named after the leader of the hiking group that went missing, Igor Dyatlov. The group consisted of graduate students from of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Their plan was to trek 350 kilometers on skis through the forests and Northern Urals to Mount Otorten (which is translated from the local Mansi language as ‘Don’t go There’). Initially there were 10 people in the group, but one of the hikers fell ill and was forced to abandon the venture.

    On February 12, 1959 the nine failed to report to the scheduled end-point at a village called Vizhay. As a result of rescue efforts, the group’s tent was found on the slope of the Mount Kholat Syakhl (“Mountain of the Dead” in Mansi) on February 26. Investigators later determined that tent had been was cut with a sharp object from the inside.

    The skiers also left all their belongings in the tent while apparently trying to urgently flee the campsite. After following footprints down the hill for about 1.5 km – some of those fleeing were wearing only socks, some were even barefoot – the search party found five bodies.

    Some of the hikers were wearing only underwear and their bodies showed signs of struggle such as fractured skulls and broken ribs. One of the women had her tongue missing. The search for the remaining four travelers who were located further into the woods took more than two months.

    The Soviet criminal investigation in 1959 failed to establish the causes of the incident. The final report said that an "unknown compelling force" killed the people.

    The incident which remains one of the most chilling unsolved mysteries of the 20th century sparked many theories in which investigators attempted to rebuild the chronology of events. The numerous explanations put forward included an avalanche, military tests seen by the hikers that the government was trying to hide, a hostile encounter with an unknown creature, or paranormal activity.

    The mystery of the Dyatlov Pass incident has inspired filmmakers to make a science fiction horror movie entitled ‘Devil’s Pass’ where five students investigate the incident.


    UFO Attacks & Kills 9 Hikers In Russia For Real Pictures-video [Dyatlov Pass]

    [ Further evidence that demonic fallen angels have brutally mutilated and killed innocent humans. The Russian government, like other governments will never admit to this that they are no in control. Sol_war]



    Aliens Killing Human Beings - A Very Rare, Yet Documented Case VIDEO




    [Total cover up. They, the authorities do not want you to know they are not in control. Sol-war]


    TAKEN-INTO THE FRINGE: Inside the Alien Human Agenda – Read 3 'Free' BANNED E-Books / Dr Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys Full 2 Hr Lecture


    Several Videos and E-Books were removed by Google and Youtube. We’ve located all but 1 video. This is information someone doesn’t want seen.

    [Censorship Level] HIGH: All Information is decades old, and is still being highly censored, with posts around Dr. Karla Turner, still being taken down, removed by Google! Incredible!

    In this lecture Dr. Karla Turner, Ufological researcher whose focus was alien, military, and para-military abductions, or MAAR (Malevolent Alien Abduction Research), discusses her findings after years of personal experience and having worked closely with many abductees.

    Dr. Karla Turner Lecture - April 8, 1995 - Ozark UFO Convention VIDEO



    TAKEN-INTO THE FRINGE: Inside the Alien Human Agenda – 3 Free BANNED E-Books / Dr Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys Full 2 Hr Lecture

    AUGUST 31, 2012 BY ADMIN

    Several Videos and E-Books were removed by Google and Youtube. We’ve located all but 1 video. This is information someone doesn’t want seen.

    [Censorship Level] HIGH: All Information is decades old, and is still being highly censored, with posts around Dr. Karla Turner, still being taken down, removed by Google! Incredible!

    In this lecture Dr. Karla Turner, Ufological researcher whose focus was alien, military, and para-military abductions, or MAAR (Malevolent Alien Abduction Research), discusses her findings after years of personal experience and having worked closely with many abductees.

    Dr. Karla Turner was widely respected in the field of Ufology for her research on alien abduction. A brilliant scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a disturbing series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees.

    Many of the abductees Dr. Turner studied had at one time or another had alien implants removed by a surgeon.

    Her research found that the extraterrestrials known as the Alien Greys or Grey Aliens, beings from Zeta Reticuli (a binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum), who identify themselves as the “Reticulans” (Lam was purportedly a Zeta Reticulian), abduct humans and take them to alien ships and alien bases that were located underground and on the ocean floor.

    Some abductees even reported that they were, from time to time, kidnapped by human U.S. military personnel who worked with the aliens.

    [ * Unfortunately Karla Turner apparently never learned the truth that these are no aliens from other planets but are fallen angels which are multi-dimensional beings. Sol-war]

    [Below link leads to all videos and links to each free book by the late Dr. Karla Turner. These books are a must read! However, they are not for the faint heart.Warning! Do not read these books at night if you sleep alone.* Learn: How to avoid ALIEN (DEMONIC) ABDUCTIONS-video at Sol-war in the Spiritual warfare section among other places. Sol-war]

    To read all:

    To Read More:

    The Evil Side of Aliens - Video


    Messengers of deception - video


    Overlords of the UFO--Full Length documentary from 1976--BANNED and SUPRESSED

    Overlords of the UFO is a scientific suppressed and banned documentary from 1976. Much of this documentary features long lost photos of UFO's and other evidence long taken out of the public main stream media. This documentary also discloses that the govt has all ready admitted to the existence of off world UFO's, but that information has long been manipulated out of the public's attention and eyes.

    Some of the documentary goes into other unexplained phenomenon also. BUT the most important information in this movie is that the govt has all ready disclosed and released the evidence of UFOs and ETs but that disclosure has been taken out of the public's awareness and media for decades.


    Aliens Come From Hell (shieldoftheson) - video


    Holograms, Aliens and Agenda's - Not For The Squeamish! - Video


    UFO - UFO's - It Has Begun Rod Serling, Jacques Vallee- video

    [Additional: Apparently this below narrative was meant to go with the video: The Secret KGB Abduction Files-video. Sol-war]


    Alien Contact - The Message (You have to see it for yourself) - video

    [These are fallen angels NOT aliens that are being seen and who can shape shift into anything they want. Sol-war]


    Alien War – Incredible Footage - video

    [Who is shooting at whom? Are U.S. Space and military facilities shooting atso called 'bad aliens'? Or are the fallen angels convincing US to shoot at God's good warrior angels in a deception or not? S/p>


    Alien Abduction of The 4th Kind (Best Evidence Ever) - video


    The Worlds Most Active USO UFO Hotspot [UFO Documentary]

    [ Overall a good documentary. However, at the end they spoil it by allowing one guest host to insinuate that we may have been created by aliens and this is their planet. The simple and true answer to all of this that these mainstream channels avoid is that the so called aliens are fallen angels from another dimension in which they can appear and disappear anytime they wish. They do however have vast technology to travel in their physical craft. As I have said before they are our enemies. They hate human and want us dead and to follow them to hell..Sol-war]


    Spirits Aliens Are Demons And Demonic New Age Deceptions! - video


    TOP SECRET UFO TECHNOLOGY Russian Area 51 KAPUSTIN YAR (Full Documentary)


    UFO Aliens 2015 : The Ancient Cosmic War 2015 NEW DOCUMENTARY !




    William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full) - video 4 hrs 39 min

    Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Exploration Colloquium, Volume 1...1959 Hardcover – 1959-

    To Read More:
    and much more evidence in this broadcast. Sol-war]


    Documentary 2015 - UFO DOCUMENTARY 2015- Cops vs UFOs & Captured Aliens [& Additional evidence by retired LAPD & scientific investigator]

    [First, never ever give up all of your UFO evidence to anyone, government agents or any other group! Make copies of all & keep some of it hidden very well. Second, these are not aliens and they are not visitors. They were here before us.They are multidimensional beings, known as fallen angels who created biological entity bodies of the 'grays' so as to inhabit They are dangerous. Humans who have sided with the dark side are the only only humans dangerous.
    There are not 57 different species of aliens. This is disinformation with the government agenda of making the public believe some aliens are good aliens..They are not aliens. They are demonic fallen angels and top level people in most major governments know this is true. They are afraid of them and afraid to let the public know they are afraid of them. Clifford Stone is another mind controlled, or conditioned disinformation agent.
    Question: Why did it take MUFON so long to let the public know about the info in this video? How did the government know the nurse Beansy was talking with MUFON? Why doesn't MUFON in this video present any evidence about 'Nordic looking so called aliens, or of the reptilians? The late William Cooper former US Naval Intelligence (ONI) & US Air Force, stated that MUFON had been infiltrated by US intelligence.
    These beings can transform into anything they wish and what they think you want to see. However the reptilian form maybe their current true from after they fell from grace. Read the free books by the late Dr. Karla Turner- Dr. Karla Turner's Rare Books- Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda, Masquerade of Angels (PDF), Into the Fringe (PDF) You will be shocked about these reptilians and what they do to humans.
    I had my first UFO sighting in about 1979 while an off duty LAPD officer along with one witness an off duty Los Angeles City Firefighter. I have had five more sightings while in Kiev Ukraine, four of which were in a 3 month period.I have one witness and the recorded photo evidence although by phone camera only. On two occasions the UFOs followed me home while walking. In another incident I believe four of these beings came on to the earth inside human bodies and came into a restaurant where I was. This same restaurant was where 8 or 9 UFOs had been hovering over weeks before and had followed me home. One of these beings in a human form made telepathic contact with me.he appeared to be the leader. I believe by the content of the communication and other details of their actions that these were not fallen angels but the unfallen angels. In some of the sightings I had in Kiev two or three may have been crafts made and flown by humans. Others however, were clearly supernatural. In the main multiple sighting there were 25 to 30 UFOs who put on a show over my apartment building for over one hour after the 8 or 9 had followed me home.. These were shaped like moons and partly translucent. Other were four cigar shaped with about 5 rows of multicolored lights going horizontally across them. Others were two diamond shaped metal looking crafts. All of these were anywhere from from 150 meters to possibly 300 meters away from me. All of this was in 2011]
    Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired
    Why UFOS favor flying over St Andrew's Church-Kiev Ukraine
    Chronology of UFO sightings over Kiev
    MASS CONTACTS-Fallen Angel's Base Destroyed By Good Warrior Angels

    To Read More:


    The Top 20 Most Significant Pieces of UFO Footage- 20 videos

    What follows is a collection of what we consider to be the top 20 pieces of authentic UFO footage taken to date. Many of these videos are just that -- video tapes which have been converted to digital format from two or three generations of copies. Some of these pieces are older and challenging to follow, but I have seen first-generation copies of many of these clips myself, and I assure you that these are not hoaxes or CGI. Older footage is great for a number of reasons, the likelihood of it not being a hoax due to the lack of digital technology being the primary reason.
    We subjected each of these videos to the same set of evaluation criteria which consisted of the following;
    Age of the footage - older pieces tend to hold more weight as they are less likely to be CGI.
    Source of the footage - video from NASA shuttle missions and military footage hold more weight due to their inherent credibility.
    Length of the footage - hoaxers tend not to go to great lengths when creating fake footage, typically they run less than a minute.
    Analysis by independent sources - if the footage has been analyzed by MUFON researchers or individuals like Dr. Bruce Maccabee, then it tends to hold more credibility.
    1) The Nellis Test Range radar tracking site footage (Late November, 1994):


    In February 1995 the American TV show 'Hard Copy' broadcast a videotape showing an unidentified object flying over a North American military test range. Further footage was shown the following December on the 'Sightings' TV show. The videotape had apparently been filmed by a high-tech Air Force surveillance camera at an undisclosed location within the Nellis Air Force Base Bombing and Gunnery Range Complex in Nevada, often referred to as the Nellis Test Range. Some of our readers may be familiar with this footage and some may not. It's sort of the "Winnebago Man" of UFO videos. Everyone out there has seen it at one point or another, and everyone unanimously agrees that it's completely bizarre. The fact that it is actual military footage and it's been verified and vetted by multiple researchers puts this in a class by itself. The videotape is said to have been smuggled out by a contractor who had previously operated radar tracking stations on the Nellis range. Copies of the videotape were sold to Paramount Studios (producers of 'Hard Copy' and 'Sightings') by a former Air Force employee, although apparently he had not witnessed the object himself.
    Two sections of videotape showing the UFO have come to light. The first section was filmed from a location known as S-30, according to the camera's data display. This shows the object initially as an indistinct 'blob' flying in front of a distant mountain range, before it turns and heads towards the camera location. The camera operator struggles to keep the object within shot as it approaches, and it soon becomes clear that it's a morphing object with four distinctive 'lobes' and a dark region at the front. As it nears, it turns to face the tracking station for several seconds, as if performing some kind of surveillance, before it turns away and departs. This footage is of special importance because the voices of the camera operators at the tracking station can be heard on the noisy soundtrack. Their bewilderment at the unexpected appearance of the UFO is clearly audible. "What the hell is it?" one of them says; "Where'd it come from?" asks the other. For in-depth analysis of this footage, take a look at Martin J. Powell's excellent breakdown here.
    2) NASA's STS-80 Mission UFO atmospheric entry and hovering footage (November 19, 1996):

    We consider NASA footage to be the gold standard when it comes to UFO's. It comes directly from the source, untampered with. Most of the infamous STS footage was recorded throughout the late 90's and early 2000's by a guy named Jeff Challender who was an ex-TV station camera operator in California. Jeff managed to record literally hundreds of hours of direct feed footage from the Shuttle missions and the ISS via NASA Select TV, later on he would pour over the footage and pull out anything anomalous. One particularly bizarre piece of footage came from the STS-80 mission in November of 1996. The mission was the longest Shuttle mission ever flown at 17 days, 15 hours, and 53 minutes. In this footage we can clearly see multiple objects entering and leaving the upper atmosphere, but the clearest of all objects enters the picture around 3:35 in the clip. It's coming from space and enters the upper atmosphere at about 3:55 with what looks to be a very bright plasma field around it. At this point the object actually decelerates and holds a stationary position within the upper atmosphere. We see other smaller objects tracking directly above this larger object, in low earth orbit. At 4:42 another object can be seen moving just beneath the tops of the thunderstorm clouds. At the 5:00 mark yet another object enters the atmosphere with the same plasma field around it. Obviously, there's a lot going on in this video and the camera operator seems to be just as interested in this activity as we are. This footage will remain one of the most important pieces of NASA footage ever revealed to the public.

    To Read More:

    Unusual [UFO] clouds in Cape Town skies

    [These are most likely real flying discs inside these clouds leaking through from their dimension to ours intentionally.

    Angels, both the good and the fallen and Jesus Himself travel in and on clouds and flying crafts of various shapes. Sol-war

    ◄ Isaiah 19:1 ► New International Version

    * A prophecy against Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear

    * ."And then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN CLOUDS with great power and glory. (Mark 13:26 NASB)

    * But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest said to Him, "I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you shall see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN." (Matthew 26:63-64 NASB)

    * And the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I shall come to you in a thick cloud, in order that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe in you forever." Then Moses told the words of the people to the LORD. (Exodus 19:9 NASB)

    And the LORD descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of the LORD. (Exodus 34:5 NASB)

    (CNN)If the lights seen on Saturday night in Los Angeles weren't enough, another brilliant show was seen in the skies above Cape Town, South Africa the next day.Residents of Cape Town saw brilliant and beautiful cloud formations in the daytime sky on Sunday.Just like Los Angelenos, some compared what they saw to UFOs.

    Right now above my head! The strangest most amazing UFO shaped clouds. Wtf #amazing #weird #ufo #alien #clouds #sky #spaceships #nature #instagood #beautiful #wtf #strange #wow #capetown #southafrica #capetownclouds

    A photo posted by A_R_T_H_U_R A_L_B_E_R_T (@iam_arthur_albert) on Nov 8, 2015 at 8:17am PST

    "There were just these massive UFO type clouds and they became more defined as time passed," said Monique Jackson.Weird UFO clouds over Cape Town. #CapeTown #CapeTownClouds— Monique Jackson (@monjackson) November 8, 2015

    They are in fact lenticular clouds, according to CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam."These are fairly common clouds known as stratocumulus standing lenticularis," he wrote on Facebook."They form when conditions are just right. Air flows along the surface of the earth and reaches some sort of obstruction like a mountain or valley."Have you seen the alien space craft hovering over the mother city today? Fear not! You are NOT about to be abducted....Posted by Derek Van Dam Official Fan Page on Sunday, November 8, 2015

    The clouds elicited a variety of reactions on social media, with Di Brown for instance comparing them to "a tornado on pause mode."

    To Read More:

    Retired US Marine claims he spent 17 years on MARS protecting five human colonies from Martians-video

    A former US Marine has claimed he spent 17 years of his career on MARS.
    The ex-naval infantryman, who uses the pseudonym Captain Kaye, says he was posted to the Red Planet to protect five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.
    He claims he then spent nearly three years serving in a secret 'space fleet' run by a multinational organisation called the Earth Defense Force, which recruits military personnel from countries including the US, Russia and China.


    In testimony released to ExoNews TV, Captain Kaye said he was trained to fly three different types of space fighters and three bombers.
    He added that training took place on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space.
    Captain Kaye says he retired after a 20 year tour of duty, describing a retirement ceremony on the moon that he claims was presided over by VIPs including ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

    To Read More:

    Classified Alien Information Leaked! You Wont Believe What Happened to These Abductees! Plus the Link to Fallen Angels and Nephilim…-Videos

    By Lisa Haven
    “…ET belief is quickly becoming the world’s most scientifically acceptable false religion and a major stumbling block to Christianity…” Gary Bates
    According to a 2013 survey done by Huffington Post, 50 percent of Americans believe that alien life forms exist, 17 percent believe they do not exist and 33 percent were unsure.
    With statistics like this it is no wonder many in our culture are beginning to accept the strong delusion that ‘aliens’ created the human race.
    Others go as far as claiming them to be ‘gods’ and while aliens do indeed exist, they are far from any type of heavenly being; in fact they are pure evil demonic Fallen Angel and Nephilim deceiving the masses.
    When we first hear about aliens (who I believe are Fallen Angel/Nephilim) abductions, it is easy to dismiss the entire idea as nonsense. However, after little investigation, many discover that there is ample evidence that supports these occurrences. In fact, since the late 1950s, there have been millions of alleged abduction encounters. They often report being taken by an extraterrestrial being then shuffled onboard a space craft and into some kind of operating room where various insidious medical examinations are performed. Some key similarities found in the majority of abduction claims include: hours of missing time, gaps in memory, inexplicable scares/injuries/implants, disorientation, reproductive problems, and other post-traumatic stress symptoms.
    Alien abductions are real and they are happening all around us. In the video below x-MUFON employee, Jim Wilhelmsen, speaks about a few cases he has encountered of alien abductions…
    (Note: These videos were not included to incite fear — but rather to give an examination of the abduction experience as reported by many people. So please use caution)
    AlienAbduction Video


    Below is a documentary of actual Abduction accounts by Discovery Channel…
    SECRETS of Alien Abduction Victims | You WONT BELIEVE What They Have In Common VIDEO

    According to the Bible, in the latter days, a great deception will arise upon the earth, leading even the elect astray….
    “Take Heed, lest any man deceive you…for false christs and false prophets shall arise and shall show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.“ Mark 13:5, 22
    “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.“ 2 Thess. 2:8-12
    Dr. David Allen Lewis and Robert Shrekhise, wrote in their groundbreaking book, UFO: End-Time Delusion, pgs. 68-69:
    “For Satan to succeed in the last days, he must work a deception so subtle and so powerful that it will overwhelm the human race both with its rationality and attraction.”
    “An offer by visitors from an advanced civilization on another planet for assistance to a perishing human race confronted with war, crime, violence, pollution, global warming, genocide, and a host of other ills that man’s rebellion have produced will seem irresistible. That the mainstream scientific community is taking the UFO question seriously, as evidenced by the heavy-funded, government-sponsored SETI programs, demonstrates that we must look at the subject in a very serious light.
    “Any person who is well-grounded in the Bible and takes the word of God literally will not be prone to fall for the end-time delusion. The apostle Paul contrasts those who accept the Bible with those who reject it…”
    UFO’s could very well fit into the fulfillment of Bible prophecy these latter days. In fact, the Book of Revelations itself speaks of these Alien Grey’s….
    “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty… Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” Rev 16:12-19, 21
    In this chapter the Bible speaks of three evil spirits that look like frogs, who go forth deceiving not only the kings, but the whole world. Note that these beings are not frogs, but they do resemble them. Meaning they have an amphibian or reptilian appearance and it further describes them as unclean spirits or demons. Therefore, I do believe it’s possible that John was talking about grey aliens when he wrote the book of Revelation.
    Similar Features of Frogs and “Grey Aliens”…
    1. They have Similar Facial Features.
    Both the frog and alien have huge, black, protruding eyes that take up a good portion of their head. They also have a slit for a mouth, and dots for a nose. Their skins seem to have a likeness as well; both are amphibious in feature.
    The Aliens (Fallen Angels/Nephilim) Will Claim Themselves Creator of The Human Race and Lead People To Serve the Antichrist….

    To Read More:

    Hybrids Aliens Disclosure is soon. The fallen angels are here.-video

    The lying US Government has been working with Lucifer and his fallen angels for over 75 years or more. Aliens are just demons in a vessel of flesh. Obama lies to YOU!!! And the demons lie to him.
    The aliens aren't coming , they have always been here. They just know how to hide real good. However!!! They are going to reveal themselves to the whole world very soon. At present they are only dealing with our corrupt governments, and people they abduct for their own experiments. The people they abduct do not know Jesus Christ / Yeshua. The aliens can not harm a true believer of Christ / Yeshua. Also!!! These world rulers of ours, and others in high places, they are not what they seem. And their time is fast running out. There are far more of us , than there are of them. And they want depopulation for a very good reason. They have ruled the earth for so long now, that they don't intend to give it up without a fight first.



    What does the Bible say about UFOs, aliens, alien abductions? Are "aliens" demons in disguise attempting to deceive the world into believing they are our creators and saviors? "Aliens" are giving messages to their human contacts that are anti-biblical, deny Christ, and his work on the cross. Sounds like a demonic agenda.


    SHOCKING TOTALLY SHOCKING 2 !!! Prepare for the unbelievable.-Video

    People, this is no conspiracy. These are facts. The US government are working with the alien / demons to put them in a fleshly body. The greys the reptilians the humanoids the black eyed children. There all DEMONIC!!!!!!! They are just demons in a vessel made of flesh. And our stupid ignorant military, are working with them, to help create them bodies. WHY ? . Because the greys are giving our government advanced technology. And guess what ? Who do you think the US military is going to use that technology on. ? YOU!!!!!!!!!! And probably right after marshal law is put in place. OMG!!! Hitler had a working flying saucer in 1934. Can you imagine what they have got now. Hitler and his SS were helped by the alien greys. But all that information was never written down publicly because the Rockefellers paid for the rights, to record the word war 2 conflict. And they forgot to tell you about some of the most important stuff.


    U.F.O VARIABLE Captured on videotape over San Antonio,Texas....December-06-2014 [Same type UFO seen in Kiev Ukraine] -video

    [I saw a similar UFO in Kiev in 2013 go by my 5th story building window. When I went out on the balcony it was hovering near by maybe 50 meters away then took off slowly going horizontally. I had not time to get any camera.
    This was my last UFO sighting in Kiev.Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired]
    Published on Dec 8, 2014
    For those unfamiliar with this phenomenon U.F.O VARIABLE....It is believed that these Crafts are converting the Suns Energy into Electromagnetic to travel around..If you pay close attention you will notice these U.F.O's have spheres that rotates inside them....According to the Hypotheses Thermomagnetic: In reality these spheres are converting Suns Energy into Electromagnetic..
    I have researched this subject and come to realized this a Real Phenomenon..In my opinion i believe to have captured one traveling overhead..
    December-06-2014 A U.F.O Variable was captured traveling over San Antonio,Texas...While Skywatching facing north,I notice this Flash...As i began to zoom in i notice this rotating object..It seemed to be traveling at a high rate of speed...Used the roof/tree top as reference point(giving the altitude/speed it was traveling).I tried my best to keep it in frame as it traveled overhead..Managed to captured as it appears to morph it shape as it travels overhead..On the Video Captures you can clearly see other orbs..In my Opinion it was clearly no aircraft,weather balloon,satellite,space debris...




    Mysterious Bright, Greenish Object Streaks Across the Sky-[ meteor or Merkabah ]-video

    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO
    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls
    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs
    Another Chariot of Fire descending from above.
    Heavenly Angel known as a, "Dominion". (See description) VIDEO
    Uploaded on Jul 26, 2011 Incredibly rare sighting of a commanding Angel from Heaven that presides over a specific nation, as directed by the Most High. This video was taken the evening before the massive earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Notice how it starts low and gradually moves higher toward the clouds. This is a huge & powerful Angel! (It's not the sun, as many have said which is obvious by the movement. Again, depending on the camera quality, distance & whether or not it wants or is allowed to be seen, many times it will be cloaked as an orb or ball of light on purpose.) To see more, click on my videos/channel
    Read more:
    NASA Video Montage of Various Merkabah Sightings VIDEO
    Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010 NASA footage gives undeniable evidence of merkabahs, spirits,and angels in the 2nd Heaven inspecting the Earth and readying for the great battle told of in Revelation 12:7. Remember that there are both fallen and holy angels in a ratio of about two holy ones for every fallen one.
    Read more:

    To Read More:

    Aliens On The Moon The Truth Exposed 2014 New SyFy Documentary-video

    [Actually they are fallen angels not aliens]


    Chronology 1000 year history of UFO sightings over Kiev Ukraine

    Click to read

    An Alien Spaceship on the Moon: Interview With William Rutledg & videos
    Apollo 20 Evidence, dedicated to Astronaut William Rutledge.

    Apollo 20: A Space Absurdity


    Official NASA images of the derelict alien spaceship on the far side of the Moon

    Ancient Egyptian starships & the blue-skinned pilot

    Dreadlocked woman found in a1.5 billion year old spacecraft


    and 2 more videos
    NASA Photo is proof of Apollo 20 mission, photo from Apollo Image Atlas, UFO Sighting And Paranormal News.
    Video 1 shows the earth still, not moving at all****
    2nd video smoking gun astronaut and a former NASA administrator make statements about 'back to mars.' *****

    To Read More:

    UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014 - video [Revisited with expanded info]

    [Advisory; Intel sources verify that human body parts have been found in UFOs. The late William Cooper stated that Linda Moulton Howe admitted she is CIA and working under a threat by them. Dr. Steven Greer is a disinformation agent funded by Rockefeller to condition the public the ETs are friendly in my opinion based on a variety of facts..

    In fact all ETs are multidimensional beings known to be demonic by the government. This film has rare graphic photos of human mutilation. There is nothing friendly about these demonic beings. Sol-War]

    [Expanded: A NATO Black Ops member of a Group 5-8 in United Kingdom revealed that he and his group traveled all over the world responding to downed UFOS and/or mutilated human bodies found. He has witnessed 30 to 40 mutilated human in many countries. Their job was to Find and Secure and wait for the American NATO members in charge to arrive and for the Collectors to retrieve the bodies and UFOS. On one occasion a somewhat high ranking police official was on the scene and he, the black ops member was told by the American in charge that if he, the police official did not leave to shoot him. He saw one so called live alien who did not look like anything you ever saw on TV or in any movie. He looked like a 'devil.' He said they are strong and can rip you apart. They are so fast they can run/move 50 yards in the blink of an eye. He also said their base in the UK was underground but came up to the surface at night to monitor the sky and they had advance warning when UFOS were coming. He did not know how they knew in advance. He said there are NO BENEVOLENT ALIENS. The black ops member had 11 photos of mutilated humans which he gave a copy to one journalist and also to one retired UK police detective. He does not want to give out any more copies. The journalist gave a copy of the photos to the local police. He refuses to let anyone have his copy. The UK police detective died and his wife claims she threw away all of her husband files. So the attacked photos of mutilated human are from other cases but look just like the mutilated human the black ops member saw. In the Brazilian case as I recall the coroner's report or statement by the coroner said the human had his organs removed and was mutilated while alive. These so called aliens are in fact demonic fallen angels from another dimension who can appear in physical form in our dimension.

    Most all major government top officials know this fact. Sol-War]


    Published on Mar 20, 2014


    UFOs and NATO

    Please visit Richard D Hall's website RICHPLANET.NET to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge.

    Richplanet TV:

    To Read More:

    Fantastic work by Richard D Hall. A must watch!

    The phenomenon of animal mutilation is difficult to explain in conventional terms, and has been linked for decades with UFO's, because strange lights are sometimes witnessed in proximity to sites where animal carcases are found. But have human beings suffered similar attacks? This film attempts to answer this very controversial question. Rumours about human mutilation have circulated the UFO community for years with some people claiming to have had contact with a military group which is used to acquire the corpses of victims of human mutilation. In the film we reveal the testimony of a black ops soldier, who was employed by a secret NATO "find and secure" military team. Their job is to search for and then protect sites where human mutilation has taken place. This is the FULL MOVIE.

    This is a Fallen Angel NOT a benevolent Alien ET also called Nordics or tall whites by new agers and other misinformed people

    [Alleged] Mystery 'meteor' burning over Australian sky baffles eyewitnesses- or Angelic Merkabahs of warrior angels- videos

    [Alleged] Meteor flies across Melbourne skyline-VIDEO


    Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city or ANGELIC MERKABAHS (VIDEOS 1+5)
    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO
    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls


    5 Five more videos

    To Read More:

    Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city or ANGELIC MERKABAHS (VIDEOS 1+5)

    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO

    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls


    Best UFO Sightings Of July, 2013, AFO VIDEO


    Another Chariot of Fire descending from above. ***


    Heavenly Angel known as a, "Dominion". (See description) VIDEO

    Uploaded on Jul 26, 2011 Incredibly rare sighting of a commanding Angel from Heaven that presides over a specific nation, as directed by the Most High. This video was taken the evening before the massive earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Notice how it starts low and gradually moves higher toward the clouds. This is a huge & powerful Angel! (It's not the sun, as many have said which is obvious by the movement. Again, depending on the camera quality, distance & whether or not it wants or is allowed to be seen, many times it will be cloaked as an orb or ball of light on purpose.) To see more, click on my videos/channel


    NASA Video Montage of Various Merkabah Sightings VIDEO

    Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010 NASA footage gives undeniable evidence of merkabahs, spirits,and angels in the 2nd Heaven inspecting the Earth and readying for the great battle told of in Revelation 12:7. Remember that there are both fallen and holy angels in a ratio of about two holy ones for every fallen one.


    Aliens or demonic fallen angels? Testing the Spirits (part 1) How do we test the spirits-

    1 John 4:2–3
    2 By this you know the Spirit of God: yevery spirit that confesses that zJesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit athat does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and bnow is in the world already.
    The Bible warns us 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." NIV
    Too often we forget that we live in a spiritual war zone. Eph 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." NIV
    The devil will try to mislead you and will show himself as being the truth. 2 Cor 11:14-15 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness." NIV
    But remember that deception is his only weapon. He is the father of lies and he has no good intentions on your behalf. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." NIV
    No wonder that the apostle John encourages us to test the spirits. The context of his warning was false prophets. Jesus warned us against those as well! Matt 7:15-16 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." NIV If you believe in a non-biblical prophet, please put that prophet on the test.
    However the testing of spirits is not limited to prophets, but to anything that is ngels for over 75 years or more. Aliens are just demons in a vessel of flesh. Obama lies to YOU!!! And the demons lie to him.
    The aliens aren't coming , they have always been here. They just know how to hide real good. However!!! They are going to reveal themselves to the whole world very soon. At present they are only dealing with our corrupt governments, and people they abduct for their own experiments. The people they abduct do not know Jesus Christ / Yeshua. The aliens can not harm a true believer of Christ / Yeshua. Also!!! These world rulers of ours, and others in high places, they are not what they seem. And their time is fast running out. There are far more of us , than there are of them. And they want depopulation for a very good reason. They have ruled the earth for so long now, that they don't intend to give it up without a fight first.



    What does the Bible say about UFOs, aliens, alien abductions? Are "aliens" demons in disguise attempting to deceive the world into believing they are our creators and saviors? "Aliens" are giving messages to their human contacts that are anti-biblical, deny Christ, and his work on the cross. Sounds like a demonic agenda.


    SHOCKING TOTALLY SHOCKING 2 !!! Prepare for the unbelievable.-Video

    People, this is no conspiracy. These are facts. The US government are working with the alien / demons to put them in a fleshly body. The greys the reptilians the humanoids the black eyed children. There all DEMONIC!!!!!!! They are just demons in a vessel made of flesh. And our stupid ignorant military, are working with them, to help create them bodies. WHY ? . Because the greys are giving our government advanced technology. And guess what ? Who do you think the US military is going to use that technology on. ? YOU!!!!!!!!!! And probably right after marshal law is put in place. OMG!!! Hitler had a working flying saucer in 1934. Can you imagine what they have got now. Hitler and his SS were helped by the alien greys. But all that information was never written down publicly because the Rockefellers paid for the rights, to record the word war 2 conflict. And they forgot to tell you about some of the most important stuff.


    U.F.O VARIABLE Captured on videotape over San Antonio,Texas....December-06-2014 [Same type UFO seen in Kiev Ukraine] -video

    [I saw a similar UFO in Kiev in 2013 go by my 5th story building window. When I went out on the balcony it was hovering near by maybe 50 meters away then took off slowly going horizontally. I had not time to get any camera.
    This was my last UFO sighting in Kiev.Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired]
    Published on Dec 8, 2014
    For those unfamiliar with this phenomenon U.F.O VARIABLE....It is believed that these Crafts are converting the Suns Energy into Electromagnetic to travel around..If you pay close attention you will notice these U.F.O's have spheres that rotates inside them....According to the Hypotheses Thermomagnetic: In reality these spheres are converting Suns Energy into Electromagnetic..
    I have researched this subject and come to realized this a Real Phenomenon..In my opinion i believe to have captured one traveling overhead..
    December-06-2014 A U.F.O Variable was captured traveling over San Antonio,Texas...While Skywatching facing north,I notice this Flash...As i began to zoom in i notice this rotating object..It seemed to be traveling at a high rate of speed...Used the roof/tree top as reference point(giving the altitude/speed it was traveling).I tried my best to keep it in frame as it traveled overhead..Managed to captured as it appears to morph it shape as it travels overhead..On the Video Captures you can clearly see other orbs..In my Opinion it was clearly no aircraft,weather balloon,satellite,space debris...




    Mysterious Bright, Greenish Object Streaks Across the Sky-[ meteor or Merkabah ]-video

    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO
    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls
    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs
    Another Chariot of Fire descending from above.
    Heavenly Angel known as a, "Dominion". (See description) VIDEO
    Uploaded on Jul 26, 2011 Incredibly rare sighting of a commanding Angel from Heaven that presides over a specific nation, as directed by the Most High. This video was taken the evening before the massive earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Notice how it starts low and gradually moves higher toward the clouds. This is a huge & powerful Angel! (It's not the sun, as many have said which is obvious by the movement. Again, depending on the camera quality, distance & whether or not it wants or is allowed to be seen, many times it will be cloaked as an orb or ball of light on purpose.) To see more, click on my videos/channel
    Read more:
    NASA Video Montage of Various Merkabah Sightings VIDEO
    Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010 NASA footage gives undeniable evidence of merkabahs, spirits,and angels in the 2nd Heaven inspecting the Earth and readying for the great battle told of in Revelation 12:7. Remember that there are both fallen and holy angels in a ratio of about two holy ones for every fallen one.
    Read more:

    To Read More:

    Aliens On The Moon The Truth Exposed 2014 New SyFy Documentary-video

    [Actually they are fallen angels not aliens]


    Chronology 1000 year history of UFO sightings over Kiev Ukraine

    Click to read

    An Alien Spaceship on the Moon: Interview With William Rutledg & videos
    Apollo 20 Evidence, dedicated to Astronaut William Rutledge.

    Apollo 20: A Space Absurdity


    Official NASA images of the derelict alien spaceship on the far side of the Moon

    Ancient Egyptian starships & the blue-skinned pilot

    Dreadlocked woman found in a1.5 billion year old spacecraft


    and 2 more videos
    NASA Photo is proof of Apollo 20 mission, photo from Apollo Image Atlas, UFO Sighting And Paranormal News.
    Video 1 shows the earth still, not moving at all****
    2nd video smoking gun astronaut and a former NASA administrator make statements about 'back to mars.' *****

    To Read More:

    UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014 - video

    [Advisory; Intel sources verify that human body parts have been found in UFOs. The late William Cooper stated that Linda Moulton Howe admitted she is CIA and working under a threat by them. Dr. Steven Greer is a disinformation agent funded by Rockefeller to condition the public the ETs are friendly in my opinion based on a variety of facts..
    In fact all ETs are multidimensional beings known to be demonic by the government. This film has rare graphic photos of human mutilation. There is nothing friendly about these demonic beings. Sol-War]
    Published on Mar 20, 2014
    UFOs and NATO
    Please visit Richard D Hall's website RICHPLANET.NET to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge.
    Richplanet TV:

    To Read More:
    Fantastic work by Richard D Hall. A must watch!
    The phenomenon of animal mutilation is difficult to explain in conventional terms, and has been linked for decades with UFO's, because strange lights are sometimes witnessed in proximity to sites where animal carcases are found. But have human beings suffered similar attacks? This film attempts to answer this very controversial question. Rumours about human mutilation have circulated the UFO community for years with some people claiming to have had contact with a military group which is used to acquire the corpses of victims of human mutilation. In the film we reveal the testimony of a black ops soldier, who was employed by a secret NATO "find and secure" military team. Their job is to search for and then protect sites where human mutilation has taken place. This is the FULL MOVIE.


    This is a Fallen Angel NOT a benevolent Alien ET also called Nordics or tall whites by new agers and other misinformed people

    [Alleged] Mystery 'meteor' burning over Australian sky baffles eyewitnesses- or Angelic Merkabahs of warrior angels- videos

    [Alleged] Meteor flies across Melbourne skyline-VIDEO


    Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city or ANGELIC MERKABAHS (VIDEOS 1+5)
    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO
    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls


    5 Five more videos

    To Read More:

    Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city or ANGELIC MERKABAHS (VIDEOS 1+5)

    The Angelic Chariots of Glory: Thrones, Ophanim, & Merkabahs VIDEO

    About the coming merkabahs and/or angels of the LORD that will soon fight the "lightships" of the fallen angels (masquerading as the Galactic Federation of Lies) for our very souls just as foretold in Revelation 12:7. They will also fight the antichrist's vimanas (Zechariah 5: 5-11) and vailixi (Zechariah 5:1-4). Do not confuse merkabahs with meteors, comets, UFOs, "alien spaceships", or goofy New Age "light bodies". Do not fall for any of the "alien" strong delusion coming to help set up the 7 year New World Order of the antichrist. Includes actual footage of real merkabahs. Keep your eyes on all those real-time clocks. "Merkabah" is the Hebrew word for "angelic chariot". They are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:4,16 & 10:1,9-12; 2 Kings 2:11-12; Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 66:15, 1 Enoch, Jasher 3:36, and the Chariots of Glory from the rediscovered Dead Sea Scrolls


    Best UFO Sightings Of July, 2013, AFO VIDEO


    Another Chariot of Fire descending from above. ***


    Heavenly Angel known as a, "Dominion". (See description) VIDEO

    Uploaded on Jul 26, 2011 Incredibly rare sighting of a commanding Angel from Heaven that presides over a specific nation, as directed by the Most High. This video was taken the evening before the massive earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Notice how it starts low and gradually moves higher toward the clouds. This is a huge & powerful Angel! (It's not the sun, as many have said which is obvious by the movement. Again, depending on the camera quality, distance & whether or not it wants or is allowed to be seen, many times it will be cloaked as an orb or ball of light on purpose.) To see more, click on my videos/channel


    NASA Video Montage of Various Merkabah Sightings VIDEO

    Uploaded on Jul 14, 2010 NASA footage gives undeniable evidence of merkabahs, spirits,and angels in the 2nd Heaven inspecting the Earth and readying for the great battle told of in Revelation 12:7. Remember that there are both fallen and holy angels in a ratio of about two holy ones for every fallen one.


    Aliens or demonic fallen angels? Testing the Spirits (part 1) How do we test the spirits-

    1 John 4:2–3
    2 By this you know the Spirit of God: yevery spirit that confesses that zJesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit athat does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and bnow is in the world already.
    The Bible warns us 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." NIV
    Too often we forget that we live in a spiritual war zone. Eph 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." NIV
    The devil will try to mislead you and will show himself as being the truth. 2 Cor 11:14-15 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness." NIV
    But remember that deception is his only weapon. He is the father of lies and he has no good intentions on your behalf. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." NIV
    No wonder that the apostle John encourages us to test the spirits. The context of his warning was false prophets. Jesus warned us against those as well! Matt 7:15-16 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." NIV If you believe in a non-biblical prophet, please put that prophet on the test.
    However the testing of spirits is not limited to prophets, but to anything that is spiritual.
    How can you test them? Here are a few tests that will guarantee you if those spirits are from God or not.
    The first test is given by the apostle John himself, in the context of testing the spirits.
    Test 1. 1 John 4:2-3 2 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." NIV
    The first test is to make sure the spirit acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. These verses are best understood in the light of the Gnostic-like errors that existed since John's time. They were denying that Jesus actually came in the flesh. 2 John 7 "Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist." NIV and by their action actually denied that Jesus is the messiah.
    Be careful though and know that the devil and his agents acknowledge the historical incarnation but do not confess Jesus as Lord. Look at how the evil spirits were recognizing Jesus during his ministry on earth:
    Mark 1:23-24 "Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, "What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God!"" NIV
    Mark 5:7-8 "He shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!"" NIV
    As you can see, evil spirits acknowledge Jesus as being the Son of God and were acknowledging his ministry.
    The Bible even says: James 2:19 "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder." NIV
    The big difference is that the evil shutter when the name of Jesus is mentioned and none will acknowledge Him as the Lord and Messiah. Make sure that the spirit you are in contact with acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Messiah. No evil spirit will preach about Jesus being our Lord and being our Messiah. No evil spirit will invite people to accept Jesus in their lives. They loathe the name of Jesus!
    Every spirit sent from God will glorify God and worship God. Angels of God do not receive worship for themselves!
    Rev 19:10 "At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."" NIV
    You must test every visitation and message with those in the Bible:
    a) Here are a few references to angelic visitations. We can compare our own experiences to these: To Abraham: Genesis 18:2; Genesis 22:11-18; To Hagar: Genesis 16:7; To Lot: Genesis 19:1-17; To Jacob: Genesis 28:12; To Moses: Exodus 3:2; To Israelites: Exodus 14:19, Judges 2:1-4; To Balaam: Numbers 22:31; To Joshua: Joshua 5:15; To Gideon: Judges 6:11-22; To Manoah: Judges 13:6; Judges 13:15-20; To David: 2 Samuel 24:16,17; To Elijah: 1 Kings 19:5-11; To Daniel: Daniel 6:22; Daniel 8:16; Daniel 9:21; Daniel 10:5-10; Daniel 10:16; Daniel 10:18; To Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Daniel 3:25; Daniel 3:28; To Zechariah: Zechariah 2:3; Zechariah 3:1-2; Zechariah 4:1; To Joseph: Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:13; Matthew 2:19; To Mary: Luke 1:26-28; To Zacharias: Luke 1:11-20; To the Shepard's: Luke 2:9-11; Luke 2:13,14; To Jesus, after His temptation: Matthew 4:11; To Jesus, in Gethsemane: Luke 22:43; To Jesus, at the sepulcher: Matthew 28:2-5; Mark 16:5-7; Luke 24:23; John 20:12; At the ascension: Acts 1:10,11; To Peter and John: Acts 5:19; To Phillip: Acts 8:26; To Cornelius: Acts 10:3; Acts 10:30-32; To Peter: Acts 12:7-11; To Paul: Acts 27:23; To John: Revelation 1:1; Revelation 5:2; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 10:9; Revelation 11:1; Revelation 17:7; Revelation 19:10; Revelation 22:8
    b) Angelic message will be verified by God's Word, it will never violate, confuse or twist God's written Word.
    c) An Angelic visitation will be to promote God's will, not flatter your flesh or promote darkness.
    If a spirit manifests itself to you, here are some biblical clues to discernment.
    § If the spirit tells you it is the spirit of a dead relative or friend, it is not an angel from God. God's angels do not inhabit human bodies or join themselves to human spirits. God's angels do not draw attention to other beings other than Jesus and the Father.
    § Does this spirit socialize and spend undue time with you - it is not a spirit of God.
    § Does this spirit use physical things to impress you; sights, sounds, colors, the "supernatural"; it is not a spirit of God. God's angels deliver messages to God's people and then vanish. They do not "hangout" with humans
    § Does the spirit flatter you and build up your pride? This is not one of God's angels.
    § Does the spirit try to force you to do something against your will? This is not a true spirit of God. God's Spirit in you will lead and guide you into all truth. You will have an inner peace that this being is from God by its message (which must line up with God's word and pass all tests outlined previously)
    § Did the spiritual encounter bare spiritual fruit? Angels are sent to deliver God's people, bring God's message, and help promote the plan of God through His people. Satan's demons come to deceive, destroy, confuse and confound.
    The warning from the apostle John 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." NIV holds true even more today than ever. We are facing such a prolific of religions and various doctrines, and this all in the name of Christ and the Spirit of God. The exhortation is very relevant and important to us. Are you testing the spirits?
    Remember only God's Holy Spirit will lead you the truth. The devil will only lead you to a mixture of truths and lies.
    John 16:13 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." NIV
    Have you tested the spirits you are in contact with? If you are not familiar with the Spirit of God, it isn't too late yet to accept Jesus into your heart and experience God's Spirit in your life. He is the only One who can give you inner peace.

    To Read More:

    Now two NEW large holes appear in Siberia-photos-video []

    Reindeer herders find more craters in the far north in a deepening puzzle for scientists.
    The funnel is a perfectly formed cone, say locals who are mystified at how it was formed. Its depth is estimated at between 60 and 100 metres and its diameter - more than four metres. Picture: Local residents
    Millions of people around the world glimpsed the first giant hole after it was revealed by The Siberian Times here and on The Siberian Times TV here.
    Now news has emerged of two new similar formations in the permafrost, prompting more intrigue about their creation.
    Theories range from meteorites, stray missiles, a man-made prank, and aliens, to an explosive cocktail of methane or shale gas suddenly exploding. The version about melting permafrost due to climate change, causing a release of methane gas, which then forces an eruption is the current favorite, though scientists are reluctant to offer a firm conclusion without more study.
    First pictures from the big crater near Bovanenkovo gas field. Theories range from meteorites, stray missiles, a man-made prank, and aliens, to an explosive cocktail of methane or shale gas suddenly exploding. Pictures: Andrey Naumenko, 'Yamal-Region'
    The second is in the Yamal Peninsula - known to locals as 'the end of the world' - like the first. It is some hundreds kilometres from the first, which is close to a huge gas extraction plant at Bovanenkovo. This new crater in the Taz district, near the village of Antipayuta, has a diameter of about 15 metres.
    A deputy of the regional parliament - or duma - Mikhail Lapsui has examined this latest phenomenon.
    'I flew by helicopter to inspect this funnel on Saturday 19 July,' he said. 'Its diameter is about 15 meters. 'There is also ground outside, as if it was thrown as a result of an underground explosion.
    'According to local residents, the hole formed on 27 September 2013. Observers give several versions. According to the first, initially at the place was smoking, and then there was a bright flash. In the second version, a celestial body fell there.'
    The Chief Scientist of the Earth Cryosphere Institute, Marina Leibman, told URA.RU website: 'I have heard about the second funnel on Yamal, in Taz district, and saw the pictures.
    'Undoubtedly, we need to study all such formations. It is necessary to be able to predict their occurrence. Each new funnel provides additional information for scientists.'
    This new crater in the Taz district, near the village of Antipayuta, has a diameter of about 15 metres. Pictures: Google maps, press service of the Governor YaNAO
    The third crater and hole is in the Taymyr Peninsula, to the east of Yamal, in Kransoyark region. It was accidentally discovered by local herders, inhabitants of the northern village of Nosok.
    The funnel is a perfectly formed cone, say locals who are mystified at how it was formed. Its depth is estimated at between 60 and 100 metres and its diameter - more than four metres.
    The herders almost fell into the hole which lies on a pasturing route. They took pictures of the hole which were sent to scientists at the Norilsk Taimyr Explorers' Club.
    Experts - geologists, ecologists, and historians - have not come to a consensus about the origin of the funnel, say reports in the region.
    'It is not like this is the work of men, but also doesn't look like natural formation,' said one account
    The herders almost fell into the hole which lies on a pasturing route. They took pictures of the hole which were sent to scientists at the Norilsk Taimyr Explorers' Club. Pictures: Google maps, Local residents
    Further study is planned of this hole.
    The first hole is around 70 metres deep with an icy lake at its bottom.
    To read more & see all photos:
    First pictures from inside the 'crater at the end of the world'
    New video! Giant hole on Yamal
    For more explanation on this story see below article:
    Read more:


    The size of this hole is so huge that people may come down into it on several Mi-8 helicopters, as they say. The place is situated not far from the largest Yamal gas reserve, a powerful undergorund stream is heard from the bottom. What you can see around is a forest, the soil around the hole was thrown out. No explosive works had been carried out in the area, so it’s hard to explain why the hole appeared there.
    ( I read with great interest the investigation by Valery Uvarov and his team of the Tunguska explosion as he said it was conducted as a police type investigation. He was correct in my opinion as a former Los Angeles Police investigator.It was in fact conducted as I would have done it. I had also read his book "The Pyramids" and took notes about his background from a taped internet video two hour interview.. He admits contact with aliens since he was a child. He states that this "Asteroid Defense Installation" that was responsible for the Tunguska explosion was built by some unknown race of aliens, according to aliens who spoke to him. They said they did not even known exactly who built the Installation as it was many thousands of years old. In my opinion Uvarov probably was speaking with fallen angels. However, if these fallen rebel angels were not lying then it may be possible that the holy good angels built the installation to protect the earth..It was not aliens from another planet but most likely these multi-dimensional beings, good or fallen angels. Uvarov stated that the Chinese had already discovered one installation and were inside researching it and we will probably soon see some new high technology acquired by the Chinese. Yet he stated the Russian government has no interest in it. Something is not right here. And if there is really an Asteroid Defense installation then why are governments pretending they do not know how to defend against asteroids, meteors and comets?
    Uvarov and his team appear to be backed by a lot of money but private according to Uvarov. Valery Uvarov said he is not worried about freemasons, Illuminati or the New World Order. This sounds like some script he is following for some puppet masters.
    In any case there are unanswered questions about all of this that governments are hiding. Edward Schooling-Sol-war)
    The following extracts were transcribed from a filmed interview with Valery Uvarov, of Russia's National Security Academy, conducted by Graham W. Birdsall, Editor of the UK-based UFO Magazine.
    The interview took place at the 12th International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival, held February 2-8, 2003, in Laughlin, Nevada, USA.
    Graham Birdsall (GB): What is your official title?
    Valery Uvarov (VU): I am head of the Department of UFO Research, Science and Technical, National Security Academy, based in St Petersburg, Russia.
    GB: This, then, is an official Russian government agency?
    VU: Absolutely. I am answerable to two people above me. They are answerable to the next person above them, who is our President [Putin].
    GB: What exactly is your remit?
    VU: Our research efforts are divided into two parts. Firstly, we are constantly analyzing data coming in from all over the world. We then extract what we consider to be the most interesting information through our database-which is yellow, which is red. This, then, is released to various departments throughout Russia. The other aspect of our research stemmed from asking the question: do UFOs exist or not? For sure, we know they exist, but what is behind their activity, their interest? This is the most important issue for us, and what we mostly focus our investigations on.
    GB: There is active co-operation between NASA and Russian aerospace officials at a technical, scientific and maybe even military level. Do you liaise or have ties with organizations similar to your own overseas?
    VU: I can tell you, truthfully, that just a couple of days before I flew to the United States I had a meeting with my ... let's say, my bosses. And they said they are very interested in co-operating with other organizations ... let's say, our friends in the West. So, I can tell you that this particular mission is at the starting point. I am charged with finding the right people. When this is done, and the next stage is activated, we can make some concrete steps.
    GB: Earlier, off camera, you alluded to some important developments concerning the Tunguska explosion of 1908. For the record, can you tell us why you now believe you know the cause?
    VU: It is not so much a case of belief; we know what caused it. It was a meteor, but a meteor that was destroyed by ... let's say, a missile. The missile was generated by a material installation. We don't know who constructed it, but it was built long, long ago and is situated in Siberia, several hundred kilometers north of Tunguska. I can tell you that our investigation has revealed more than one explosion at Tunguska. Let me share something with you. The last time that this installation shot down a meteor was on 24/25 September last year (2002). The Americans ... they have three bases ... they, too, noticed this explosion. [Editor's Ref: See New Scientist vol 178 issue 2399 - 14 June 2003]
    The Generation and Release of the "Terminator Spheres"
    In northwestern Yakutia in Siberia, in the basin of the Upper Viliuy River, there is a hard-to-reach area that bears the marks of a tremendous cataclysm that took place some 800 years ago, which toppled the entire forest cover and scattered stone fragments over hundreds of square kilometers.
    Distributed across this area are mysterious metal objects located deep underground in the permafrost. On the surface, their presence is revealed only by patches of weird vegetation. The ancient name of this area is Uliuiu Cherkechekh, which translates as "the Valley of Death".
    A. Gutenev and Yu. Mikhailovsky, two researchers who lived in the town of Mirny in Yakutia, reported that in 1971 an old hunter belonging to the Evenk people had said that in the area between two rivers known as Niugun Bootur ("fiery champion") and Atadarak ("place with a three-sided harpoon"), there is poking out of the ground the very thing that gave the place its name - a "very big" three-faceted iron harpoon - while in the area between two rivers known as Kheliugur ("iron people"), there is an iron burrow in which lie "thin, black, one-eyed people in clothes of iron".
    He said that he could take people there, that it was not far away, but no-one believed him. In the meantime, he died.
    One more of these objects was, to all appearances, covered after the building of a dam on the Viliuy, slightly below the Erbiie. According to the account of one of the builders of the Viliuy hydro-electric project, when they constructed a diversion canal and drained the main channel they discovered in it a convex metal "spot". Deadlines were pressing and after a cursory inspection of the find the project managers gave orders for work to continue.
    There is a host of tales from people who came across similar constructions by accident, but without precise directions it is extremely difficult to find these again in the depressingly monotonous terrain.
    Once some old men said that flowing in the place called Tong Duurai is a stream called Ottoamokh ("holes in the ground") and that around it there are incredibly deep openings known as "the laughing chasms". That same name also crops up in legends that state that this is the dwelling of a fiery giant who destroys everything around.
    Roughly every six or seven centuries, a monstrous "fireball" bursts out from there and it either flies off somewhere into the distance and (judging by the chronicles and legends of other peoples) explodes there, or it explodes directly above its exit point - as a result of which, the area for hundreds of kilometers around has been reduced to a scorched desert with shattered rocks.
    Yakut legends contain many references to explosions, fiery whirlwinds and blazing spheres rising into the air. And all those phenomena are somehow or other associated with the mysterious metal constructions found in the Valley of Death. Some of them are large, round, "iron houses" standing on numerous lateral supports. They have neither windows nor doors, only a "spacious manhole" at the top of the dome.
    Some of them have sunk almost completely into the permafrost, with only a barely noticeable arch-like protuberance remaining on the surface. Witnesses who are strangers to each other describe this "resounding metal house" in the same way. Other objects scattered across the area are the metallic hemispherical lids that cover something unknown.
    Yakut legends say that the mysterious blazing spheres are produced by "an orifice belching smoke and fire" with a "banging steel lid".
    This is also the source for the fiery whirlwinds that from the descriptions sound very similar to the effects of present-day atomic explosions.
    Roughly a century before each explosion or series of explosions, a fast-flying fiery sphere emerged from the "iron orifice" and, without causing great damage, soared upwards in the form of a thin column of fire. At the top of this, a very large fireball appeared. Accompanied by four claps of thunder in succession, it soared to an even greater height and flew off, leaving behind a long "trail of smoke and fire". Then a cannonade of its explosions sounded in the distance...
    In the 1950s, the Soviet military cast an eye over this area, evidently due to the exceptionally sparse population on its northern fringes, and conducted a series of atomic tests there. One of the explosions produced a great puzzle, and foreign specialists are still speculating about it.
    As the German radio station Deutsche Welle reported in September 1991 that, when a 10-kilogram nuclear device was being tested in 1954, for unknown reasons the size of the explosion exceeded the calculations by a factor of 2,000 to 3,000, reaching 20–30 megatons, as was registered by seismic laboratories around the world.
    The cause of such a significant discrepancy in the power of the explosion remained unclear. The news agency TASS put out an announcement that a compact hydrogen bomb had been tested in airburst conditions, but it later emerged that this was incorrect.
    After the tests, restricted zones were established in the area and secret work was carried out for some years.
    To read more:


    Click!Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
    Click!Scott Carpenter
    Click!Commander Eugene Cernan
    Click!Maurice Chatelain
    Click!Major Gordon Cooper
    Click!John Glenn
    Click!Dr. Jerry Linenberger
    Click!James Lovell and Frank Borman
    Click!Edgar Mitchell
    Click!Walter Schirra
    Click!Donald Slayton
    Click!Joseph A. Walker
    Click!Ed White and James McDivitt
    Click!Major Robert White
    You can read from many sources:
    "One of the original Mercury astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth Australia) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking radar."
    "Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting."
    And you can read in his book "Leap of Faith:" [1]
    "Only one problem with these "reports:" this never happened to me."
    Major Cooper is totally convinced that UFOs do exist and that some of them are of extraterrstrial origin, and does not keep this secret [4]; but not because he had seen them personnaly in space. Ten years earlier, in 1951, he had sighted UFOs while piloting an F-86 Sabre jet over Western Germany. They were metallic, saucer-shaped discs at considerable altitude and could out-maneuver all American fighter planes. He knows many pilots who witnessed UFOs. He heard Air Force personnal tell him they have filmed the landing of a UFO. [1]
    Major Cooper testified of this before the United Nations:
    "I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs."
    "I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe."
    And according to a taped interview by J. L. Ferrando, Major Cooper said:
    "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.
    Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means."
    "I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed... I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public."
    [1] "Leap of Faith", book by Gordon Cooper, Harper Collins, New York Ltd, 2000.
    [2] Statement by Gordon Cooper, U.N. panel discussion on UFOs and ETs in New York, in 1985; chaired by U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.
    "MJ-12 and the Riddle of Hangar 18" by Timothy Green Beckley; 1981; Inner Light Publications P.O. Box 753, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903; see p.12 - 14.
    [4] Video, Gordon Cooper interview.
    In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (first American to walk in space) and James McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a weird-looking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out of it. McDivitt took pictures with a cine-camera. Those pictures have never been released.
    But the images have been investigated, and lead to an interesting conclusion.
    Associated Press release, PHOENIX - A former astronaut who walked on the moon says he think aliens have crash-landed on Earth. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, said he believes some military and other planes use technology derived from alien spacecraft that have been captured and disassembled. The purported secret project has been going for decades under a parallel government administration, separate from the president and the highest-ranking members of the Pentagon, Mitchell said. On Saturday, Mitchell called for congressional hearings on whether the United States has captured alien craft and studied them to produce new technologies.
    "We know all that the UFOS are real. Something arrives to us up there. You acquire a total conscience, a general orientation, a dissatisfaction of the state of the world and an irresistible desire for curing it."
    Edgar Mitchell is quite active about the UFO phenomenon. Here some insight on his current concerns, and some of his comments related to the Roswell incident.
    Video, Edgar Mitchell interview.
    In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different.
    During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7:
    Lovell: BOGEY AT 10 O'CLOCK HIGH.
    Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.
    Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?
    Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size?
    According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the Aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon.
    According to hitherto unconfirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. Some of us remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.
    According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:
    NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
    Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!
    A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.
    Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
    Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off!(by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.
    Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?
    Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.
    Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
    Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.
    According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha:
    "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But this message was never heard by the public -- because NASA censored it."
    According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside. Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.
    Donald Slayton a Mercury astronaut revealed in an interview he had seen UFOs in 1951:
    "I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then I realized that no kite is gonna fly that high.
    As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing it didn't look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disk.
    About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me -- and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared."
    On July 17, 1962 Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15. Major White reported:
    "I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thirty to forty feet away."
    Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:
    "There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"
    On May 11, 1962 NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washington he said:
    "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight."
    To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing.
    In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system - specifically Titan.
    "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now."
    "...all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."
    "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."
    The rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defense budget and most of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations. Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground. If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public?
    "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."
    Note: source [1] also reports that Scott Carpenter denied that he ever said that. Author Tim Good comments that the denial means that he regretted having said that because he should have kept it secret. I rather comment that he simply never said that, it does anyway not correspond to the situation according any other Astronaut (none says there was a constant UFO presence). I did not check if sources [2] and [3] also quote the denial.
    Carpenter is also said to have seen and photographed a UFO during his Mercury - Aurora 7 flight of May 24, 1962, and that the photo never turned up after the film was processed. I have not find a reliable source about this.
    The following story circulates the Internet:
    "In 1962, Scott Carpenter was saved by the Extraterrestrials. He said initially by radio: "It is true, they exist. They are here, let Glenn know". During the same flight, when he used manual control, he made an error of four hundred kilometers, with the radio off. It was believed he had disintegrated. When he finally landed on sea, and as the exit opened, he shouted: "Who are you? Where do you come from?" Then, returned at the base, he explained: "the entry in the atmosphere was soft, I did not feel any heat. The capsule was surrounded by a green halation which flickered and which disappeared at the entry in the atmosphere."
    I found no reliable source for this story.
    In April 2001 he tells to a Cincinnatti newspaper journalist: [4]
    "UFOs absolutely do exist, but flying saucers do not," said Mr. Carpenter, who believes there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. "Fifty percent of UFOs are deliberate hoaxes, another 45 percent are (phenomena) from this planet not understood by the viewing public, and that leaves just 5 percent. We have no hard evidence of visitation" from other planets.
    [1] "Great Mysteries: UFOs", book by Robert Jackson.
    [2] "Above Top Secret", book by Timothy Good.
    [3] "The UFO Encyclopedia", book by John Spencer.
    [4] "Astronaut tells of travels" article du journal Cincinatti Enquirer par Sue Kiesewetter, 10 Avril 2001.
    Scott Carpenter was born on May 1, 1925 in Boulder, Colorado. He attended the University of Colorado and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering, then participated in the Korean war flying antisubmarine missions. He became a Navy test pilot and was assigned to the Electronics Test Division of the Naval Air Test Center where he flew multi and single engine jet and propeller driven fighters, attack planes, patrol bombers, transports, and seaplanes. He was assigned as Air Intelligence Officer to the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. HORNET. He then joined NASA on April 2, 1959, piloted his Aurora 7 spacecraft through three revolutions of the earth, with a duration of 0.21 days and left in 1967.
    Numerous sources report that:
    "February 20, 1962: John Glenn, piloting his Mercury capsule, saw three objects follow him and then overtake him at varying speeds."
    Actually, the above account is authentic but misleading when, as in its publication in [1] it is not followed by the remainder of Glenn's account of Glenn. He continues [2] by stating that the objects become very numerous, moved very slowly, resembled fireflies, had the apparent size of stars and are particularly illuminated by the setting sun. NASA suspected later than they are particles coming from the capsule itself. This was later clearly established during following spaceflights, and particularly when Carpenter on board Mercury 7 [3]: accidentally hitting the capsule's wall, he inadvertently started the take-off of the same fireflies. Thereafter other astronauts would do this for fun.
    Debunker James Oberg wrote with justified reasons [4] that this was fraud by omission in [1], reporting that Hynek was against the publication of Fawcett's unverified listing of astronauts' sightings in the book, while Vallée wanted to publish it to raise the interest of the researchers and the public about astronauts observations, also with the intention to show that UFOs are too much variable in their aspect to me "mere extraterrestrial spacecraft."
    [1] "The Edge of Reality", book by J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée, including a list of Astronaut sightings compiled by George Fawcett.
    [2] "Scientific study of the Unidentified Flying Objects", (le Rapport Condon), Chap. 6, pp 303-304, "Visual observations made by U.S. astronauts," by Franklin E. Roach, 1968.
    [3] Rapport NASA SP-6, p. 72.
    [4] "Astronaut "UFO" Sightings," article by James Oberg in Skeptical Inquirer, Volume III, No. 1, 1978.
    During his five months stay on the MIR Russian space station, NASA astronaut Dr. Jerry Linenger saw unidentified objects in space several times, according to his own statement. In November 2002, four years after his stay on MIR, he said on the Bur Juman Retail Conference in the Emirate Towers Hotel in presence of journalists:
    "I have been asked that question so many times. In five months in space, I have seen unidentified flying objects for sure.
    "Sometimes I looked out of the window and I could see a metallic thing like a spoon flying methodically. The biggest problem in space is that it is very hard to judge distance. It could have been a spoon or a space ship thousands of miles away.
    "Let me tell you one thing, I have never heard someone knock at the door and say - Hey Jerry let me in!"
    "I have seen unidentified flying objects for sure," article by Harald Zaun in "Telepolis, Magazin der Netzkultur," November 14, 2002.
    Astronaut Walter Schirra on abord Sigma 7 flight MA-8 on October 3, 1962, reported a faint luminosity of a patchy nature while south of Madagascar, looking in the general direction of India as follows: [1] [2]
    "A smog-appearing layer was evident during the fourth pass while I was in drifting flight on the night side, almost at 32° south latitude. I would say that this layer represented about a quarter of the field of view out of the window and this surprised me. I thought I was looking at clouds all the time until I saw stars down at the bottom or underneath the glowing layer."
    "Seeing the stars below the glowing layer was probably the biggest surprise I had during the flight. I expect that future flights may help to clarify the nature of this band of light, which appeared to be thicker than that reported by Scott Carpenter." [2]
    The Condon Report explained the phenomenon as a "tropical airglow" without clearly explaining how this large faint glowing patch could be above stars. It is noted that this "airglow" phenomenon is at 250 km above the surface of the Earth. Although the phenomenon is quite undoubtfully natural, the explanations seem of little scientific value.
    In contradiction with the Condon Report explanation, debunker James Oberg wrote that Schirra [3] "was referring to lightning-lit cloud masses over the ocean a hundred miles below." This is simply not a correct rendition of what Schirra reported.
    Walter Marty Schirra Jr. was born on March 12, 1923 at Hackensack, New Jersey. He flew 90 combat missions during the Korea war as US Navy fighter pilot, then was a US Navy test pilot, he joined NASA on April 2, 1959. He made 3 space flights for a total of 17 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes and left NASA in 1969.
    [1] NASA report SP-12, page 53, October 3, 1962.
    [2] "Scientific study of the Unidentified Flying Objects", (The Condon Report), Chap. 6, page 290, "Visual observations made by U.S. astronauts," by Franklin E. Roach, 1968.
    [3] "Astronaut "UFO" Sightings," article by James Oberg in The Skeptical Inquirer, Volume III, No. 1, 1978.

    To Read More:

    The Reason NASA Never Returned To The Moon (Full Documentary)


    STATEMENTS OF SCIENTIFIC RE: UFOS (Translated from French)

    The UFO phenomenon was so ridiculed that one feels compelled to smile when he comes to look wise and not gullible, rational and intelligent. The corollary of this attitude is that if you are seriously speaking, he is considered one naive or stupid.
    Which category the men who made those statements to be classified?
    The famous physicist Stephen Hawking, a guest of the White House said on TV on March 6, 1998:
    " Of course it is possible That Contain UFO's really do aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up "
    "Since then possibly contain UFO aliens and so really imagine many people and the government hides it."
    Werner Von Braun , creator of the German V2 rockets and the Americans said in 1959:
    Werner Von Braun
    " We find ourselves faced by powers Which are far stronger than we HAD hitherto Assumed, and Whose foundation is at present unknown to us. More I can not say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer Contact with Those powers, and in six or nine months time it May be possible to speak With Some Accuracy on the matter. "
    We are dealing with powers far superior to anything that we assumed so far, and we do not know. I can not say more for the moment. Currently we are about to come into contact with those powers, and within 6 or 9 months should be possible to speak more precisely the issue. "
    Dr. Hermann Oberth , one of the creators of the rockets, retired, told a group of journalists in 1960:
    " UFOs are conceived and directed by intelligent Beings of a very high order, and they 'are propelled by distorting the gravitational field, converting gravity into useable energy.
    There is no doubt in my mind That in Original objects are interplanetary craft of some sort.
    I and my colleagues are confident That They do not originate in our solar system, but we feel That They may use some other body of Mars as sort of a way station.
    They probably do not originate in our solar system, Perhaps not even in our galaxy.
    We can not take the credit for our record advancement in Un certain scientific fields alone. We Have Been helped. " When asked by Whom, I replied, "The people of other worlds. "
    "UFOs are conceived and directed by beings of higher intelligence, and are propelled by distorting the gravitational field, converting gravity into energy.
    seems to me there is no doubt that these objects are interplanetary craft of some species.
    My colleagues and I are convinced that there are in the solar system, but perhaps use Mars or other celestial body such as avanzado.Probablemente not come from our solar system, and perhaps also of our galaxy.
    scientists can not boast of progress in some areas. We helped. "
    When asked who? He replied:
    "Beings from other worlds."
    He later confirmed his words and added:
    "I think Extraterrestrial Intelligences Earth observing visiting from thousands of years ago."
    Dr. Walter Riedel , a former director of the German base Peenemünde, a colleague of Dr Oberth said in "Life Magazine" of April 7, 1952:
    " I am completely convinced That They Have An out-of-world basis. "
    "I am perfectly convinced that they have a base outside the Earth."
    He also stated that he had never seen a UFO himself, but had accumulated reports of UFO sightings around the world for several years.
    He developed his argument in four points:
    "First, the skin temperatures of structures operating under the Observed conditions would make it impossible for any terrestrial structure to survive. The skin friction of the missile at those speeds at those altitudes would melt any metals or nonmetals available."
    "First, no earthly structure would be able to withstand the temperature-induced flight conditions observed. At such altitudes and speeds, overheating of the coating would melt any metal or metalloid known."
    "Second, Consider the high acceleration at Which they 'fly and maneuver ... If you think of the fact That the centrifugal force in a few minutes of Such a maneuver would press the crew against the outside, and do the likewise to the blood, you see what I mean. "
    "Second, consider the large accelerations with operating ... If you think of the centrifugal force in the few minutes of such developments would drive the crew outwards, and do the same with the blood, you can imagine what I mean. "
    "Third, there are many occurrences where They have done Things That Could perform only a pilot but no human pilot That Could stand."
    Third, in many cases, have done things that only a pilot would do, but no human pilot could endure. "
    "Fourth, most of it in the reports there is a lack of visible jet. Most observers report units without visible flame and no trail. If it would be any type of Known jet, rocket, piston engine, or chain-reaction motor there would be a very clear trail at high altitude. It is from no power unit we know of. "
    "Fourth, in most reports, there is no emission visible.La most observers recount machines without flame or mess. If it were any known reactor rocket engine piston engine or chain reaction, have a very high altitude trail visible.'s an unknown motor. "
    Dr Maurice Biot , physicist, mathematician and aerodynamicist, also stated in another article in this magazine:
    " The Least likely explanation These Things Is that UFO's are artificial and controlled.
    My opinion for some time has-been That They have an extraterrestrial origin. "
    "The most likely explanation is that UFOs are artificial and controlled. My opinion for some time is that they are of extraterrestrial origin."
    M. Maurice Chatelain , one of the designers of the Apollo program, was responsible for communications at NASA . In 1979, he stated that the transmission duration of dialogue between ground control and Apollo 11 NASA technically allowed to censor information .
    Maurice Chatelain
    "All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, at a distance and sometimes up close by spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. Each time, the astronauts reported" Mission Control ", commanding them to observe complete silence."
    M. Maurice Chatelain intended Moreover everybody knew that NASA astronauts observed UFOs, but the instructions were very strict: never talk about it .
    Dr Dino Dini , NASA aerospace engineer, made ​​a startling revelation during a Swiss television program in 1997, about UFOs seen during the Apollo 11 flight:
    "These sequences were deleted because many points emerged that were part of the famous Blue Book which was to be published before they changed their minds.
    Indeed, the reality is:. what Armstrong saw was real because everywhere where there is confusion during the last world war, during the Gulf War, everywhere where chaos breaks out, these frisbees appear. Such from stations located near the Earth. was then just say so and we had to do it.
    Neil Armstrong saw objects that followed him, followed Apollo spacecraft, and also living beings. A few ships also were followed by other missions Apollo.Esto is a really crowded. We are those who have hindered the global discourse, because we had been instructed in this regard. We were very scared when we realized how big the difference was between our art, our science and UFOs. then it is clear that this led us to give negative ads in their entirety.
    You can not deny that the disappointing fact is we find no explanation because our science is still pretty primitive compared with that of those planets where they come from these spacecraft. "
    Pr Hidoo Itokawa , Japanese scientist:
    "Flying saucers come from another world."
    Dr JJ Kalizkewsli specialist of cosmic rays:
    "Other wise and I have noticed two cigar-shaped UFOs. Were strange and surprisingly fast. I think the government should establish a warning system 24/24, with radar, telescopes, cameras and other instruments."
    Dr Lee Katchen , physical, atmospheric NASA expert said the June 7, 1968, that based on 7000 reports could study, was convinced that UFOs were extraterrestrial probes.
    " UFO sightings are now so common, the military does not have any available time to worry acerca them -. them out so they 'screen The major defense systems have UFO filters built into them, and when to UFO Appears, they' simply ignore it. "
    "The observations of UFOs are so common that the military did not have enough time to deal with them. Then deleted from the screens.'s Major defense systems (SAGE network) have UFO filters built and when a UFO appears just ignore it. "
    " The filters cut out all unconventional objects or targets and makes no record of UFOs. Unconventional targets are ignored, Because, Apparently we are only interested in Russian targets, possibly enemy targets. Something that hovers in the air, then shoots off at 5000 miles per hours, does not interest us, Because it can not be the enemy. UFOs are picked up by ground and air radar, and they 'Have Been photographed by gun camera all along. "
    "The filters remove all objects or unconventional white and make no recording UFOs. Unconventional targets are ignored because apparently white Russians are only of interest to us to be potential enemies. Something that has a hover, then" long "to 8000 km / h, does not interest us, because it can not be the enemy. UFOs are detected by radar on the ground and in the air and have been filmed by cameras carried on board."
    Dr. James E. McDonald , Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona, said in 1967:
    " I have absolutely no idea where the UFO's come from or how they 'are operated, but after ten years of research, I know they' are something from ourside our atmosphere. "
    "I have no idea where UFOs are not how they work, but after 10 years of research, I know that come from beyond our atmosphere."
    In a memorandum declassified by the Canadian government and dated on November 21, 1950, Wilbert Smith wrote:
    Dr Vannevar Bush
    The matter is The most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but Concentrated effort is being made ​​by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush .
    The issue is highly sensitive for the government of the United States, more secret even than the H-bomb Flying saucers exist. Its mode of operation is unknown but is making intense efforts by a small group led by Dr Vannevar Bush .
    Those who have (or had) the value of studying the UFO phenomenon.
    To cite a few examples in disarray (future pages will describe their work):
    Allen Hynek
    Allen Hynek , an astrophysicist (US).
    Jacques Vallée
    Jacques Vallee , astrophysicist and computer (F).
    Claude Poher ., astrophysicist (F)
    Voir sur site are universons them
    Jean-Jacques Velasco
    Jean-Jacques Velasco , engineer, head of SEPRA / CNES
    Stanton Friedman
    Stanton Friedman , physicist (CAN).
    Auguste Meessen
    Auguste Meessen , physical (B).
    To read one of his articles, click here !
    Jean-Pierre Petit
    Jean-Pierre Petit , astrophysicist (F).
    Michel Bounias
    Michel Bounias biologist (F).
    Léon Brenig , physical (B).
    Von Illobrand Ludwiger , physical (D).
    In 1997, a meeting of senior scientists concluded the symposium of Pocantico (New York), given the new evidence to the world, " the legitimacy of the study of UFOs . "
    Statements by astronauts, cosmonauts and Pilots
    Political Statements Men .
    To be continued ...
    Why scientists are not interested in UFOs? How's the official investigation? Statements Problem Tests Natural Phenomena The Debunkers The Official History UFOs in History
    Return to the page on the UFO .
    Impossible Discoveries
    Summary The "news" Heretics Archaeology Paleontology Life Sciences parapsychological phenomena UFO Earth Sciences Astronomy Physics Science Mathematics Myths and Legends Cryptozoology Sindonology
    For Photos click below link:

    To Read More:

    Alien [fallen angels] Presence on the Moon

    According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:
    NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
    Apollo: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!
    In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater.
    "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."
    Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident.
    Cities Found on the Moon
    At the same time, the presence of reasoning beings has been detected close to our home, on the Moon. However, this discovery was immediately classified as secret, as it is so incredible that it even might shake the already existing social principles, reports Russia's newspaper Vecherny Volgograd.
    Here is an extract from the official press-release:
    “NASA scientists and engineers participating in exploration of Mars and the Moon reported the results of their discoveries at a briefing at the Washington National Press Club on March 21, 1996. It was announced for the first time that man-made structures and objects have been discovered on the Moon.”
    The scientists spoke rather cautiously and evasively about these objects, with the exception of an UFO. They always mentioned that the man-made objects are possible, and stated the information was still under study and official results will be published later.
    It was mentioned at the briefing as well that the Soviet Union used to own some photo materials proving the presence of such activity on the Moon.
    And, although it wasn’t identified what kind of activity it was, thousands of photo and video materials from the Apollos and the Clementine space station showed many parts on the lunar surface where this activity and its traces were perfectly evident. The video films and photos made by US astronauts during the Apollo program were demonstrated at the briefing.
    People were extremely surprised why the materials hadn’t been presented to the public earlier.
    NASA specialists answered:
    “It was difficult to forecast the reaction of people to information that some creatures had been or still are on the Moon. In addition, there were some other reasons to it, which were beyond the control of NASA.”
    Specialist for lunar studies Richard Hoagland says that NASA is still trying to alter photo materials before they are published in public catalogues and files.
    They do some retouching or are partially refocussing them while copying. Some investigators, Hoagland is among them, suppose that an extraterrestrial race had used the Moon as a terminal station during their activity on the Earth. These suggestions are confirmed by the legends and myths of different nations of our planet.
    The ruins of lunar cities stretch for many kilometers. Huge domes on massive basements, numerous tunnels, and other constructions cause scientists to reconsider their opinions concerning the Moon. How the Moon appeared and principles of its revolving around the Earth still pose a great problem for scientists.
    Some partially destroyed objects on the lunar surface can’t be placed among natural geological formations, as they are of complex organization and geometrical structure.
    In the upper part of Rima Hadley, not far from the place where the Apollo-15 had landed, a construction surrounded by a tall D-shaped wall was discovered. As of now, different artifacts have been discovered in 44 regions. The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Houston Planetary Institute are investigating the regions.
    Mysterious terrace-shaped excavations of rock have been discovered near the Tycho crater.
    Astronaut Mitchell answered the question about his feelings after his successful return:
    “My neck still aches as I had to constantly turn my head around, because we felt we were not alone there. We had no choice but to pray.”
    A mission control specialist commented on the pictures:
    “Our guys observed ruins of the Lunar cities, transparent pyramids, domes, and God knows what else, which are currently hidden deep inside the NASA safes, and felt like Robinson Crusoe when he suddenly came across prints of bare feet on the sand of the desert island.”
    UFOs on the Moon 3
    Maurice Chatelain
    French engineer, Chatelain coming to the USA to live and work for North American Aviation , a subcontractor for NASA that installs the system 's communications Apollo . However, when Apollo 11 was alunit , Chatelain is no longer employed by them.
    Sensational statements
    In 1975 , Chatelain published a book one on the theme of an ancient colonization of our planet by aliens (the "ancient astronauts"), where he deals with Atlantis, revises the Mayan calendar, and Apollo 11 , posing as former responsible for communications systems of NASA and one of the designers of the program Apollo
    In his book, he claims to have knowledge of inside information on the mission Apollo 11 and UFO s and provides the supposed transcript of a radio conversation between the crew and the shore base for NASA , called Mission Control :
    Apollo 11 : What is it? What it is, dammit! I really want to know. The machines are huge, I tell you ... God, but it is amazing ...
    Mission Control : What ... what's happening?
    Apollo 11 : They are there under the surface.
    Mission Control : ? What happens Mission Control calling Apollo 11 .
    Apollo 11 : Affirmative, we are here all 3 and they have been there for quite some time, judging by the facilities ... I tell you there are other spacecraft out there. They are aligned on the other side of the crater.
    According to Chatelain, it exists in our sky mysterious "unidentified flying objects" piloted by living beings of superior intelligence and have even unimaginable to us technical 2 . He believes, after considering the frequency of large " waves "of observations that the "drivers" of alien craft from civilizations far away star systems benefit from the combination of the four "big" solar system planets : Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter to slow their speed thanks to the enormous gravitational pull of the planets 4. First orbiting Titan, a satellite of Jupiter, gear from elsewhere would then wait in orbit around Mars before reaching 800 days later, the proximity of the Earth 3 .
    In an interview given in 1979 , he insists that the transmission time of dialogue between Mission Control and Apollo 11 technically allowed to NASA to censor information. It also contends that everyone at NASA knew the astronauts watched the UFO s (including Neil A. Armstrong , which would have seen two on the edge of a crater), but the orders were strict: do not talk about it. All flights Apollo and Gemini were followed at a distance and sometimes very closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin. Each time, the astronauts informed Mission Control , who enjoined them to keep complete silence , he says. For him, it is possible that some of these UFO 's are from Saturn's moon, Titan. This assumption is based on an unnoticed incident, which occurred in the years 1970 s: a probe of NASA in to Titan, experienced a sudden failure of all his cameras and radio equipment, a priori inexplicable.
    When James E. Oberg contacted Chatelain employers, he learned that he was no longer employed by them when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon . He was no longer employed by a subcontractor of NASA , he could not be present in the "secret room" where he could hear the confidential communications of the astronauts on the surface of the Moon . He was an engineer low-level working for a subcontractor of NASA who manufactured the systems' communications with Apollo . Its status as "head of communications" was false.

    To Read More:

    Bad Moon Rising (Otto Bender)

    All through the Apollo missions, there have been suspicions of an ongoing cover up of varying degrees whether relating to alleged UFO sightings made by the astronauts whilst in transit or to reports of structures on the moon. A former official of the ground based NASA monitoring team, Otto Bender, reported that certain transmissions made by Armstrong and Aldrin were allegedly subject to NASA censorship and as result, never heard by the general public. The following information is sourced from individuals who were in possession of their own VHF receiving equipment and therefore able to monitor NASA communications. This type of monitoring, due to vastly more secure digital and encrypted communication systems, would be considerably more difficult (if not impossible) to repeat nowadays.
    According to these sources, monitoring staff quickly cut off the conversations between the astronauts and NASA. Bender stated, "This conversation presumably took place when the two moon walkers, Armstrong and Aldrin were some on the surface, some distance from the LEM Armstrong clutched Aldrins' arm and exclaimed, "What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know". This was followed by the following exchange,
    MISSION CONTROL: "What's there…(garble)…Mission Control calling Apollo 11…"
    APOLLO 11: "These babies are huge sir…enormous… oh God, you wouldn't believe it…I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there…lined up on the far side of the crater edge…they're on the moon watching us…" A statement attributed to a leading space research scientist, Dr. Garry Henderson says: "All our astronauts have seen these objects, but have been ordered not to discuss their findings with anyone".

    To Read More:

    Outerspace parts 1-5 Read by Michael Hur - UFO Lecture by Capt. Bill Roberton - World GOV Bases and Colonies in MARS Since 1962! - videos


    Outerspace part2

    Outerspace part3

    Outerspace part4 part5

     UFO Lecture by Capt. Bill Roberton

    How many of you have heard about or read about a thing called Alternative 3? For those of you who haven’t I’ll just give you a short summary.

    A British independent television crew were investigating what happened to many scientists and military people in the 60’s, because these people seemed to disappear from England, and everyone thought they had gone to make more money in other countries. They were intellectual people, scientists, business, top military people and so on. So they were going to do a program about this to explain "why can’t Britain keep up with the rest of the world. Why don’t they pay these people to stay here and work with us," and so on. And in the investigation they came across very interesting data.

    They referred to this as the brain drain. In other words "brains going down the drain" in England - they were going somewhere else. The smart people going away, you know. And they did the investigations of the friends and relatives of these people. And the funny thing about it is they only heard from them one time.

    And they never heard from them again. And some of the postcards and letters they sent were exactly the same. The picture and everything, and the way they wrote it was exactly the same. Almost as if they were ordered to do it. And then they had gone completely out of communication.

    Further investigation.... When they put on the first program about this, several people saw it that wrote to the station and said, "we know more about this." One of them was a scientist at the observatory in England, who said that he had recorded from an American spaceship on one of his radio telescopes a report coming from an American spaceship in the days before the Americans had sent anybody up.

    And he knew it was a NASA Space Agency recording, because it had a certain code, a bip bip bip to it, but he did not have a decoder. But the television station investigated all this, and they found another guy who had a decoder, and they brought the two together.

    Now during the bringing the man, the professor of astronomy, was going to drive it to London, but he thought maybe something might happen, so he mailed it in a package. And then he drove, so he wouldn’t be rushing he drove slowly, but he was killed on the way, a very strange accident.

    He was found in his car down the side of the road, and he was burnt all the way to his bones, as if it was done by a high intensity laser or something. It could not have been done by a car just crashing and burning petrol. And this remained part of the mystery in the second program they gave.

    Now this was all true, and it was all recorded in the British newspapers. And then there were other people that gave stories: That the government of America and Russia were working together to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and that’s why they needed all these people. And this was in the days before sputnik and spacecraft. And so by that time the station was in the problem of almost appearing to be putting out a science fiction movie.

    And they are supposed to be investigative reporters of facts, you see. So they were told to admit to the public that these programs were all a hoax or they’d lose their license. And they must fire the reporters who were working on it. That is essentially... The book was then written by the 2 reporters or 3 reporters that were fired. OK? Now that’s how the Alternative 3 book came about.

    Now you understand that that was the Alternative 3 idea.

    The three alternatives mentioned by the book had to do with some of the data they found to apparently explain why the Russians and Americans would do this. They said that a climatic catastrophe was coming upon the planet, you know the carbon-dioxide - the ozone, and that they only had three possibilities: Go underground, live underground. Do something drastic with the atmosphere like with nuclear weapons or something - war. And set up bases or set up bases on other planets, for just the top people of course. That’s what they explain it with.

    Now you are going to see the real explanation of Alternative 3, because that itself was a cover scenario. Are you ready? Good.

    They showed this on the television, before it was cut off the air and before they were threatened of the actual - - - what was on that tape. And you are going to see it and are going to see and analyze what it really means.

    World GOV Bases and Colonies in MARS Since 1962! VIDEO


    * For a better quality  video of what was moving on Mars watch the below full film:

    * Alternative 3 - The Most Dangerous TV Program Ever Made - Guide to the Unknown Episode X-video

    To read more:

    Secret Colonization Of The Moon And Mars-The Fake Second Coming

    Al Bielek has also said that when the astronauts of Apollo 11 arrived on the moon, that they told Houston Space Centre:

    "Houston, we've got visitors up here."
    Houston answered:
    "Are they Americans?" and the astronauts said "Yes."
    Americans were waiting for them to arrive, in chemically fueled rockets.

    Al also claims there are colonies on Mars, but there is evidence that they have been over run and destroyed, the story goes, by reptilians. He said radio transmissions to earth from the colonies, which were regular, suddenly shut off years ago. Al also says US and Russian interests are mining the back of the moon, bringing titanium back.

    "One who knows" also writes that the secret American moon base in Copernicus crater was destroyed by Russian neutron beam attack on Sept 27 1977. Kennedy said in 1961 that before the decade was out, landing on the moon was a goal. But there was already an American base on the moon and a year later a space probe landed on Mars, which confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life.

    Not long after, the construction of a colony began on Mars. This was set up by the descendants of European royalty, called the Bilderbergers. They also run the Pine Gap base along with the CIA which is an interdimensional doorway.

    Are people still leaving for Mars but through an interdimensional doorway at Pine Gap now?

    We'll look into this shortly.

    Vladimir Terziski, writes of the German moon base and Mars landing. In summary the Germans moon landing probably in 1942 utilized their larger exo-atmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. Its diameter, 60 meters, height 45 meters and 10 stories of crew compartments.

    There is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the moon and man does not need a space suit to walk on the moon, ordinary clothes suffice. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people, material and the first robots to the moon's construction site. After 1945, the Germans continued their space effort from Antarctica.

    Terziski discovered a photograph of their underground space control center there.


    Terziski writes that according to Renato Vesco, Germany shared advances in weaponry the Italians during the war. The Germans worked with the Japanese military, supplying it with many advanced weapons. The V-1 - the Reichenberg was produced in Japan by Mitsubishi.

    The best fighter in the world - the push-pull twin propeller Domier-335 was duplicated at the Kawashima works. In July 1945 a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan two spherical wingless flying devices. The Japanese R&D team put a machine together and pressed the start button. It roared into the sky and disappeared unmanned! German and Japanese crew departed from Germany to Mars in April 1945.

    Later trips to Mars by the joint Soviet/American craft in 1952 and by the Vatican craft of the Marconi project from Argentina in 1956 reached Mars in only 2/3 days. Smaller Kohler converters powering the systems and life support equipment on board may have been used. Large antigravity drives of the ship may have solved the gravity problem and air recycling may use the submarine method.

    Vladimir Terziski, President,- American Academy of Dissident Sciences, 10970 Ashton Ave. #310, Los Angeles, CA 90024, phone and fax: USA-(310)-473-9717.


    This is a summary of a lecture given by US Capt. Bill Robertson in Germany 1990 transcribed from a video.

    In the 1960's a British independent television crew investigated what happened to many top UK scientists, business and military people who disappeared, why they had left the country. They'd sent postcards and letters just once and then had never been heard from again. Some of the postcards and letters sent were exactly the same, like they'd been ordered to do it. The first program made several people write in and say they knew more about this.

    An astronomy professor in England, said that he had recorded on one of his radio telescopes, a report coming from an American spaceship before they had 'officially' sent anything up. And he knew it was a NASA Space Agency recording, because of its code. He did not have a decoder, but the television station found someone with one and they arranged to meet. He mailed it first but was killed en route in his car and he was mysteriously burnt all the way to his bones, as if it was done by a high intensity laser or similar.

    The second program covered this. It was in the British newspapers. Other people revealed that together America and Russia were establishing bases on the Moon and Mars with these people - before sputnik and spacecraft. However they were ordered to say it was all a hoax and to fire the reporters working on this or they'd lose their license. But they'd showed the professor's tape of the Mars landing on May 22 1962 on the television, before it was cut off the air and before they were threatened with closing the license of the program. People were and the people who worked on it fired.


    The interference with the radio transmission frequency on the tape was caused by a high intensity electromagnetic field as in a UFO. The Americans used a UFO to get there Robertson says. A man in the audience said that he was a technical person in Scientology/the Sea Org. He had degrees in mathematics and physics and civil engineering - docks, airports, railroads, buildings.

    He had a NASA scholarship to be in a space structures organization to build space-platforms and spaceships for the American government. He noticed the next year's students had disappeared, so he got out of it. He read the Alternative 3 book by Leslie Watkins and knew they were taken away, working somewhere else. Robertson spoke of more than one group of extraterrestrials interested in this planet, who had mostly peaceful intentions to develop relations with this planet but we were to dispose of atomic, biological and chemical weapons.

    The friendly ones are holding back and merely observing, plus this planet has no obvious leader. Many through (Scientology etc.) auditing, have recognized that they have lived on other planets before, in other lives and may have incarnated to help the rehabilitation of this planet and its place in the galactic scheme of things, but have been here a long time.

    They then realize their purpose through training and want to fulfill their destiny in bringing earth back into a more universal role. This probably means finding out the roles and who is relegated for what purpose. By determining the truth of who everyone 'really' is - as in being active elsewhere on other planets and also who everyone else 'really' is.


    After World War II, rumors circulated that German astronauts had traveled to the moon and established a top-secret facility there. Some even speculated that Adolf Hitler faked his own death, fled the planet and lived out the rest of his days in an underground lunar hideout. Connections were also drawn between flying saucer sightings—including the famous incident near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947—with the Nazis’ alleged UFO development program. These theories form the basis of the science fiction novel “Rocket Ship Galileo,” published by Robert A. Heinlein in 1947.

    Iron Sky Teaser 2 - The First Footage

    NAZI on Moon base and top secret space program

    secret Nazi space program

    Nazis on the Moon in 1945?

    According to several websites whose writers failed miserably in their due diligence, the Romanian scientist ‘Radovan Tomovici’, who has studied conspiracy theories for decades, stated, For over 70 years, it has been common knowledge that the Nazis had a research program overseen by Hans Kammler during the war, with the goal of conquest and control of orbital space.” “It seems that Kammler, who mysteriously vanished [in Antarctica] shortly before the end of the war, and his team were successful. We’re in trouble now.

    Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists bloggers failed to realize that the fascinating tidbit was a piece of PR manufactured for the marketing build up of the film Iron Sky scheduled for an April 2012 release.

    Nazi General Hans Kammler in charge of saucer program

    Nazi flying saucers being given a second look

    After decades of derision and dismissal by the main stream media, the surviving documents and testimonies by eye-witnesses that a Nazi flying disc program did exist and actually met with some success is being revisited.

    The Daily Mail asks: “Hitler’s secret flying saucer: Did the Führer plan to attack London and New York in UFOs?” while rival newspaper The Sun claims the Nazi Reich made much more progress with advanced flying saucers than most military historians admitted: “Close encounters of the Third Reich.”

    Fleeing to Neuschwabenland, Antarctica

    Some contend that after the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort from their south polar colony of Neuschwabenland (New Swabia).

    Sir Roy Fedden (an aeronautical engineer and Chief of the Technical Mission to Germany for the Ministry of Aircraft Production) stated that the only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to the flying saucers seen around the world during the late 1940s and early 1950s were those being designed by the Germans towards the end of the war:

    I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realise that if they (the Germans) had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare.

    A mysterious structure near the Polish town of Nowa Ruba located by the foothills of the Owl Mountains may be a part of the Nazi flying saucer program.

    Nick Cook, aeronautical expert and bestselling author

    Analyst Nick Cook states:

    It would be a mistake to disregard the research in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s just because it was done in the Third Reich. This kind of suppression of facts would be unscientific and would be just as bad as the suppression of facts that happened during that era.

    Nick Cook is an aeronautical expert and repected advisor to the worldwide leading journal Jane’s Defence weekly. He’s also the editor of the air weapons section. His book, The Hunt for Zero Point, dealt with flying saucers, the Nazi disc program and the intense American and British quest for anti-gravity. His book was an international bestseller.

    Nazi Moon enthusiasts argue that:

    Many of the so-called UFO cases in the 1950s and 1960s—including the famous flyovers above Washington, D.C. during July of 1952—were actually warnings by the Nazi S. S. They flaunted their superiority over the Allies aeronautical prowess.

    The Nazi S. S. continue to maintain a mammoth, underground city-factory complex far beneath the frozen wastelands of the Antarctic ice not far from U. S. and Norwegian bases.
    Patrolling the Norwegian fjords

    The disciplined remnants of an elite Waffen S. S. corps and their appointed successors monitor the superpowers and continue an ingenious yet relentless campaign (begun in early 1947) of military, economic and political blackmail and extortion on a worldwide scale.

    Early model impresses S.S. overseers

    The diabolical Nazi S. S. established and expanded upon a network of lunar bases whose primary purpose is to exploit the ultimate military “high ground,” control and contain the superpowers, and mine the abundant minerals available there (including Helium-3 for nuclear fusion reactors) for light and heavy manufacturing purposes to support terrestrial and lunar operations.

    Some contend this is why NASA killed the Apollo program and never returned to the moon. Many space probes have returned photos of what can only be described as mining operations and structures on the lunar surface. Are they operated by space aliens? Not likely argue the Nazi theorists. More likely the Nazi space corps runs the show.

    The Nazi S. S. established secret maintenance bases in extreme northern Norway, under deep lakes located within northwest Canada, Central America, southern South America, and under targeted regions of the vast oceans and seas. These areas have been hotbeds of flying saucer reports and UFO activity for years, but strangely no activity was ever reported from these regions prior to 1945.

    Staging area for advanced Nazi military flying saucer

    When Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s United States naval task force confronted and engaged the Polar Waffen SS forces near the giant Nazi base of Neuschwabenland in the Antarctic in 1956 the Americans lost. The task force limped back with home months earlier than planned with almost one hundred men missing and scores more injured. One of the fleet’s ships was lost and Byrd was ordered by President Eisenhower never to talk to the news media about it the horrifying events that transpired on the southern ice pack.

    Candid photo of Kammler at reputed saucer facility

    The German navy’s “super submarines” disappeared at the fall of the Third Reich. They were never sunk or scuttled and none of the Allied forces captured them. They were last reported on a heading towards the South Pole.

    Tons of Nazi gold disappeared at the end of the war. The Allies never found it, nor did anyone else. Today the horde has an estimated value of trillions of dollars. Did the so-called Nazi “Last Battalion” smuggle it out of Germany before the Allied Forces arrived? Did they use it to further capitalize their Antarctic base and satellite operations in Argentina and the mountainous fortresses they built that still are in operation today in Paraguay?

    Are these theorists correct? The answers may be found on the far side of the Moon.

    To read more:

    Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies-video


    THE MOON, an alien UFO base, a satellite that doesn't belong to us.-video


    The Nephilim Hybridization Of The Human Race-video


    TOP SECRET - ALIEN INVASION ? - The Best UFO sightings around the world !-video

    (Fallen angels NOT aliens. Sol-War)



    * Disclaimer-Disregard any opinions of individuals who believe humans were created by or altered by aliens and that some were benevolent. There are no aliens, only fallen angels in disguise who hate humans and want us dead. They can never go back to God so they do not want us to go to God. They are destined for hell and want to take us with them. The last few minutes of this film are particularly disturbing as the narrator wants you to believe there are thousands of planets of benevolent human type aliens some of who are our ancestors.So although there is much information in this film that is true, it only takes a small percent to be disinformation to lead you down the wrong path at the end.. Do NOT believe. Follow this advice and link on Sol-War: How to avoid ALIEN (DEMONIC) ABDUCTIONS-video and read the section on Spiritual warfare. Sol-War).


    GALE CRATER MARS - 7 Minutes of Shock!




    On Thursday, December 16, 1998, during Operation Desert Fox, the Allied air strike against Iraq, a video clip aired on CNN showed a UFO hovering over Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and moving away to avoid a stream of tracer anti-aircraft fire. At the time, it was thought to be just another UFO sighting, although captured on videotape. Many ufologists think there might have been more to this incident.

    According to ufologist Ignatius Graffeo, “I did see a triangular formation of lights moving very slowly at about” 12:55 a.m. Baghdad time that Thursday “on an NBC news report of the bombing…The light was steady, and it was definite and very striking.” He described it as “a V-shaped formation like the one at Phoenix,” Arizona on March 13, 1997.

    The UFO “was against a black night sky and very different from the ‘greenish’ tracer fire moving across the sky, which did not hold their position for any length of time.”

    On December 6, 2002, a caller into the Art Bell (radio) show, who claimed to have a connection to the military, said a UFO crashed in Iraq in recent years. The caller also stated that the U.S. is searching for any public pretext to invade Iraq, but its greatest fear is that Saddam will reverse-engineer the crashed alien spacecraft. "The craft allegedly crashed during the Gulf War (1990-1991) or more recently (possibly December 1998). This will be Iraq’s Roswell. The U.S. is currently reverse-engineering the Roswell craft and fears Saddam’s scientists will catch up with or even go beyond the U.S. in one or more areas. These areas of research include zero point, over-ratio or gravimetric technology, which would allow for a tremendous advance, allowing Iraq to become a leading power."

    During a recent guest appearance on 'Beyond The Edge' Radio, author / UFO & military historian Mack Maloney made a similar statement about an alien craft being shot down by U.S. pilots and that the wreckage was retrieved by the Iraqis.

    Ukrainian psychic Lenura A. Azizova claimed that Saddam Hussein first met an extraterrestrial in 1989, when a cylindrical UFO crashed in the mountains southeast of Kirkuk.

    "In 1989, in the mountainous region several dozen kilometers east or southeast of Kirkuk, was the UFO crash that was soon cordoned off by Saddam’s military," Azizova said, following a series of remote-viewing sessions in her own country. "The craft was seized, evaluated and kept hidden in great secrecy. The crash of this alien spacecraft made a long trench in the ground. The vehicle was shaped like a cylinder, or more precisely, like a bullet, 12 meters (40 feet) long and 2.4 meters (8 feet) in diameter, silver in color."

    “The body of one dead alien was found inside,” she added, “The alien was Asian-looking, about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in height, with a big head, big eyes and four- fingered hands. The second member of the crew left the capsule through the opening at the back part of the craft. A few days afterward, Iraqi soldiers in the nearby mountains” north of Taqtaq “caught this second alien. The entity was obviously frightened and gave off squeaking noises.”

    “Saddam was afraid that other aliens would arrive to save the crew, so the recovery was made very quickly,” she stated. “The Iraqi army transported the craft in top secrecy at night to Irbil province, where the special underground tunnel with hangars was constructed to hide and study the spacecraft. Natural caves existing in the region were used for this purpose. The body of the (dead alien) pilot was also stored there in a special cryogenic container.”

    The underground facility is “located in the mountains southeast of Irbil, approximately somewhere between Girdasur and Mirza Agha.”

    An Iraqi correspondent Mohammed Daud al-Hayyat stated before the invasion, "there are talks about extraterrestrials in Iraq, but nothing is said about any crash. It is rumored at a market in Sulaimaniya, to the south of Zarzi, that aliens are Saddam’s guests. Where do they stay then? People mention some underground base. But Saddam has a palace in this valley, an old stronghold Qalaat-e-Julundi. Earlier it belonged to the royal family. After the revolution, the government took possession of the fortress, and now, like every palace in Iraq it is "a summer residence" of Saddam Hussein. The fortress is mentioned here for a very simple reason: it is practically impossible to penetrate into it. The citadel stands on a hill surrounded with vertical precipices on three sides; the precipices plunge down to the Little Zab river. It is said that Saddam lets aliens stay there."

    An Iraqi UFO reporter Mohammed Hajj al-Amdar said on the basis of strange stories coming out of that valley: "Saddam gave the aliens sanctuary, so that they couldn’t be captured by Americans. Nobody can reach the citadel Qalaat-e-Julundi at night. They say that the aliens created "watchdogs" for Saddam. The aliens took ordinary desert scorpions and used their bio-engineering to grow the scorpions to giant size. Scorpions of a cow-size! They are wonderful watchdogs: they blend in with the desert, swiftly and silently move on their warm-blooded prey for a decisive attack. Luckless intruders hear just some strange sound from behind stones, then a pincer crushes their necks, another pincer crushes their legs; then the victims is slammed to the ground and beaten with a barbed tail six or seven times. Death comes almost immediately."

    UFO Roundup Editor Joseph Trainor came to a conclusion that something strange is actually happening in the valley of the Little Zab river, but it is not clear what exactly. It is not ruled out that Saddam intentionally spreads these rumors so that to scare people away from some important military object located in the old fortress of Qalaat-e-Julundi.

    Several years earlier, on June 20, 1993, information was published on FIDOnet’s MUFONET BBS NETWORK, what was a letter from ‘Steve from Britain’. He openly warned: "The following information was published in Amateur Radio Packet BBS on June 13 by some short-wave transmitter for spreading all over the world. I know nothing about the man who published the information, I also cannot say whether his information is true. The man reported that some aircraft was found after it was brought down by F-16 over Saudi Arabia during raids in Baghdad."

    The information itself said: "A high-ranking source admitted that US Air Force’s F-16 brought down a UFO over Saudi Arabia during the Operation Desert Storm, and five countries are trying to conceal information about this fact. I don’t know details, but it was some plane unknown to me. Saudis who were with me at that moment, were scared so much that they asked American, British and French investigators to come to the crash site immediately.”

    Colonel Gregor Petrokov, a senior Russian official said that at that moment he was on a visit to Er Riyadh, where together with a Russian group he managed to examine the crashed aircraft before American troops participating in Desert Storm came to the crash site. He said: "The aircraft was round and made of some material that I never saw myself. About one third of the craft was torn out by blasts of American missiles. Saudis didn’t let us touch anything, but we managed to see appliances, mechanisms and other things that bewildered us absolutely." Inscriptions on the control panel and on the scales were in some unknown language.

    "It was a relatively small craft, of approximately 15 feet in diameter. It had three chairs, probably for crew members, but they were so small as if meant for children. To all appearance, space aliens were just about three feet tall. However, it seems incredible that there were no dead bodies at the crash site; what is more, nothing that might look like an engine was found there as well. Probably American missiles hit the engine immediately and destroyed it. Later, operators of Saudi radar stations told me that no ejection or falling of some subjects out of the craft was registered. Searching helicopters surveyed the desert, but the pilots failed to find any surviving crew member close to the crash site."

    At the radar station Petrokov learned that the target identified as a UFO emerged “from nowhere” when four F-16 headed for Baghdad. One of the American planes broke the line and directed toward the UFO. The alien craft started moving south-west, away from the American plane, and the latter pursued it. When the F-16 was three miles away from the object, the craft fired at it but missed. Then the American plane fired a missile at the UFO. A horrifying sound followed and the spacecraft dropped on the ground. Petrokov says that when American investigators came to the crash site, he and his people were ordered to leave the area for Er Riyadh. The colonel says, it is highly likely that Americans didn’t want others see some other things that were in the crash site in addition to the round shape of the craft made of some unknown material and the fact that no aliens survived after the crash.

    In Petrokov’s words, people from his team managed to take pictures of the site, and neither Saudis nor Americans noticed it. But the next day the team was ordered to bring the pictures to Russian authorities. “American military engineers gathered all wreckage and removed them for further study in the USA.”

    So…did the U.S. and it’s allies invade Iraq to disarm it of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, to free the Iraqi people and to secure the oil fields? Or was the mission designed to capture alien technology before Saddam Hussein had the ability to use it?

    Strange visitors above and on the beach near Surfers Paradise / Gold Coast / Australia

    Published on Nov 26, 2013
    Images from a high res weathercam of UFOs floating over the beach near Surfers Paradise.


    Overlords of the UFO--Full Length documentary from 1976--BANNED and SUPRESSED.-video


    Angels Seen By Soviet Astronauts

    One of the rumors on the Internet regarding Angels, is Soviet Cosmonauts witnessed, “real” Angels in Space. As a result of many countries, removing the veil of secrecy, regarding UFO and other unexplained phenomenon, the following story has been making its rounds throughout the Internet. It is very difficult to validate any of these stories because we must have faith in the integrity of the media. We also must keep in mind, these are the same media executives who green-lighted a story on Britney Spears, because she stepped out of a limo with no “drawers” (for those of you who do not know, this is slang for panties) on!
    So if we are to trust countries like Belgium, Brazil, and New Zealand, who have released all of their classified UFO documents to the public. Why not give the Soviets the benefit of the doubt? This story broke earlier this year, but I would be remiss if I did not add this to our Angel section! Basically the story has been told like this.
    Salyut 7
    The Cosmonauts were orbiting the Earth, in a Soviet Space Station, christened the “Salyut 7″. This space station was situated in low earth orbit and lasted from April 1982 to February 1991. The year of the “Angel” sightings was 1985. The crew for the particular mission was directed to carry out several medical experiments.

    On the 155 day of their mission, a mysterious orange mist appeared around the Space Station, and the following statements were made by Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solevev and Leonid Kizim:
    “What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels.”
    They said the Angels followed them for about 10 minutes. They had peaceful expressions on their faces and even smiled at them! They were described as being gigantic (80 feet tall) and having the wing span of a 747. The Angels simply disappeared, but this was not the end of this encounter. Almost 2 weeks had (12 days) past when other Cosmonauts arrived for the next phase of medical experiments.
    They were Svetlana Savitskaya, Igo Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, and they too allegedly witnessed the Angel experience. This is what they allegedly reported on the experience. It sounds fascinating and mysterious to say the least.

    “They were glowing and we were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light,and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret,but within a few minutes,they were gone, and we never saw them again.”
    I must say this statement adds a flair for the dramatic, because I have no point of reference, for how someone looks while sharing a glorious secret. I have seen how a person looks in Poker, holding a Royal Flush, but never an Angel. This is the basis of the story traipsing around the Internet. There is an intriguing element to this story, if you look at the numbers of God. I do not want to turn this into a Louis Farrakhan math lesson, but take a look at this:
    The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this senseis the Almighty’s Number.
    “777″ also symbolizes God and Perfection and when God is telling us through His number, His plan is complete.
    The first “7″ I encountered, while writing this article, was “Salyut 7″ has a “7″.
    Next if you count the number of characters in “Salyut 7″ you get “7″
    The total number of angels appearing to the crew was “7″
    What is the probability, of a “story” about Angels, to also be marked with God’s number, “777″.
    I do not know, but if you are math wizard please get back to me on this! This does make the story a bit more intriguing, no?
    Now when you bring in Scripture from the Book of Revelation this story gets more attractive.
    Revelation 8:2
     2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
    As you can see seven angels are replete throughout the Book of Revelation. And the Cosmonauts happened to see 7 Angels while working in Space. Was this to let the Truth out in the “Last Days”? What would be an excellent follow-up story is to find out how this affected the Spiritual lives of the Cosmonauts! I am sure my life would be forever changed if I encountered 80 foot tall Angels, but I digress!
    Here is another quote from the Bible concerning 7 angels:
    Revelation 8:6
    The Trumpets
     6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.
    To me this is the best one because it proves seven Angels roll around in a posse following the orders of The Most High:
    Revelation 16:1
    The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
     1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”
    So quite possibly this story is true or it has been fabricated to do what? For what, to add credence to the validity of the Bible?
    I do not know if this is true or not, but the number 777, sure has me thinking, it just might be.

    To read more:

    Alternative 3 - The Most Dangerous TV Program Ever Made - Guide to the Unknown Episode X-video

    (If Alternative 3 the documentary is a hoax why has it disappeared of every site except this one?
    Perhaps It has made it by the censor here by starting with a new title. Sol_War)

    Watch live streaming video from klxxtv at

    Secret Alien Agenda (the late Bill Cooper-video

    Some UFOs which crashed had human body parts on board. That is why the government doesn't want you to know the truth.


    They Are Real And HERE NOW! (Video Footage) 4 UFO videos

    In Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece “2001 Space Odyssey,” there was the “stargate scene” where an astronaut saw several diamond shaped UFOs and in the video below, footage shows that those UFOs are real, here now and have been spotted and captured on film regularly for the past few years.

    Below the first video are the examples and actual original footage of those diamond shaped UFOs,which appear to make a fictional movie scene, predictive and coming true right now.

    In the last video shown below, it was’t an amateur videographer, it was a news stations towercam that caught the footage.



    Diamond Shaped Ufo In Colombia


    Diamond-Shaped UFO Captured On Nebraska Live TV Towercam


    To read more:

    Abducted - Documentary on Alien Abductions and Alien Implants-video


    Northern Lights: The Canadian UFO Experience- pts 1 & 2--video


    Alien Abductee Under Hypnosis - WTF SCARY!!!-video


    “Encounters with the blond entities and their kin”

    1. Encounter with female entity in 1928 & 1990 Simferopol, Crimea Ukraine.

    2. Encounter with male & female entities masquerading as humans 1990 Edinburgh Scotland

    We now come to third part of our series, “Encounters with the blond and their kin”, in
    this section we will detail cases said to have occurred during the 90’s which in some rred during the 90’s which in some
    way or the other describe this type of entity of being. The nineties was a decade of
    change, genocide, (Rwanda, Yugoslavia, etc), Operation Desert Storm, and of perhaps
    the beginning of a new phase in natural disasters (Hurricane Andrew). It also brought
    information from areas in the world which before there was few if any. The
    unprecedented wave of reports which began in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet
    Union in 1989 reached its peak during 1990- Union in 1989 reached its peak during 1990-1992, hundreds of cases were 1992, hundreds of cases were
    catalogued by numerous UFO groups and investigators catalogued by numerous UFO groups and investigators from those countries, but from those countries, but 8
    unfortunately many or most remained un- unfortunately many or most remained un-translated and unknown to most Western translated and unknown to most Western
    researches, perhaps with a few exceptions. Whatever your take on the decade of the
    90’s we all must agree that the world would never b 90’s we all must agree that the world would never be the same again, change was e the same again, change was
    accelerated and it was irreversible. accelerated and it was irreversible.

    We begin with the beginning or the 90’s or the end of the 80’s, whichever you prefer,
    the year was 1990 and it was a year to remember. the year was 1990 and it was a year to remember.
    The first case comes from the city of Simferopol, l The first case comes from the city of Simferopol, located in the Crimean Peninsula of ocated in the Crimean Peninsula of
    Ukraine. Before his encounter at an unspecified date in 1990, the witness, a teenager
    from Yalta, back in the summer of 1928 from Yalta, back in the summer of 1928 back in the summer of 1928 was loitering in the mountains of the Ai’ Petri was loitering in the mountains of the Ai’ Petri
    plateau, walking among the rocks and crags when sud plateau, walking among the rocks and crags when suddenly he noticed a strange light denly he noticed a strange light
    emanating from a “karst” (shaft) on the ground. Being curious he approached closer
    and kept watching the unearthly light from coming out of the shaft. Some time later
    he was suddenly seized by fear and ran home. Now he was suddenly seized by fear and ran home. Now many years later (1990) the same many years later (1990) the same
    witness (now obviously an adult) was in his bedroom at night when a very tall woman
    suddenly appeared in his room amidst a strange circle of light. The woman
    communicated by using telepathy and said, “Do you remember when you were a emember when you were a
    young boy, you saw the light from the place we live in the shaft?” The man was
    stunned since he had not told anybody about his previous experience. Before
    disappearing the strange woman told him that they lived in an underground city
    under the Ai’ Petri plateau with an approximate pop under the Ai’ Petri plateau with an approximate population of ulation of 2,000. She added that 2,000. She added that
    they traveled in UFOs. (10) This case is part of the underground lore involving UFO
    bases and installations and of course ancient civilizations. izations.
    Beginning in the 90’s encounters with entities at t Beginning in the 90’s encounters with entities at times described as ‘looking like imes described as ‘looking like
    human-alien hybrids’ or strange looking humans that did alien hybrids’ or strange looking humans that did not quite fit in or acted very ot quite fit in or acted very
    bizarrely were beginning to be reported more often and from almost worldwide

    The following case is a curious example:

    Sometime in 1990, late at night in the area of New Town, Edinburgh Scotland a man
    named Brian Wilson was working the late shift one night at a local Pizza Parlor when a
    pair of “rather small” adults, who had a somewhat “lopsided” look about them,
    approached the counter, raised their right hands, a approached the counter, raised their right hands, and announced; “Hi We’re announced; “Hi We’re
    Americans!” “What would you like?” Brian asked them, to which they countered, “What
    do you make?” do you make?”
    “Pizzas” replied Brian. “Pizzas” replied Brian.
    “What are pizzas?” enquired the supposed Americans.
    The couple watched Brian intently as he prepared tw The couple watched Brian intently as he prepared two cheese o cheese and tomato pizzas. All and tomato pizzas. All
    the while, the male “kept looking around the shop like he’d never been in a pizza
    parlor before.” Then the female pointed to a bowl of green peppers and asked what
    they were. By now, they were. By now, Brain’s colleague Doug had also noticed that there Brain’s colleague Doug had also noticed that there was something was something
    rather odd about the pair, and the two chefs exchanged glances of disbelief as Brian
    carefully explained what a pepper was. “Do they taste nice?” wondered the female. te nice?” wondered the female.
    As the pair waited in silence for their pizzas (com As the pair waited in silence for their pizzas (complete with green pepper plete with green peppers) to cook, s) to cook,
    other customers came in and out of the shop as usual. Once their order was ready,
    the extraordinary Americans settled their bill. Each took a single bite out of their
    pizza then threw the remainder into the bin outside pizza then threw the remainder into the bin outside the shop. nder into the bin outside the shop. the shop.
    Brian entertained a suspicion that his visitors may have literally been from another
    planet. “I had read stories on the subject of aliens masquerading as human beings,”
    he told investigators. “These two individuals came across as acting as humans, but

    To read more:


    On Monday, September 19, 2011, a 37-year-old resident of the United States spotted a “worm like” UFO in the bright blue sky in broad daylight. The observer was able to capture the unusual sight on video. According to The UFO Sights, the amazing unidentified flying object was “crazy looking.”
    The video of the event shows a small black speck appear at approximately the 20 second mark (keep your eyes on the upper portion of the image). Although the object is initially blurry and difficult to spot, the UFO gets more defined about 40 seconds into the video.
    By the one minute mark on the video, the UFO is clear and easy to spot. It seemed to have round or oval shape at one end with an elongated tail or body extending from it. The object is reminiscent of the scorpion shaped UFO seen over Los Cristianos, Spain earlier this summer.
    This unidentified flying object could also be described as looking like a snake, serpent, or Chinese dragon. It doesn’t look like an airplane, helicopter, kite, bird, or anything else you would expect to see flying high among the clouds.
    The worm like UFO in the sky moved and turned like a slow moving eel in water. This was truly one of the more interesting daytime UFO sightings in recent memory.
    ‘Worm like’ UFO spotted in the skies over the United States – National unexplained phenomena |


    Radio: Ed Slade S-4 US Scientist and Stew Webb “Aliens”

    Extracted report from 2007 Humanoid Sighting Reports-Location. Near Wloclawek, Poland Date: May 20 2007 Time: 1700-video

    * Entity appears at about 15 sec into video on left in background where man is sleeping.

    Extracted report from 2007 Humanoid Sighting Reports

    by Albert Rosales

    Location. Near Wloclawek, Poland
    Date: May 20 2007
    Time: 1700
    On this date a group of young people, three men and one woman were grilling near their cottage in a wooded area close to Wloclawek. The cottage is fenced and the fence touched the forest in its northern section. The forest separates the cottage from the Vistula River. The area is surrounded by other cottages and gardens. One of the men was lying on a blanket on the grass at about 5meters from the others, at the same time the young woman was filming the event with the video camera in her mobile phone. In one brief instance the image of her friend lying on the blanket appeared on the video, which lasted about 1.5 sec. Minutes later while reviewing the video something bizarre caught her eye. Next to the body of the man on the blanket something seemed to suddenly materialize, it seemed to be a humanoid figure about 70 to 80cm in height which seemed to bend down and touched the man with a sort of wand or rod. No one knows what happened later since the frame moved towards the right and away from the scene. After a while a dog that had been with them and had acted normally went to the location where the many was lying and acted nervously. It growled in the direction where the strange figure had appeared from. At that moment the others present did not connect the dog’s behavior with the strange figure on the video. The woman filming and the others had not seen anything out of the ordinary. Several days later three red spots appeared on the man’s knee, they were placed in the shape of a triangle. According to the man it seemed to hurt like a snake bite. However he stated that he had not felt anything at the time.

    HC addendum
    Source: Stanislaw Barski, Poland
    Type: E
    Translated by Robert K. Lesniakiewicz (CBZA)

    To read more:

    Description of female entity reported in Brovary, Kiev region, Ukraine Date: October 31 1989 Time: 03:00 a.m

    (Photos & more stories included below)

    Location. Brovary, Kiev region, Ukraine
    Date: October 31 1989 Time: 03:00 a.m.
    A female witness named Iva Gospina who had previously seen various UFOs maneuvering over the area
    woke up late at night feeling apprehensive suspecting someone had broken into the apartment. She
    checked the apartment and found her family sleeping and everything else in order. She then looked out
    the window and noticed to her surprise a short woman wearing a tight-fitting black suit standing at her
    door, the woman had long straight white hair down to her shoulders, there also appeared to be a small
    black dog standing next to the woman, but since it was dark the witness could not see any other details.
    Still feeling apprehensive she walked back into the living room and attempted to sleep on the couch. 45

    Suddenly a large luminous yellow circle slowly entered through the closed blinds of the window. Three
    figures, similar to people then appeared standing on her carpet. The figures wore diver’s suits similar to
    cosmonauts or robots and were approximately 140-150cm in height. Two of them wore diving suits
    similar in color to frosted glass, and the third wore a golden scaly suit. The yellow light was now
    arranged in a semi-circle above the figure’s heads. The figures stood quietly without moving or speaking.
    In a state of panic the witness mentally commanded the figures to depart. Immediately these
    disappeared and the luminous yellow circle floated slowly out the window. The room became absolutely
    dark again. The witness stood up and rushed to the window feeling some regret that the figures had left
    and she yelled out for them to return in despair, thinking that she had lost a unique chance in her life to
    communicate with extraterrestrial beings. Later that night as she attempted to sleep she heard and
    “felt” a large figure enter her room and stand over her. She felt completely paralyzed and was unable to
    move and couldn’t open her eyes from fear. Again she panicked and mentally commanded the alien to
    leave. The next morning she learned from neighbors that a red luminous object had been seen hovering
    over the area. She then understood that the three aliens who had entered her room had come in peace
    and she regretted not contacting them. (58)

    To see Photos & more reports below:

    To read more:

    Alien encounter-RE: Contagion-Location. Malye Shory, Lebyazhskiy area, Kirov region, Russia -Date: August 1989 Time: night

    (The woman then asked, “Why do you to come here? Why do you worry us? The alien
    answered, “We brought you a contagion. But you die slowly. So now we brought you another contagion.")

    This next case investigated by veteran Russian Ufologist Mikhail Gershtein
    among others has sinister implications to say the least:

    Location. Malye Shory, Lebyazhskiy area, Kirov region, Russia
    Date: August 1989 Time: night
    A local resident of this village on the banks of the River Vyatka woke up one sultry night to drink some
    water. The window of the kitchen was opened and after satisfying her thirst she saw someone walking
    beyond the window near the wall of the kitchen. The night was light and there had been a slight rain and
    under the moonlight she could see a tall thin “man” wearing a shiny tight-fitting rubber suit dark in
    color. The suit covered all the man’s body and his head except for his face and hands. His face appeared
    quite common, generally human, with white skin. Something resembling a hood covered his head. The
    witness noticed the disproportional length of the humanoid’s hands. The man stood on the flowerbed
    prodding the earth with something resembling a syringe, about a 1 meter in length and about 15-20cm
    in diameter. The woman immediately thought that the stranger was a “typical alien” and dared to step
    out of her house. The stranger immediately stopped what he was doing and moved away from the
    flowerbed. The woman then asked, “Why do you to come here? Why do you worry us? The alien
    answered, “We brought you a contagion. But you die slowly. So now we brought you another contagion, 26

    a more effective one” (!!). The humanoid spoke in perfect Russian in a normal human voice. His behavior
    was quite, but he never let the woman come close to him and began walking away towards the opposite
    plot of land near the river. The woman followed him and screamed bitterly, “Why is that, why?” She
    then heard a voice from afar, “It must be done in that matter”. The encounter lasted for about 2-3
    minutes. In the morning decided that maybe the incident had been a dream and also failed to find any
    traces in the flowerbed, and her husband slept throughout the whole episode. However the investigator
    (Kazakov) found several trees that had been broken and dried up in what appeared to have been a
    typical UFO “landing site”. (30)

    To read more:

    Best UFO Sightings During October 2012-video

    In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

    Iv put a lot of effort into researching each case in this video, however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own.

    I have contacted each channel and asked for permission to use each of the sightings presented in the video, however I am aware that the channels providing the videos may not own them. If you have noticed your footage in the video please private message me or email me at to resolve the issue. If you have a problem with your sighting being part of this footage, I would be more than happy to remove and re upload the video with your footage taken out.

    Videos used listed below

    Music Used - Smooth Promise (Reprise) Silent Hill 2 Soundtrack

    Amazing Domed Shaped UFO Captured Over Gramvousa, Crete

    Multi Colored UFOs Recorded Over Blue Springs, Montana, USA

    Israel Shoots Down UFO

    Giant UFO Shoots Laser Into The Sun

    Flashing UFO Over Fraserburgh UK

    Twin Cylinder shaped UFO Filmed Over Virgie, Kentucky, USA

    Cigar Shaped UFO Over Arlington, Texas, USA

    Rod Shaped UFO Glistening In The Sky. Area Unknown

    UFO Fleet Floating Over France

    UFO Activity Over Downtown Dallas, Texas, USA

    UFO Over Odessa, Ukraine

    Cigar Shaped UFO Fly's Into Volcano Popocatépetl, Mexico

    Triangle UFO Captured Above Black Diamond, Washington, USA

    Do yo have a UFO video that you would like to share with the world?

    Just Email us at:

    Facebook message us at:

    Or Just simply YouTube message: AnonymousFO

    FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.




    Amateur Telescope Captures UFO Explosion-video

    Amateur Telescope Captures UFO Explosion

    Abackyard telescope aficionado captured the rarest footage of an exploding UFO in Space. The Sacramento, California resident promptly uploaded the video to Facebook where “Good Day Sacramento” reporter Cody Stark broke the story. We hope the man who recorded the video using a smartphone will upgrade his accessories to capture an HD version the next time!

    There has been “talk” of a UFO war in space for sometime now or maybe the UFO was running Windows 8? The UFO appears to burst into confetti and other ships fly out of it. Which would make it a “mother-ship”, right? Also, people claim these UFO are “gods” controlling the planet, well it is good to know the “gods” are not perfect and have “vehicle” trouble. I just hope they have better warranties in Space than on Earth.

    UFO Explosion Caught On Camera 2012

    UFO Explosion Caught On Camera 2012


    To read more:

    Fallen Angels Descending LOWER: July 2013-videos

    July 2013 has been a busy month for UFO a.k.a. “fallen angels” and looks like being caught on film is the goal. I can not stop correlating the Mayan Prophecy of the “return of the gods” after December 21, 2012, with all of this “UFO” activity. These conspicuous sightings are being captured by amateur videographers around the world and not by the mainstream media. Why does the mainstream avoid these sightings?

    Best UFO Sightings Of July, 2013, AFO


    There are many new strange discoveries with these orbs of light including clouds which spontaneously change their shape! It almost appears as if the clouds are alive. These “fallen angels” are descending lower and one day they will land to walk amongst us. What is the point of “them” revealing themselves in such a manner to the public? It is to desensitize the human population to the reality of their existence. We should not be surprised because these same “UFO” were embodied in art throughout the centuries. Meaning they were universally accepted as a part of our reality.

    2011 Ancient UFO Paintings & Artifacts


    These are timeless beings which stand outside of time. This means they are in fact from another dimension. These beings are from another world where they never age and are not made of the same material of man. Although they can materialize in our dimension they are able to live in both worlds. These worlds could be in the process of merging which could mean no more hiding.
    One of the strangest discoveries in the compilation video is a pyramid constructed in Area 51. Pyramid technology is ancient and they are scattered around the earth. What is the point of having one at Area 51? It appears ancient and modern reality are being merged together and it sounds down right biblical. Jesus was asked what will be the sign of his return, he replied, “It will be like the days of Noah.” What made Noah’s day distinct from any other time was the fact, the Nephilim walked amongst us.
    Isaiah 46:10

    Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure

    We appear to be transitioning to a time where this will be a reality and many people will be fooled by the intentions of these beings. How will you know which beings to trust and to support? According to the Bible we are dealing with ancient things not yet complete and discernment is key to survival. All I know is these “fallen angels” are becoming bolder much like a vampire who gains the ability to walk in daylight. Keep your hearts pure and your eyes on the sky because we are not in Kansas anymore.

    To read more:

    MUST WATCH Aliens Earth Takeover 2013 Full Length possible-video


    SOL has evidence of witnesses who were abducted and/or saw aliens with flying serpents on their uniforms and on their flying discs. These witnesses did not know they were not alien but fallen angels and demons.

    Best of UFO (Aug):Flying Entity and Ghost (Demon) -videos

    Our favorite (because all the footage is vetted) UFO video compilation splicer, AnonymousFO, has delivered the best of August 2013. It is riddled with the expected light orbs streaking around the sky and this time some metallic objects hovering and blinking. These “UFO” (which we believe are fallen angels) seem to know how to find the cameras — even the closed circuit ones.

    Best UFO Sightings Of August, 2013, AFO


    In some of the “UFO” cases witnesses across county lines mass called the police departments. There is definitely something being witnessed, the question is: who are the navigators? There seems to be a distinction between the metallic UFO and the light orbs unless there is an energy field around the metallic ones transforming them into light ships. Nothing the fallen angels do will impress me because they could have had a million year jump on mankind.
    2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

    New Living Translation
    6 And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. 7 For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.

    What did catch my eye was an apparition which appears in the video at 2:18 seconds. I saw this same classification type entity in another video. It almost appears as the Halloween favorite “ghost-in-a-sheet” (GIAS) and makes you wonder about the origin of it. Was the GIAS something witnessed at some point in another realm and mankind imitated what was seen?
    Take a look at the video below and you will see a very similar entity emerge from the rushing water, flee to a rooftop, and disappear. Some people believed it was CGI but I submit to you is the GAIS at 2:18 seconds in the first video CGI? We are beginning to see a pattern now with GIAS phenomenon and we will see more — I am speculating. Finally, you will see a strange flying humanoid shape in the sky from a high altitude perspective.

    Wow! "Spirit" Crawling Buildings During Japanese Tsunami! (2013)


    The Bible mentions a time when the restrainer will be lifted and what mankind will experience will be so terrifying hearts will fail. Are we getting a glimpse of what we will see when the switch is hit? Will it be a real-life Halloween experience with no candy? Just great terror and fear being spread. I say this because, imagine if people were having a pool party (at 2:18 seconds in the first video) and these beings manifested? People would be terrified and break speed records running to safety.

    To read more:

    Star Kids" The Nephilim Among Us-video


    The Nephilim Roman Catholic Church Of Satan-video


    Military Admits To Having A ‘Flying Saucer

    (The US has far more advanced flying crafts than these. They are decades or more ahead of what they show to the public. Sol-war)

    FORT BENNING, Ga. — The truth may be out there for UFO conspiracy buffs, but here military officials admit flying saucers have taken over the skies.
    The U.S. Army has been test-flying the CYPHER Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – a doughnut-shaped aircraft – for the past six years at the military post just outside of Columbus.
    CYPHER uses two sets of rotating blades that are mounted in the aircraft’s center to propel the machine. Hence, giving the aircraft its whirring sound and UFO look.
    The aircraft’s design allows it to hover over an area for as long as the fuel lasts. That capability distinguishes it from other unmanned aircraft currently being tested, said Mike Barnes, project director at the military post. CYPHER, which earned its name because of its ability to decode underground structures and secret tunnels, was created by Sikorsky Aircraft Inc. in Los Angeles.
    “The uses are absolutely endless,” said test pilot Pvt. Brent Satterfield of Fort McClellan, Ala. “If we had a hostage situation, we could use an infrared camera (in the CYPHER) to find out where everyone is in the house, where the exits are, and then we can plan out a better plan of attack.” The aircraft could also be used to drop off supplies to soldiers or disburse unruly crowds without subjecting pilots to danger, Barnes said.
    “We take these technologies and put them in the hands of soldiers and see if they can help them perform their mission,” he said. But Barnes and military officials admit, it’s the CYPHER’s covert capabilities that make it even more appealing.
    Inside the CYPHER, a video camera and a navigation computer – similar to those used in cruise missiles – would allow the military to survey enemy territory and areas attacked by poison gas or other hazardous bombs.
    Sikorsky, which also manufactured the UH-1 Huey and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, also made room for a pilot onboard the CYPHER.
    During a test flight Tuesday, Spc. Jacob Terrell, 21, flew the CYPHER over a crowd of cardboard dummies and hovered 150 feet above the ground before releasing canisters of smoke – simulating tear gas.
    “It was just like a computer game. It’s extremely easy to fly,” Terrell said. If Army officials in Washington approve of the aircraft, CYPHER engineers say they can build the aircraft in a variety of sizes – from a 40-pound model that can be carried in a backpack to the size of a cargo helicopter. A price tag has not yet been set and officials would not comment on the price of the prototype.
    While military officials and Columbus police say they have yet to receive reports of UFO sightingswhen the CYPHER is tested, engineers and military officials laugh at theories fueled by the Internet and television shows, such as Fox’s “X-Files,” that such technology is alien in origin.

    To read more:

    Bill Cooper explains Amoco Alien-video (A must watch)

    Bill Cooper explains Amoco Alien

    AMOCO Advertisement and the Alien

    In November of 1989 AMOCO placed a full-page advertisement in Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine headlined "Technology so advanced it will help you answer some big questions." On the back was a full-page color photo of an alien head and shoulders with his four-fingered hand raised in a gesture of friendship.

    Spokespersons for AMOCO said this is a photo of a ten-inch model.

    One NASA employee who received a copy of the photo in the mail said he thinks it is a photo of an alien taken by another alien with a camera provided by a NASA source. High quality copies show moisture in the corner of the left eye and thin hairs on the neck. Many people think this is not a photo of a ten-inch model. I asked the lady on the advertised 800 number if this ad sold much of their product. She said no, but they got a tremendous number of inquiries about the alien picture. This ad was repeated in Aviation Week and other aerospace magazines, some in even larger format. While I was in the Air Force we knew this as "Aviation Leak" magazine; because, much information, when declassified, reached the public through its pages without being released at a press conference. This insured responsible and accurate reporting.


    ALERT-The Alien Antichrist False Prophet Update! 2/2


    Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies-video


    ExoVaticana: Petrus Romanus & The Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an alien god


    EXO-VATICANA (Pt 2) Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, Nephilim As “Space Saviors” For Man's Salvation

    You only think you know what's coming...

    PROOF the Vatican works with SATAN (Lucifer) and wants you to believe in ET aliens who are good and not demons!
    Vatican officials are traitors to humanity and to GOD!


    Top Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno stated how contemporary societies may soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.

    Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham

    Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.

    It was Monsignor Corrado Balducci—an exorcist, theologian and member of the Vatican Curia (governing body at Rome) and friend of the Pope—who went perhaps furthest, appearing on Italian national television numerous times to state that ETs were not only possible but already interacting with Earth and that the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it. Furthermore, speaking as an official demonologist, he said that extraterrestrial encounters, “are not demonic.

    Still, perhaps most intriguing was Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin who, before his death in 1999, hinted at something like imminent extraterrestrial contact more than once. While on Coast to Coast AM radio in 1997, Art Bell asked Martin why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at the Mt Graham Observatory we visited. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret information pertaining to VATT. Martin’s answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and secular UFOlogists when he replied, “Because the mentality…amongst those who [are] at the…highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years” (emphasis added).[ix]

    When we asked Father Guy Consolmagno what he thought of Malachi’s claims, he seemed actually miffed by the man, saying, “I have heard stories about the late Malachi Martin which make me rather suspicious of statements that come from him. I was at the Observatory in the 1990s, and he never visited us nor had anything to do with us.” This reaction seems consistent with how many other Catholic priests despised Malachi’s willingness to disclose what Rome otherwise wanted buried, especially the Satanic cabal within the Jesuit order Malachi wrote about in his best-selling books.)

    To read:

    EXO-VATICANA (Pt 3) Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.

    Which Came First - VATT,Or The Real LUCIFER?

    The Men Of Renown Gen 6:4-video


    The Nephilim Counterfeit 2nd Coming of Christ-video


    NASA scientists take first steps to building faster-than-light warp engine that could make Star Trek a reality Reality

    (Clark McClelland former NASA SCO stated that NASA has been mining the moon for H-3

    helium-3 for four decades and that one space shuttle could carry enough h-3 to power the United States for one year with clean burning fuel. Maybe that is why NASA is pretending to be finding another solution for faster space travel. McClelland, and others such as the late Bill Cooper formerly assigned to ONI -Office of Naval Intelligence stated that NASA has already been to Mars and has a space station there. Sol-war)

    To read more:

    Mining The Moon for H-3 helium-3

    The Third Force-by Preston James


    Is this THIRD FORCE non-human or alien and are the major world powers being separately controlled by this entity in different dress inside each nation state’s highest echelons of government? Is there an overall coordinated purpose of this THIRD FORCE to create a NWO Globalist One-World Tyranny?


    Is their apparent end-game the drastic reduction of the world’s population through mass eugenics & world war after which they plan to establish a one world global empire with a single dictator, a new “Caesar of the Ages”?


    Is this THIRD FORCE a completely evil non-human parasite with superior intelligence that promotes the philosophy “the end justifies the means” in order to more quickly attain its long term goals?



    To read more:




    01Kingpins and Cutouts, Aliens and Hybrids-by Preston James

    Who is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain pulling the strings?

    Once a Bright and Rising Star, a great economic engine and the hope of the World, America has been transformed into an International Terror Factory with a collapsing economy.

    The USG has become an enemy of the American People and a blight on the World.

    How could this happen and where does the real power lie?

    Who has been pulling all the strings and taking America apart at the seams, trashing the Constitution, Bill or Rights and everything American Soldiers have fought for since the Declaration of Independence?

    How can we make sense out of this confusing mess?

    Sometimes the most incredulous things one CANNOT imagine, actually turn out to be true.

    How much do you really want to know about who runs the world?

    To understand who are the real Powers That Be (PTB), one must be willing to temporarily enter the twilight zone and take a trip deep into a rabbit hole.

    True Pyramid Power is the bureaucratic political organizing of society into power control hierarchies, some known and the most powerful ones unknown, it is not the power of the Giza pyramids.

    The top Covert Power in the world is referred to by many as ”the top of the pyramid” and these top controllers are always hidden by many layers of Cutouts who are more than willing to do their dirty work. Such is the nature of hierarchies and bureaucracies which have power funneled upward into a few select individuals who are the Leaders of the World and the true Powers That Be (PTB). These top controllers are best referred to as Kingpins.

    Note: This is a long article with sections that some readers will find irrelevant, tiring or boring. Bold print subject headings have been provided which can be scanned. Those sections which seem interesting can be read in full.

    The Old Black European Nobility (OBN) has been alleged to be the top world controllers and have been reputed to have Third Force or secret alien power, including Psi-power.

    It is generally recognized by top researchers of covert world power that the top of the pyramid are select individuals who are representatives of the “Old Black Nobility”(OBN) of Europe which go all the way back to Venice, Rome and even perhaps even to ancient Babylon.

    These folks are known for their secret knowledge and skills in the “Black Arts” using “human alchemy”, the powers of trauma based mindkontrol, numerous “magickal” arts, the power of secret assassinations using poisons, and allegedly deep and conventionally unknown Psi-power. They have been reputed to have a lust for shedding human blood and human sacrifice and it has been alleged that they have been anointed with what has been anecdotally referred to as “teaming power of Lucifer”.

    Some have alleged that Vlad the Impaler was the model user of this Third Force pure evil and serves as an historical example of unbridled terror and murder, an illustration of what the characteristics are of those at the top of the pyramid of control that truly run the world today who seem to crave mass death from war and eugenics.

    Notice that this print of a painting considered to be an accurate representation of Vlad shows the eight pointed double-cross aka the Mark of Cain on his forehead, identifying him as “evil ruling over evil”. Those who want to learn more about the Mark of Cain can refer to Tupper Saussy’s infamous book, “Rulers of Evil”.

    Certainly this type of evil appears to have infested those who pull the strings of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and many other nations as well as the City of London Banksters and the so-called Royal family.

    It has also been alleged that these folks have had long term relations with alien trans-dimensional entities which have superior technical knowledge and highly developed mindkontrol skills, but are evil beyond humans normal imagination to fathom.

    The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) has allegedly patterned their “Black Operations” on the basis of this hidden knowledge of the secret, occult “black arts” which has been selectively provided to their key Cutouts by top Kingpins of the OBN.

    To read more:

    Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ?

    * The Third Force has never been regarded as being able to treat any kingpins or Cutouts it selects and uses with loyalty. Once their mission is completed, they are thrown under the bus. The best evidence so far is that the Third Force is an ancient evil entity which has exerted worldwide luciferian control from behind the scenes. It does not like humans, nor does it experience any human emotions. It is a beast, a blood thirsty demonic fallen angel that is allegedly an energy vampire which feeds off the constant bloodletting, pedophilia and sacrifice of human victims, and thus massive perpetual 24/7 wars are its forte.

    It’s apparent goal to destroy the human race through war, destruction, high tech eugenics, and various sophisticated soft-kill methods, while creating its own substitute, a trans-human genetically spliced triple helix superman that is uni-sexual, and a beast with no conscience. Some researchers believe that the luciferian NWO plan involves complete replacement of humans with genetically spliced trans-human borgs which are inhabited by evil fallen angels (aka demons)

    Occasionally a good rumor is entertaining as well as distracting from the often negative barrage of daily world news which is usually slanted to indicate the demise of populism which is far from true.

    This article involves a story which I certainly hope turns out to be just a funny rumor. The problem is that the source for this story has very deep Intel connections and usually is right on the money.

    And there are certain background details which create many more questions than they answer. And it is these questions which seem quite remarkable in scope.

    A very strange trip to Africa during the last week of June 2013 for the last three American Presidents.

    In the June 18, 2013 issue of the Africa Review (Kenya, Africa), a very interesting story detailed expected intersecting visits of both former President Clinton and current President Obama to Senegal, Africa (1).

    The alone has not received any suitable explanation other than the flimsy reason that they were there to commemorate the Al Cia Duh bombing at the US Embassy in Tanzania.

    And believe it or not former President George W. Bush is alleged to also have arrived in Africa during this time period.

    Former US President Bill Clinton is expected in Senegal hours before the arrival of the incumbent President Barack Obama, sources said. The leading Le Populair daily on Tuesday quoted American embassy sources hinting that the two statesmen could likely meet during their stay in Dakar.
    The sources further said that President Obama was expected to extend his visit initially billed for 48 hours to 72 hours, beginning June 26.
    Several sitting world leaders, including, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the late Pope Jean Paul II, have visited Senegal over the last decade and toured the famous slave dungeon on Goree Island.”

    This visit of three American Presidents to the continent of Africa during the same time period is unprecedented in history and would appear to require an extraordinary explanation which has not been forthcoming.

    As if this story wasn’t already strange enough it gets even stranger, a story in CNN Politics on June 22, 2013 stated that President Obama and former President George Bush were to be on the African continent at the same time.

    Obama flies Wednesday across the Atlantic for a trip that takes him to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, marking his second visit to sub-Saharan Africa as president (He went to Ghana during his first term).
    Meanwhile Bush, who’s made multiple visits to Africa since leaving office, leaves next week for Zambia, where he’s working with his global health initiative to renovate a clinic that will serve as a cervical cancer screening and treatment center, according to the George W. Bush Presidential Center.
    While the 44th and 43rd president are not scheduled to meet up, first lady Michelle Obama will attend an event hosted in part by former first lady Laura Bush. The two will attend the African First Ladies Summit, put on by the George W. Bush Institute, in Tanzania on July 2, the final day of the Obamas’ trip.
    Aid to Africa was a big part of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. The former president started the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, otherwise known as PEPFAR, during his tenure at the White House. Started in 2003, the program grew into a $50 billion program to combat AIDS around the globe through testing, counseling and medical treatment.(2)

    President Obama changed his African trip schedule.

    It was announced that President Obama changed his initial schedule to extend his stay from 48 to 72 hours in Senegal (3). No reason was given for this change.

    The Washington Post noted another change with President Obama’s trip. It reported that his plans to participate in a Tanzanian safari were cancelled and changed to a visit to Robben Island, the place where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of his 27 years as a political prisoner (4)(5).

    As the story goes was reported it was suggested that objections voiced over the use of special sniper rifles for use by President Obama to hunt large African animals with and for use by his special security detail. Has there been a concern arising of the possibility that this special protection team could not be trusted?

    Former high ranking CIA analyst Ray McGovern reported that it was rumored that President Obama had remarked to a friend that he had backed off on campaign promises because he was afraid of ending up like JFK (6).

    Or perhaps this was just a cover story for a last minute change which was “suggested” by President Obama’s handlers, opening up his schedule for a now required meeting with a very powerful dignitary?

    Here is President Obama’s official travel schedule (7). It scheduled him to be in Senegal the same time as former President Clinton. President Obama joined George W. Bush at a special Tanzania memorial to end Africa trip (8).

    Bush and Obama just happened to find time to meet together by coincidence in Tanzania on July 2, 2013, will lay a wreath at the site of a 1998 Al Cia Duh bombing of the US embassy (10).

    Did former President Clinton Meet up with Obama and former President George W. Bush.

    But could former President Clinton been there too at the same time and could there have been a special meeting between the three Presidents in Tanzania, or could there have been such a special meeting earlier in Senegal? Or could each president have visited Senegal earlier and met with a very special world dignitary who is covertly assuming power, first in Africa and then the world?

    Certainly the visitation of a current sitting American president at the same time as two prior American Presidents is unprecedented. This alone suggests that something very strange is up.

    Of course with the apparent impending death of Nelson Mandela, control over the South American regime is now perhaps up for grabs. As many know the revolution in South America was an installation of a new socialist Bankster’s regime, actually a large scale social experiment. Doubt this then consider the triangular CIA center built in Johannesburg to represent the interests of the City of London Banksters.

    In President Obama’s speech at Tanzania, he said that America was going to get more involved in Africa not just for charitable reasons but for self-interest too, that is for new business opportunities. This was a surprisingly blunt acknowledgement since traditionally any involvement in South American or African matters have been to set up situations where the large international Banks sold work with the major international offshore corporations to sack the natural wealth of Africa.

    Perhaps the prominent reason for the simultaneous African visits of three American Presidents, one current and two former may be to pay homage to a new world ruler who is now being revealed to insiders. At least this is the rumor circulating at a deep level inside the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and MJ12 support staff.

    And who might this important and powerful NWO dignitary be, one so important three American Presidents would pay homage to him?

    As the rumor goes, it is Marduk who has descended to planet Earth to Africa from an alien spacecraft. According to legend, Marduk is supposedly an Annunaki (aka Anakem or Nephelim), a luciferian demon being that allegedly represents the inter-dimensional black planet “Niburu” which is invisible to astronomers. Allegedly the Annunaki were killed and/or driven away from earth during the flood and have begun a comeback during the 20th century.

    As the storyline goes, the have been rules established by God Almighty as to how their return must return if it is to happen. This involves creating and anointing various selective hybrid bloodline which are the merger between luciferian fallen angel blood and earth woman’s blood.

    Thus these select “lucifer illuminated” (aka Illuminati) families are allegedly anointed with luciferian power to take over the world step by step through a long process of step-by-step Fabian incremental socialism. This process involves and necessitates destroying normal male/female sex roles and the family system, “dirtying up” the population with drugs and pornography, hijacking and consolidating organized crime systems, creating an unlimited supply of money to buy and bribe governmental officials, creating massive intel systems to blackmail and compromise officials, setting up perpetual war systems, and making people dependent on mass media entertainment and mindkontrol systems.

    The return of the Annunaki King Marduk?

    The upward facing triangle is Annunaki fallen angel blood of the Nephilim, the “great men of old” and the downward facing triangle is the blood of the earth woman. Merged together they form the six pointed star, called the hex or the Babylonian “luciferian hex”, a symbol of Annunaki/human hybrid bloodlines anointed by lucifer.

    It is interesting that it has been alleged by several top researchers of UFOs and alien visitations, that the triangle symbolizes the Annunaki which have been alleged to have been deeply involved in human and animal abductions and dissections. Some have alleged that the Annunaki have eaten a large number of human abductees.

    Some historians say this was used by King Solomon when he returned to “foreign gods” and became “hexed” or under the con and curse of the six pointed Babylonian Annunaki star. The six pointed star was never used by most Hebrews to describe their various tribes or nations. It was adopted in approximately 700 AD by Judaics from a small secret sect some have referred to as the “synagogue of Satan” going all the way back to Babylon and also later adopted by the upper echelons of Freemasonry. Most non-zionist Judaics have no idea what the hex star really represent and would be horrified if they understood. The nation of Israel flies the hex flag and this symbolizes that it is a pure free-masonic nation run by the luciferians or “synagogue of satan” unbeknownst to most of its citizens or even most Judaics in the world.
    So, has Marduk landed, has he made his final return to take back planet earth and establish a complete luciferian globalist NWO system? And if so does he represent the Third Force that has secretly been pulling the strings covertly in the background? And as some astute researchers have stated, the Third Force is remarkably deceptive and crafty and uses Kingpins and Cutouts to do its dirty work, typically disposing of them by throwing them under the bus after their missions are completed.

    The Third Force (10)

    To read more:

    UFOs: World Government Secrets-video

    'Space Aliens from the Pentagon'

    July 22, 2013

    This clip promotes the idea that secret human technology is derived from back-engineered extraterrestrial technology.

    Although this clip starts off with a debunked clip of a UFO filmed from a helicopter maneuvering around the World Trade Center, in July of 2000 the rest of this British documentary has good information about known German antigravity programs, citing Werhner von Braun's mentor, NASA Space Scientist, Dr. Herman Oberth, who claimed in 1972 that: "We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields, alone. We have been HELPED. And we have been helped by the people of OTHER WORLDS."

    Mexican journalist, Jaime Maussan is interviewed, claiming that there is a "...monopoly conducted through science about finding life in different planets or in space...we have many different reasons to suspect that NASA has been lying in every respect."

    [Alexandra Bruce note: This sentiment could very well extend to Oberth's allegation that anti-gravity technology was derived from an off-planetary source. There is a well-argued school of thought that UFOs and "alien abductions" are 100% terrestrial].

    Maussan continues, "It is very difficult to know whether or not the politicians know the truth or not. We know that there is a government inside the government." Maussan claims that the same group who comprised the Manhattan Project went on to stage manage the historic Roswell and Socorro UFO crashes in the New Mexican desert. The group, which was later to be known as "MJ12" operates under a different name today.

    He goes on to say that, "The Russians now have a very different policy around these phenomena." He mentions a meeting between US President Ronald Reagan and Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev and how the latter was insistent on asking Reagan about what the US had done with the technologies given to them by "the others," Reagan was said to reply, "well what did YOU do with it?" Maussan points out that nothing was ever publicly said about aliens but that Gorbachev was said to have surrendered the Cold War, due to his belief that the Americans had very sophisticated technology supplied by the so-called "Gray" aliens.

    Shortly after this meeting, Russian Cosmonauts came forward and described their experiences with UFOs, releasing videos taken from inside the MIR space station (featured here), with dozens strange objects floating around the Russian craft in space.

    The the clip also shows footage taken from NASA's (now retired) Space Shuttle and given to the Russian Space Program, showing many strange objects glancing through space, especially a strange manhole cover-sized object, twirling about the MIR space station.

    Maussan says that these NASA videos were never directly released by them and that nobody should expect to get any UFO information from NASA but instead to find footage of UFOs through outside sources, such as the images recorded by hundreds of Mexican citizens during a massive UFO "flap," which occurred there during the early 1990s.

    To read more:

    Government Secrets



    A little-known US Navy agency employing some of the nation’s top information technology experts has been selectively monitoring websites that carry articles that relate to UFO crashes, Roswell and related events.

    For at least five years this small Navy organization has found, visited and reviewed certain blogs, writers and forums that discuss such subjects, including this blog -- The UFO Iconoclast(s).

    This agency employs personnel with Top Secret clearance that manage all Navy computer networks. They also manage the entire IP database for the US Navy, direct classified telecommunications networks, and support cyber defense and cyber warfare projects. They also provide the servers and networks for other government agencies including NASA.

    This agency collaborates with those in DoD military and intelligence. And the name of the agency caught in UFO site surveillance is the Navy Network Information Center (NNIC) within the “Navy Circuit Management Office.”

    That agency has also targeted this author.


    To read more:

    William Cooper: Secret Government MJ-12 UFOOs (Full Length)-video 1.28 mins

    Human body parts found on crashed ufos, water used as fuel by ufos and much more.



    (The late Dr. Karla Turner, and her husband apparently did not fully realize what the aliens were. They seemed to think they were from other planets. Although she hinted at that it may be demons who had taken over the souls of the aliens. There are no aliens. They are fallen angels and demons! Go to the Spiritual warfare section to :How to Plead the Blood of Jesus for Deliverance and Protection, use it and you will not be abducted. Sol-war)




    Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.abduc

    Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D.

    From Contact Forum, May/June 1995

    (Note: Karla Turner was a dedicated and compassionate woman who helped many abductees come to terms with their abusive alien experiences, and was not afraid to tell the truth, no matter how bizarre it might have sounded. Karla has appeared on the Montel Williams show and other programs to discuss her research. She passed away as a result of a particularly deadly form of terminal cancer. She will be missed. Some suspect that the cancer was induced via radiation received from earlier abductions, but this cannot be confirmed. This is a rather extensive interview, so we will deal with only some of the highlights. Once you have finished reading the following you, like myself, may also become a firm advocate of "draconicide"! - Branton):

    To read more:

    The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider.mp4

    Published on Mar 28, 2012

    Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970's which would change his whole world reality immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990's by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould and Cynthia Drayer (Phil's Ex-Wife).

    In this documentary you will find never before published photo's of Phil's Autopsy, documents about the Philadelphia Experiment from Oscar Schneider's files (Phil's father) and a very well explained background about Underground Bases.

    * (Phil Schneider believed that he was encountering ET aliens who had been underground for 400 or 500 years. It is alleged by certain Bible and ancient document experts that it was most probably the fallen watcher angels -199 of them- who God had punished and put them underground for 5000 years. At the time of this shootout apparently the 5000 years was up and they were released.

    One of the watchers the 1 of 200 was Azazel was thrown into the canyon of Duadel, and pinned with sharp rocks, with his face covered. In the Biblical book Leviticus, He remains there. There are only fallen angels and demons in different forms as they want to be, NOT different types of aliens from other planets. Sol-war)


    Lots of Acronyms Tracking UFOs

    Last month, the Vietnam New Agency announced that an explosion above Phu Quoc Island had littered the coastline with metallic debris. Residents showed off recovered scraps for the cameras, but no nation or corporation stepped forward to demand it back. No media followups on the analysis.

    Last October, a Romanian Mig 21 allegedly got dinged and battered by several UFOs, but the local TV report didn’t hit the West until a few weeks ago. Too bad Romanians don’t speak English.

    The point is, there’s a lot of stuff falling from the sky these days, but it usually passes with little more than a blurb and a shrug. Last year, however, a newsflash out of Somalia prompted Frank Warren to do a double take.

    According to Shabelle Radio, something crashed outside a town called Buulo Burde in March 2007, and allegedly killed a grazing camel upon impact. The report stated, somewhat awkwardly, that the thing glittered during the day and “in the nighttime it turns lights and speaks a strange language which can’t be understood by the villagers.”

    Warren, who runs a UFO Web site in Sacramento [Knowledge is Power], posted the news immediately. What intrigued him most were the government Internet Service Providers tuning into the story: U.S. Central Command, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, NASA/Cleveland, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

    “They all stacked up on top of each other within minutes, and I can guarantee you that was no accident,” says Warren. “It may have been something as simple as somebody making a call to a friend and saying, ‘Hey, check this out.’ But who knows.”

    Warren says the Somalian mystery crackled along the Internet for about 72 hours. “Then it went black. There was no more news. I tried to track it through local forums asking, ‘Have you heard any more?’ and they said no. I even e-mailed one of the local papers and never heard back.”

    Lacking additional data, Warren suspects what slammed into east Africa was a spy satellite, and that it was recovered by rapid-response teams. He hasn’t seen such a concentrated crush of government traffic before or sense. But authority types people are clearly trolling his page for the latest developments on the UFO frontier.

    Warren forwarded a sampling of the ISPs scoping over the years:

    Naval Surface Warfare Center, Fredericksburg, Va.

    Department Of Veterans Affairs/Little Rock, Ark.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    U.S. Patent And Trademark Office, Arlington, Va.

    The Boeing Company, Everett, Wash.

    Computer Sciences Corp, Lexington Park, Md.

    National Archives And Records Administration, Temple Hills, Md.

    Information Systems, U.S. House Of Representatives, Oxon Hill, Md.

    U.S. Department Of Transportation, Washington, D.C.

    Contra Costa County Office Of Education, Oakley Calif.

    State Of Texas General Services Commission, Bastrop, Tex.

    To read more:

    Naval base in Cape Town fires hundreds of rounds in the air and attracts UFO-video

    WORLD NEWS TOMORROW – Cape Town. An UFO captured on video for about 40 minutes was sighted over the naval base in Simon’s Town Naval Base, Cape Town when hundreds of rounds were fired into the air at around 9 pm Saturday night. It is unclear whether the firing was aimed at the UFO but its certain that the UFO did not respond.


    Aliens are Demons, Tom Horn and LA Marzulli -Feb 22, 2013 -video 1hr.06 mins

    Aliens are demonic not beings from another planet. Tom Horn and LA Marzulli discuss


    Project Hessdalen- UFOS Norway

    Evidence Indicates they are Demons -video

    Origin of the Nazi saucers and the UFO conspiracy and the disinfo being spread about the nature of UFOs.

    (Also examine Dr. Steven Greer's words. he is a major disinformation agent working with US Government and the Vatican! Sol-War)


    U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System Detailed By Dr Richard Boylan-3 videos

    On July 21st of 2011, when Space Shuttle Atlantis landed at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and headed to a museum, we were told that the U.S. no longer had any space-capable vehicles, and that we would have to rely on Russia and other countries to get into orbit and visit the Space Station, says Dr. Richard Boylan

    That was a lie.

    In actuality, since the late 1980s, the U.S. has contributed to a secret Space Fleet, its program code-named "Solar Warden", and which has now grown to eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships," asserts Boylan.

    The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command], headquartered in Dahlgren, Virginia. There are approximately 300 personnel at NNSOC's Dahlgren facility.

    To read more:

    Science Channel Sets Alien-Themed Programming for 'Are We Alone?' Month (Exclusive)

    PSYOPS- Conditioning the public to prepare for an 'alien landing of our savior brothers'.
    Yet the Vatican and all major world government leaders know the aliens are really demonic beings-fallen angels.

    New shows will explore such questions as whether extraterrestrial life exists and what would happen if aliens invaded Earth.

    Watchers, Aliens, UFOs, Angels, Demons: Tom Horn on PITN -video 57 mins



    Russian Prime Minister : Medvedev Comments Further on Alien Gaffe? [HD] Part 2

    Just the Facts?: Russians Threaten Alien Disclosure

    Warns Obama: Tell World About Aliens, Or We Will

    A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s [photo top left] agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week states that Russia will warn President Obama that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.

    The WEF (The Forum) is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Cologny, Geneva and describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

    The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.

    Medvedev is scheduled to open this years Forum where as many as 50 heads of government, including Germany’s Angela Merkel and Britain’s David Cameron, will attend the five-day meeting that begins on 23 January.

    Critical to note about this years Forum is that the WEF, in their 2013 Executive Summary, scheduled for debate and discussion a number of items under their X Factors from Nature category, and which includes the “discovery of alien life” of which they state: “Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”

    Equally critical to note is that Medvedev, after completing a 7 December 2012 on-camera interview with reporters in Moscow, continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that his microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:

    “Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”

    Western news sources reporting on Medvedev’s shocking reply about aliens stated that he was “joking” as he mentioned the movie Men In Black, which they wrongly assumed was a reference to the 1997 American sci-fi adventure comedy about two top secret agents battling aliens in the US.

    Medvedev, however, wasn’t referring to the American movie but was, instead, talking about the famous Russian movie documentary Men In Black which details many UFO and alien anomalies. [Full MIB length movie in Russian with English subtitles can be viewed HERE.]

    Where Western news sources quoted Medvedev as saying “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” his actual answer was, “You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”

    The reason(s) for Western propaganda news outlets deliberately distorting Medvedev’s words become apparent after his shocking statement, and as evidenced in just one example of their so called reporting on this disclosure of alien life already being on our planet where the title of one such article was “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”

    If anyone is “losing their minds” about aliens, it must be pointed out, it is certainly not Russia, but the Vatican, which in November 2009 announced it was “preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure.”

    Equally, and apparently, “losing their minds” are US government officials themselves, such as former Pentagon consultant Timothy Good, and author of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up, who in February 2012 stated that former President Dwight Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens who were ‘Nordic’ in appearance and wherein a ‘Pact’ was signed to keep their agenda on Earth secret.

    With the recent discovery in the Russian city of Vladivostok of a 300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel, and scientists, astronauts and YouTube users reporting increasingly strange happenings on the moon, the European Space agency reporting their discovery of a 1,000 ancient river on Mars, and UK and Sri Lanka scientists saying they now have “rock solid proof of alien life” after finding fossilized algae inside meteorite, the only ones who seem to be truly “losing their minds” are the Western, especially American, propagandists who for decades have covered up one of the most important stories in all of human history that “we are not alone.”

    To if Medvedev will be able to convince the Obama regime to tell the truth about UFO and aliens at the WEF this week it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that with or without the US, the Kremlin will surely begin the process of telling the truth about that which we already know to be true. - Here and Now

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God".
    (1 John 4:1)

    Do they come from outer space or inner space?
    Are they physical beings or spiritual beings?
    Historically has this all happened before?
    Don't Be Deceived
    And no wonder, for even Satan disguises
    himself as an angel of light.
    (2 Corinthians 11:14)


    It is not just fallen angels who fly in the heavens.
    Isa 19:1 The Lord rides upon a swift cloud... Ps 18:10"...and he (God) rides upon a cherub, and did fly, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.” 2 Sam 22:11 “...and he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and was seen upon the wings of the wind.
    Ps 104:3 “Who makes the clouds his chariot: who walks upon the wings of the wind”.
    2 Sam 22:10-12
    10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.
    11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
    12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.

    Ps 18:9-11
    9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
    10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.
    11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

    What are the Clouds of Heaven?

    UFOTV: Life On MARS? - New Scientific Evidence - Full Length video

    Scientists announce the discovery of startling artificial Megalithic structures found among recently released NASA / JPL photos taken by the Mars Global Surveyor and that these artificial structures are stunning proof that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent civilization. Includes a spectacular collection of new photographs presented by Dr. Tom Van Flandern, former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory. See remarkable monuments, "T" shaped craters, gigantic glass tube systems, ancient forest remains and grand edifices that will leave you speechless. Also features Astronomer and former NASA Astronaut, trained to go to Mars, Dr. Brian O'Leary.


    Mars Anomalies, Water, Plants, Life!? HD -video


    MEN IN BLACK - Full Russian Documentary With English Subtitle-video

    The disinformation part of this film is that these are not aliens from some other planet here to help us. They are in fact fallen angels (multidimensional beings) who are here to lead us into all types of sin so that we can not go back to God i heaven because they can never go back to God. No governments, who know this, are going to tell the world the truth. Top officials and globalists have sold their souls to satan for power and technology..
    Published on Dec 18, 2012
    Watch the documentary about "men in black" recommended by the Russian Prime Minister: Dmitry Medvedev.
    On Friday, December 7, the current Russian Prime Minister and former President, Dmitry Medvedev, made some startling off-air comments to reporters while his microphone was still switched on. He was asked whether the President is given any secret files on extraterrestrials while in office. In his responses, Medvedev not only confided that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth, but that some are actually living among us. He went even further to say that the Russian documentary, "Secrets about Men in Black", could give you more details about this issue

    John Keel The Men In Black 1989 parts 1-6 videos

    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 1 of 6


    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 2 of 6


    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 3 of 6


    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 4 of 6


    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 5 of 6


    John Keel - The Men-In-Black (1989) 6 of 6


    Search For The Mothman - (2002) .avi-video

    Mothman was seen at the same time as many UFOS were seen, some of which were cigar shaped while others were glowing balls of light. Considering how Mothman had wings and satan was one of only a few fallen angels with wings this may have been satan himself.


    Why UFOS favor flying over St Andrew's Church-Kiev Ukraine

    Included here is the Mysterious or 'Divine face' of Kiev from an aerial view.

    Also included are a few of the cell phone photos of this author of UFOs over the area of St. Andrew's church. I had observed, photographed and filmed about 8 to 9 UFOs and several occasions from October 2, 2011 through December of 2011. I photographed some for up to two hours and some followed me home in which 25 to 30 UFOs appeared and put on quite a show. Aside from these translucent moon shaped UFOs, on other occasions I saw & photographed two diamond shaped crafts, and another time four cigar shaped crafts which I video taped by cell phone cam

    I had 5 different sightings in Kiev, including with one witness who was with me. (Detailed reports and more photos available, which were sent out to some people at the time.) One has to wonder if the beings in the UFOs are attracted to the 'Face in Kiev', St. Andrew's church, or what?

    St. Andrew’s Church is one of the symbols of Kiev, Ukraine, which is also famous abroad. It is an Orthodox temple named after St. Andrew the Apostle.Two thousand years ago St. Andrew came upon a hill which would be the place where the city of Kiev would be established. St. Andrew proclaimed that this would be the 'city of God.' It was a sea at the time. That sea is believed to be under the city of Kiev now.

    It was built in 1749-54 by the order of Empress Elizabeth on the place where had been erected the cross by St. Andrew during his trip to the North. The architect of the construction was Bartolomeo Rastrelli who was also famous for being an author of such structures as Mariinsky Palace in Kiev, Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and the Catherine Palace in Pushkin.

    A mysterious face of Kyiv

    Chronology of UFO sightings over Kiev-1,000 year history

    1962 - St. Andrew's descent over hundreds of people have seen dozens of "flying saucers", flown over the "House of Richard" Crane systems (J. Socko. UFO: Made in Ukraine. - The "UFO in Ukraine»,

    House of Richard is known as Richard's Castle since is was built in the early 1900s. It is a few minute walk to St. Andrew's church and within sight of the church. Richard was murdered in the castle and the killer never caught. The castle is said to be haunted for many decades. it is in very good condition yet remains empty all these decades..

    UFO video 4 cigar shaped over Podol area of Kiev Ukraine Oct. 22, 2011- video


    Vailixi - Super-fast Vimana
    Atlantean Technology
    'Andromeda-Gerat' is a
    Modern Vailixi
    Retro-engineered from
    Nephilim technology

    What's The Vatican Up To ? Are They Conditioning Us?
    Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6

    United Nations To Appoint Space Ambassador, Then Deny It
    Video 1 Video 2

    Hollywood & The Mass Media Promotes Aliens but why?
    Video 1

    Remember War Of The Worlds Radio Broadcast Oct 30th 1938 Orson Wells?
    Part 1 Part 2

    Alien Invasion First Proposed In 1917 by Marxist John Dewey
    (Founder of the American Public Education System)
    Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4

    UFOs & Antarctic Bases – A Realistic Appraisal-by Ernst Zundel

    by  Ernst Zundel

    This article was written more than ten years ago – before Ernst Zundel’s political kidnapping and subsequent incarcerations in six prisons in three countries on two continents for his politically incorrect ways.


    In the 1970s, a film documentary appeared about the German Antarctica expedition on prime time German TV, which included filmed interviews of some of the actual participants of that expedition. This expedition team surveyed and mapped large areas and took soil, water and ice samples. It charted the Antarctic waters and air currents. It left behind hundreds of Swastika flags driven into the Antarctic snow and more hundreds of flags air-dropped to lay proper explorers’ rights of possession to that terrain. All of this is documented in the above mentioned book.

    This expedition claimed officially for Germany a clearly defined geographic area of the Antarctic Continent and named warm water lakes and mountain ranges they discovered you can read about and find on any map put out by the National Geographic Society, for instance. This claim is presently recorded in the Antarctica Gazetteer No. 14, available from the United States Board on Geographic Names.



    Quotes from various books, materials and sources.

    I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away."

    -Whitley Strieber, "Transformation", p.181

    "Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me...Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons...At the very least I was going stark, raving mad."

    -Whitley Strieber, "Transformation", p. 44-45

    The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscient of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."

    -Dr. Jacques Vallee, "Confrontations"

    "The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon..."

    - John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299

    "Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception."

    - Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20

    "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."

    -Terrence McKenna [from a lecture]

    "One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships."

    - Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 07/27/75

    "A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."

    - Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002 and 68-0003

    "Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why...What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them."

    - Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 96

    "There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings originate from outer space."

    -Gordon Creighton, Official 1992 Flying Saucer Review Policy Statement

    "These entities are clever enough to make Strieber think they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something 'good,' he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they are."

    - John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 21

    "I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment."

    - Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 172

    "The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon."

    - John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 248

    "We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth."

    -Brad Steiger, Canadian UFO Report, Vol 4, No 4, 1977, p.20

    "But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture."

    -John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p10

    "UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it ... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of the past days are probably identical."

    Landing in Voronezh (1989) (UFOS Russia)

    Translated from Polish

    Those interested in ufology probably familiar with the controversial case of a UFO landing in a park in Voronezh in 1989. Viewing of this book by Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle Fri Mysterious Sky: Soviet UFO Phenomenon "dedicated to the extraordinary events of Voronezh, connected not only with the incident of Jużnego Park, as well as other cases.


    P.Stonehill, P.Mantle - Mysterious Sky: Soviet UFO Phenomenon 

    Voronezh - czarnoziemnego a region in Russia is a480 km south-east of Moscow. The city was founded in 1585 during and since that time it has developed to such an extent that today has around one million people. Voronezh River divides the city of the same name in two parts.

    During World War II, the city was almost completely destroyed. The region has a good climate, fertile land and iron ore deposits, which together form the basis for the development of industrial and agricultural. Maybe that's what attracted the attention of extraterrestrial visitors, who arrived here in the second half of 1989, when the Soviet Union was in a period of great change. 


    Woronescy ufologists are known throughout the world. The organization is focusing its Voronezh Anomalous Phenomena Research Committee, chaired by Genrik silanes - geophysical laboratory of the local manager, who shared important information with the West, including a book Fri "UFO in Voronezh "written along with four other researchers. 

    It is important that at the beginning to understand that in Voronezh UFO seen over the years, and among the witnesses were civilians, soldiers, police officers and scientists.

    A week before the historic observation locals spoke of many objects. It all started on September 21, 1989.Among the objects observed on this day was a UFO in the shape of a hat, orange disc, cigar-shaped object, emitting rays of dark red spheres, reminiscent of the moon and the object that emits radiation upward. Among those who spoke of the observations were representatives of many social groups and professions. The majority of the objects, however, have a spherical shape. Their presence, in most cases affect the electrical equipment, and humans, causing such followed by observations of insomnia and other strange states. Several witnesses reported that the objects were on the hulls of strange characters, however, silanes and his men were not able to definitively determine how this symbol appeared.

    UFO sighting in Voronezh continued throughout October. Significantly, they have taken a different dimension in Nowoworoneżu, where the nuclear power plant.

    How it all began

    Global interest in Voronezh case began with a short article published in Alexander Mosołowa local press.He met with eye-witnesses of the incident, including a teenager Vasya Surin. The boy and his friends were talking about events that are then described the agency TASS. The boy's mother and neighbors remembered seeing a strange reddish object that a few days later flew over the houses.

    Some of the children - witnesses: Lena Sarokina, Vasya Surin, Vova Starcew, Alyosha Nikonov (photo: M. Hesemann for )

    The incident has set in amazement of the USSR and the rest of the world. Witnesses claimed that the Voronezh UFO nadleciało 27 September 1989 year. Playing football in the park Jużnym boys saw a pink glow in the sky, and then a ball with a diameter of approximately10 m, which disappeared some time later to reappear hovering over them. The crowd that gathered in the open and then saw the hatch " trzyoką"essence. It measured the ca300 cm tall, had gray suit, brown " shoes "and a" disk "is placed on the chest. Property landed, then got out of the two forms, in the robot. The boy cried out in terror, but when the stranger looked at him with his shining eyes, the child was not able to move. Observers were screaming, and object disappeared to reappear after about 5 minutes. Alien creature had a sort of " gun "- half a meter long pipe, which she pointed her in the direction of 16-year-old, after which he disappeared. When she got to the essence of the ball and took off, the boy appeared in the same unexpected way gone. Names of three children, witnesses the event, said the newspaper " Sovetskaya Culture ".


    Silanes and his companions had to investigate najniezwyklejszy undoubtedly the case, which took place over the years in the area of ​​Voronezh. Doubt on the information provided by TASS, and its position revealed in an interview with the agency AP. As with other silanes Jużnego went to the park for testing 3 October 1989. The boys showed him exactly where the land was subject. Everything was recorded on the tape - the place around, witness. Children also reported on other observations of anomalous objects, which took place on the outskirts of the park. Delivered many interesting details about the appearance of objects, holographic images and unusual side effects of exposure of children to strangers. But the real story became a sensation when Voronezh authorities supported the ufologists.

    You were able to take samples of earth from UFO landing site in the park. Local air defense unit also provided relevant reports (although the presence of the object is not found). Woroneska police, in turn, helped in collecting Siłanowowi relationship. After the Oct. 10 reported on the event, in his speech a day later silane journalists warned against drawing hasty conclusions, but it did not help. Youzhny Park became the center of world attention. UFO reports flooded woroneską research group, as well as the Soviet newspaper editors.

    Drawings beings and the object (Fig. for: )

    Soviet ufologists began to slowly discover that the year 1989 was over a period in the Soviet Union of UFO activity in the Republic of Siberia to the Baltic. In many cases, the relationships were almost identical to those of Voronezh. Also Spanish relations, which have been reported to Bass Miguel to describe almost identical creatures, which saw the boys from Voronezh.

    Spanish events took place before the woroneskich and have also been well documented. Boys from Cadiz residents of Voronezh and saw almost the same looking creatures. During this time, residents of the Russian city of course they did not have access to Spanish materials.


    A special committee which originated the woroneskich rulers consisted of physicists, chemists, biologists, soil experts, engineers, nuclear, criminologists and psychologists. Children who have witnessed the events have been thoroughly tested. Not achieved, however, seems to have been no specific requests. The Commission has not found anything anomalous in the park, or physical evidence of the presence of UFOs.What is more, however, the committee was aware that the incident can be investigated effects of modern scientific methods. The application said that probably in a park in Voronezh was in fact something of an anomalous nature. The ufologists failed to find traces of anything unusual in the soil samples, which were analyzed in a laboratory. In mid-December 1989, local ufologists spoke about his conclusions on the events in the television Fri UFO in Voronezh . "

    Without the epilogue

    You should understand the basic fact that the investigating committee woroneska cases consisted of scientists, psychologists, criminologists and medical experts. They studied children - witness the events and came to the conclusion that their stories may differ in some details, which emerged as a result of constant repetition of the history of musical notes and a little imagination. After 10 days of intense interrogation occurred up to several changes in information.

    However, the story does not end there. A few years ago, we received information about other events surrounding what happened in Jużnym Park.


    5 January 1990 year on building No. 17 on the street. Astronauts circles appeared in the snow. Last night a lot of people saw a UFO on the outskirts of the city, near nowoworoneskiej nuclear power plant, which is located on the Don42 km from Voronezh.

    The local police investigated the origin of the mysterious circles. In the evening, a local reporter January 4 through binoculars noticed a strange object resembling a " star ". It emits rays of white light, in which the ends were reddish balls of a smaller size.

    Beings, and vehicle appearance by Jelena Penkowej (Fig. for: )

    4 March 1998 another remarkable event took place in the center of the region woroneskiego, in a place away only 10 km from the power plant in Nowoworoneżu. At about 14 locals have observed what looked like " a falling burning plane . " Local Interior Ministry delegation and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Affairs and other government agencies have been informed about this immediately. The search did not produce any results, but after a few hours, the locals reported the emergence of a strange cloud of smoke contained some40 km south from where came the first follow-up, the region ostrogożińskim. There also was not found anything unusual. Nevertheless, RIA-Novosti correspondent, V. Kołobow, ITAR-TASS agency and state television reported the plane crash AN-26 near the plant.

    Journalists barred from entry to the search. The next day it was announced that no aircraft was not lost and the locals probably saw the burning of the Russian spacecraft. The investigation continued on, so that in secret. Vadim Czernobrow estimated duration of three months.

    The government put forward a lot of (sometimes hilarious) explanation as to what happened. A representative of the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk disposal ruled, for example, that the soldiers removed the mines in the forests in the region Podgoreńskim. Despite this Czernobrow noted that the only entities eliminating mines in Russia were private companies. Why, then, in this case it was different? Why faces are removed in a remote forest, and it is with the soldiers? Why was he surrounded by other soldiers? Seeking answers to these questions Czernobrow came to the conclusion that sought something else.

    REPORT FROM 1982

    Another account of the Voronezh area shows some of the possible causes of anomalous vertical holes in the ground, which also appear in Poland .]

    Witness LN Shevchenko, engineer-geophysicist. 8 August 1982 year, 19:50. Observation of the bus was located on the road Voronezh-Kursk, about5 km from the village and about Tim 500 meters from the highway. Passengers saw a pillar of fire, which slowly fell to the field. was perfectly visible. had about 15 -20 m long and about 2 m wide. As he approached the ground, at the end of the column appeared object resembling a corkscrew, which delved into the ground. Object moving at a constant speed until it disappeared from sight. When directed toward Earth, passengers noticed smoke in the air. Follow-up lasted about 5 minutes. ________________________

    Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction

    Close encounters of a lenticular kind: The mountain-top cloud formations that look like UFOs

    I disagree with the statement these are only clouds. There are thousands of sightings with videos from all over the world proving significant evidence that multi dimensional beings are revealing themselves in the clouds Remember for disinformation is the agenda of most news publications.


    Russian Roswell- The KGB Blue File

    Russia has a long history of UFO sightings, dating back thousands of years. Russian researcher, Paul Stonehill, co-author with Philip Mantle of UFO-USSR, described how in about 950AD, Ahmed Ibn Fadlan, an Arab chronicler, was dispatched by the Caliph of Baghdad to engage in diplomacy with the King of the Bulgars. In the Volga region of Russia, Fadlan described how he and his fellow travellers witnessed ‘aerial battles’ between ‘shapes’ that moved through the clouds. Fleets of objects, flying in formations that resembled people and animals, engaged each other, merging and separating for a long period of time. Stonehill described it as being like something from a modern movie.
    Azhazha explained how many Soviet fighter pilots engaged in dogfights with UFOs. Former Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut, a hero of the state, Marina Popovich confirmed that she had personally witnessed aerial battles between Soviet jets and UFOs.
    One such event she described occurred in 1964. During a training mission, two jets came under attack from a UFO and were forced into a spiral dive. In 1980, Colonel Popovich encountered several unidentified objects while on a top secret mission. She said they were three fireball-like lights and she watched as they moved away.
    In the evening of the 7th of August, 1967, Colonel Vyatkin Lev Mikhailovic suddenly encountered an object that was projecting a beam of light downwards. He tried to wrestle his MiG away from the beam, but the left wing touched it and he struggled to regain control. The plane shook and his instruments went haywire. As they flew away, his technician exclaimed that the wing was glowing and after they landed, it continued to glow for a whole week afterwards.
    To Read more & watch videos:

    Simferopil Ukraine-Female humAnoid (demonic) contact

    We now come to third part of our series, “Encounters with the blond and their kin”, in this section we will detail cases said to have occurred during the 90’s which in some way or the other describe this type of entity of being. The nineties was a decade of change, genocide, (Rwanda, Yugoslavia, etc), Operation Desert Storm, and of perhaps the beginning of a new phase in natural disasters (Hurricane Andrew). It also brought information from areas in the world which before there was few if any. The unprecedented wave of reports which began in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in 1989 reached its peak during 1990--1992, hundreds of cases were -- catalogued by numerous UFO groups and investigators groups and investigators from those countries, but from those countries, but 8 unfortunately many or most remained un--translated and unknown to most Western -- researches, perhaps with a few exceptions. Whatever your take on the decade of the 90’s we all must agree that the world would never be the same again, change was accelerated and it was irreversible.

    We begin with the beginning or the 90’s or the end of the 80’s, whichever you prefer, the year was 1990 and it was a year to remember.
    The first case comes from the city of Simferopol, located in the Crimean Peninsula of Ukraine. Before his encounter at an unspecified date in 1990, the witness, a teenager from Yalta, back in the summer of 1928 back in the summer of 1928 was loitering in the mountains of the Ai’ Petri plateau, walking among the rocks and crags when suddenly he noticed a strange light emanating from a “karst” (shaft) on the ground. Being curious he approached closer and kept watching the unearthly light from coming out of the shaft. Some time later he was suddenly seized by fear and ran home. Now many years later (1990) the same witness (now obviously an adult) was in his bedroom at night when a very tall woman suddenly appeared in his room amidst a strange circle of light. The woman communicated by using telepathy and said, “Do you remember when you were a remember when young boy, you saw the light from the place we live in the shaft?” The man was stunned since he had not told anybody about his previous experience. Before disappearing the strange woman told him that they lived in an underground city under the Ai’ Petri plateau with an approximate pop i’ Petri plateau with an approximate population of of 2,000. She added that 2,000. She added that they traveled in UFOs. (10) This case is part of the underground lore involving UFO bases and installations and of course ancient civilizations. izations. Beginning in the 90’s encounters with entities at times described as ‘looking like human--alien hybrids’ or strange looking humans that did --alien hybrids’ or strange looking humans that did not quite fit in or acted very ot quite fit in or acted very bizarrely were beginning to be reported more often and from almost worldwide locations.

    Kalinino, Krasnogvardeyskiy, Ukraine 1978 UFO beings

    Location. Kalinino, Krasnogvardeyskiy area, Ukraine
    Date: Summer 1978
    Time: 2200
    4 local residents walking on a road in the center of the village were approaching a telephone pole when suddenly a strange entity ran out of the darkness from behind the pole and into the middle of the street. The entity stood first on its legs and then on its hands. It resembled a sort of hairy dwarf, covered in dense fur; its face and hands were white. Seconds later the entity jumped into a nearby flowerbed of roses. The witnesses ran after it and attempted to locate it in the flowerbed but could not find it. The witnesses kept walking further and entered an acacia valley. 20 minutes later they stopped to smoke a cigarette forgetting momentarily about the strange entity. While smoking they noticed a globe-shaped shining object that descended from the sky and began hovering at about 1.80cm above the ground. The globe was no less than 2 meters in diameter. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the globe and it zoomed up. Seized by an unearthly fear the witnesses remained sitting on the ground in the same location the rest of the night, even though their houses were nearby.
    HC addendum
    Source: Anton Anfalov personal investigation
    Type: D or E?

    Tblissi, Georgia, Moscow Russia UFOS-beings 1989

    Sometime in May or June 1989 near the small town of Ortachala, south of Tblissi, Georgia (formerly a Soviet Union Province, not yet independent at the time), one evening several witnesses, including a 9-year old boy Evgeniy Nikolaevich Gigauri and an older friend observed the flight of a round silvery object near the hamlet. When the object approached their position, it appeared to be a silver oval-shaped craft that was semi-transparent in the center. They could see a humanoid entity inside. The entity resembled an elderly man wearing silvery clothing, which emitted a faint light. The man was in a sitting position, typical that of a driver or chauffeur, but visibly he appeared not to be operating any controls---his immovable hands were positioned on his knees or on some panel that was only faintly visible. No other details of the object’s interior could be seen. The object was about 1.5-2 meters high and flew very low over the witness’s heads; it then turned slowly and flew towards the mountains south of Tblissi. The young boys then rushed to tell their parents what they had seen. (42)

    On May 19 1989, in the capital city of Moscow, Russia, a local 20-year old woman, named “Linda” was visited by several alien beings at night. These beings suddenly appeared inside her apartment and woke her. She then saw three alien figures in her bedroom; two were typical “Nordic blond type” a male and a female, and the third entity a robotic type. Both Nordics were dressed in tightfitting silver suits, resembling fish scales. Both had light wavy hair (the woman shoulder length and the man somewhat shorter). The woman wore a belt around her waist resembling a bandolier (ammunition belt) and pearly shiny in nature.
    She communicated telepathically with the witness. Among many different things she said was that the “bandolier” was actually a “universal device” and they use it to “dematerialize” and compress and vanish their robot, or restore it back to visible matter. The aliens then invited to look at their spacecraft which was hovering outside the window. She agreed and looked out the window and saw the craft hovering at a very close proximity. She described the craft as being boomerangshaped or wing-shaped with rounded ends. It had a hemispherical protrusion in the center top with a broad window covered with a net-like structure. On top of the dome were three antennas, resembling feelers---one vertical, and the other 2 on the sides. Two circular columns of light were projected down to earth from the craft. The “Nordic” aliens told Linda that they had settled the Earth from a far distant planet on another solar system. They consisted of “another substance” and were more developed. They warned her about several dangers that she would face in the future. They also told the witness that they were capable of making “pure conception, grow people of the 6 th race and missionaries.” (Unclear of the meaning). They added that she was an 22 “extraterrestrial being” her soul incarnate into a human body. The male alien told Linda that his name was “Zike”. After the conversation was over the aliens departed and re-entered their craft. Linda then noticed that the craft emanated a whistling and hissing sound during takeoff and the antennas retracted inside. The craft then tilted slightly and then shot away at incredible speed quickly vanishing from sight. Apparently Linda would have further contacts with the same aliens. “Zike” told the witness that he was her guardian for 10 more years and when she turned 30 another alien would take his place. (43)

    That summer (1989) in the town Slobodin, Moscow region, Russia, one night, the witness, Boris E. an aircraft engineer by profession was resting in his family dacha outside of Moscow when one evening he felt that ‘there was something wrong’, what exactly was wrong, he could not pinpoint. So he decided to take a walk in the woods and while doing that he found a “mushroom” naturally he picked it up and suddenly he heard in his mind a voice, “Put the mushroom back!” startled, he ignored the command, and then the order was repeated. So he decided to put the mushroom back, he was uneasy and felt as if someone was ‘experimenting’ on him. He returned home, did not speak to anyone and went to sleep. In the middle of the night he suddenly wakes up and surprised he rubs his eyes, standing at the door of the verandah were two tall, 1.90m, male figures. They were wearing coveralls, and were very muscular and well proportioned; they looked to be about 35 years of age. The coveralls were gold-colored without zippers or buckles and clung to the body, leaving only the face and hands exposed. One of the intruders was holding a screen the size of a small television, which was displaying some symbols, similar to dots both small and large. Somehow Boris remained calm and concentrated on the screen, suddenly its function revealed itself very clearly, the screen was a ‘translator.’
    Immediately after, Boris heard in his mind the first questions, “Do you want to travel with us?” Boris thought of his wife and children, who were sleeping peacefully on the other room and he asked the intruder mentally, “Can they come too?”, at this point the two strangers began conversing among each other debating if it was permitted to bring all four members of the family ‘without any consequences’, they spoke about some rules prohibiting such an operation. Then they looked at Boris and realized that he had understood their conversation. Suddenly Boris found himself sprawled on the couch, confused and afraid, it felt as if he had been thrown there by an unknown force. With some difficulty he got up and went back to the room where the strangers still stood. He then asked the men, “If I agree to go with you, when will I return?” “After 40 years” they answered. He felt terrible grief and was hesitant. He sensed impatience in the part of the intruders and heard them say that it was now necessary to take ‘somebody else’. Apparently they had in mind somebody else. Boris again found himself sprawled on the sofa and was again afraid. He heard the door of the verandah slam shut, he wanted to go see but was unable to get up from the sofa. He then slept peacefully. The entire meeting lasted about 10 minutes and it seemed to Boris that the strange ‘guests’ been in a hurry. (44)

    Telly Savalas, the well known actor, famous encounter with the black Cadillac and Harry Agannis (demonic encounter)

    Telly Savalas famous encounter with the black Caddilac and Harry Agannis. The Following narrative has been compiled from various sources but the main one is John Keel “Our Haunted Planet”. The location was somewhere in Long Island, New York and the date was June 26 1955 one late night: Telly Savalas, the famous character actor, told Hollywood reported Dick Kleiner a weird story involving a black Cadillac. It happened when Savalas was young and flat broke. His car ran out of gas on Long Island, and after he started walking, a black Cadillac “seemed to appear from nowhere,” and the driver offered him a lift. The driver was dressed entirely in white---a refreshing switch---and said very little. But at one point he offered Savalas a dollar to buy some gas. The actor insisted that he man write down his name and address on a slip of paper so he could be repaid. They found a gas station, and the driver waited while Savalas bought a can of gasoline. Then they drove back to his own car in silence.
    “I know Harry Agannis,” the driver said suddenly, Savalas asked who Harry Agannis was. “He’s a utility infielder for the Boston Red Sox,” the man answered. That was the end of the conversation. The man waited while Savalas poured the gasoline into the car, gave him a push to get him started, and then drove off with a wave. The next day Savalas was shaken by newspaper headlines announcing the sudden death of Harry Agannis He decided to call the phone number on the slip of paper given to him by the man in the white suit. It was in Massachusetts, and a woman answered. Savalas told her he wanted to speak to Bill, the name on the paper. There was a pause, and another woman came on the line. “I just met Bill last night,” Savalas began, ‘and something happened, and I wanted---“ “You met him last night?” she interrupted, choking on sudden tears. Then she told him that her husband Bill had been dead for three years. Later she met with Savalas in New York and told him that her husband had been buried in a white suit. She showed him the last letter her husband had written, 5 and he was startle to see that the handwriting exactly matched the handwriting on the slip off paper given him by the Cadillac driver. *
    Make what you will of the incident, Savalas spoke about during numerous interviews and never changed his story. Of course all UFO enthusiasts know about the three men in black and their famous ride, (in most cases) a black Cadillac. * Comment [asr1]: There are more details to this encounter which Savalas mentioned on taped interview.

    Kiev Ukraine-Attempted abduction of 3 women by beings in UFO 1989

    The next report is one of the best known contact cases from the Ukraine and the former Soviet Union during the period of 1989-1990.
    Location. Kiev, Ukraine
    Date: July 4 1989 Time: afternoon
    Two women, one named Vera Ignatenko, and a young girl were walking along a canal near some woods when they saw three men approaching on a strange silvery “boat” in the canal. The beings were manlike, wore shiny collarless suits, both had identical pale faces, long golden hair, and large radiant eyes. The beings approached the trio and spoke in pure ancient Slavic language (a defunct language spoken in old Russia) apparently wanting the witnesses to come with them to their “planet.” The beings claimed that they took one person from earth each day. The beings then walked with the women to a nearby hovering silvery barrel-shaped craft with an antenna on top. The women attempted to run away but could not, feeling a tingling sensation and were unable to scream either. The beings apparently decided against taking the three women and released them, they then entered the object via a stepladder. Before leaving, the beings demonstrated a holographic model of the solar system with a tenth planet to the witnesses and warned that electromagnetic emissions from and radio signals being transmitted into space attracted many negative alien cultures who are arriving on earth uninvited with the aim to exploit the planet for their own interests. The craft then left quickly and silently. Ignatenko was to have further contacts. (23)

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